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Akos Balasko edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 2 revisions


To configure Yarle, you must create a config file. By default it looks like this:

    "enexSource": "/absolute-path-of-your-enex-dir/test-template.enex",
    "templateFile": "/absolute-path-of-your-template-dir/sampleTemplate.tmpl",
    "outputDir": "out",
    "keepOriginalHtml": false,
    "isMetadataNeeded": false,
    "isNotebookNameNeeded": false,
    "isZettelkastenNeeded": false,
    "plainTextNotesOnly": false,
    "skipLocation": false,
    "skipCreationTime": false,
    "skipUpdateTime": false,
    "skipSourceUrl": false,
    "skipWebClips": false,
    "skipTags": false,
    "useHashTags": true,
    "outputFormat": "StandardMD",
    "skipEnexFileNameFromOutputPath": false
    "monospaceIsCodeBlock": false,
    "keepMDCharactersOfENNotes": false,
    "nestedTags": {
      "separatorInEN": "_",
      "replaceSeparatorWith": "/",
      "replaceSpaceWith": "-"

The following configurational properties are available: |

Property Name Property value Meaning
enexSource your enex file or the folder of your enex files specifies the exported Evernote notebook(s) as an absolute path
templateFile  absolute path of your custom template file if its not specified, a default template will be used
outputDir  relative path to your output dir this is the main output dir where the extracted markdown files and the external resources, images, pdf-s are going to be created
keepOriginalHtml true or false if set to true, then an additional HTML page that is an exact copy of the original note will be created in the _resources folder
isMetadataNeeded true or false if it's set to true, then every Markdown file will be supplemented with metadata (tags, time of creation, time of last update, lat-lon coordinates)
isNotebookNameNeeded true or false if set, every Markdown file will include the .enex file name in the metadata section. This is useful if you export each notebook as a separate enex file and wish to have them organized in ObsidianMD (or similar). Requires '--include-metadata' to be set.
isZettelkastenNeeded true or false puts Zettelkasten Id (based on time of creation) at the beginning of the file name
plaintextNotesOnly true or false skips any notes with attachments (e.g. notes containing pictures)
skipLocation true or false does not include location in metadata section
skipCreationTime true or false does not include creation time in metadata section
skipUpdateTime true or false does not include update time in metadata section
skipSourceUrl true or false does not include the source url in metadata section
skipTags true or false does not include tags in metadata section
useHashTags true or false whether to add the pound sign in front of tags
outputFormat true or false generates internal file links and highlights in Obsidian-style: highlights are going to be bounded by == instead of ` characters, file links are going to be as follows: ![[file-name]] instead of ![file-name](file-name). Possible values: ObsidianMD to get Obsidian-style notes, StandardMD or skip it completely, if you prefer Standard Markdown format.
monospaceIsCodeBlock true or false if it's true then all deepest elements with monospace font style is recognized as Codeblocks
keepMDCharactersOfENNotes true or false set it true, if you used Markdown format in your EN notes
nestedTags it's a complex property contains the following subitems: "separatorInEN", "replaceSeparatorWith" and "replaceSpaceWith"  separatorInEN stores the tag separator used in Evernote, replaceSeparatorWith is the string to what separatorInEN should be replaced to, and replaceSpaceWith is the string to what the space character should be replaced to in the tags. For example using the default settings a tag tag1_sub tag of tag1 is going to be converted to tag1/sub-tag-of-tag1

In program:

 const options: YarleOptions = {
        enexSource: 'enexFile',
        outputDir: 'outputDir',
        isZettelkastenNeeded: true,
        isMetadataNeeded: false ,
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