rails new app \
-d postgresql \
--T \
-m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ali-sheiba/rails_bootstrap_template/master/template.rb
The template will setup:
- devise
- pagy
- ransack
- redis
- sidekiq
- turbolinks
- webpacker
for testing and development:
- annotate
- database_cleaner
- dotenv-rails
- factory_bot_rails
- faker
- letter_opener
- pry-rails
- rspec-rails
- rubocop
- rubocop-rails
- rubocop-rspec
- shoulda-matchers
- timecop
for javascript:
- bootstrap 4.5.x
- jquery
- popper.js
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
the template will setup bootstrap with minimum requirement, devise bootstrap and it will provide scaffold generator using bootstrap also.
you can just run:
rails g scaffold post title:string content:text date:date
rails g scaffold_controller post title:string content:text date:date
and it will take care of the views
Clean up the setup and test it in real project and document it.