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Generate blurred previews for images! Check out the video demo!

Blurrd GIF

Uses cheerio under the hood to parse HTML.

Compatible with jquery_lazyload.


npm install blurrd

Usage - Command Line

blurrd [options] <file>

The simplest way to get started!

blurrd -o some/output/file.html input.html

Available Options

  -h, --help                 output usage information
  -V, --version              output the version number
  -s, --selector [value]     Image selector for cheerio
  -t, --transformer [value]  lazyload|basic (default)
  -q, --quality [value]      Image compression quality factor
  -m, --max [value]          Maximum image dimensions
  -o, --out [value]          Output file

Usage - API

Require/import it in your application

var blurrd = require('blurrd');

It returns a promise

blurrd(src, options)
  .then(function(result) {
    fs.writeFileSync('output.html', result, 'utf8');


The HTML source that needs to be processed


An object with the following possible values (defaults are shown);

options: {
  // options hash to pass on to cheerio
  cheerio: {},
  // selector used by cheerio to get all images
  selector: 'img',
  // maximum dimensions of processed image.
  // increasing this will dramatically increase
  // the size of the initial page load
  max: 24,
  // quality factor for graphicsmagick
  quality: 60,
  // used when the src in an image does not have a protocol
  dlProtocol: 'http:',
  // document transformers
  transformer: 'basic',
  // options to pass on to the transformer
  transformerOpts: {
    // options hash to pass on to the transformer

Available Transformers

blurrd is really flexible. You can use different strategies/techniques to display the image preview and load the actual image in the browser. There are two bundled in transformers - basic & lazyload


Works end-to-end. The following config options are available:

blurrd(src, {
  // other options
  transformer: 'basic',
  transformerOpts: {
    // whether to inject the default css into the page
    injectCSS: true,
    // whether to minify the css before injecting
    minifyCSS: true,
    // whether to inject the default js into the page
    injectJS: true,
    // whether to minify the js before injecting
    minifyJS: true,
    // css transition duration
    transitionDuration: 0.8, // in seconds
    // how long to wait after image load to replace
    // blurred preview with original. helps avoid
    // flicker when images are cached by the browser
    minimumWait: 0.25, // in seconds
    // css blur amount
    blurAmount: 10,


Another built-in transformer that works with jquery_lazyload.

NOTE This transformer injects no javascript on the page. You are responsible for loading jquery_lazyload and running $('img').lazyload() however you want.

blurrd(src, {
  // other options
  transformer: 'lazyload',
  transformerOpts = {
    // add `lazy` to the image elements for lazyload
    addLazyClass: true

Custom Transformers

Custom transformers must be an object with two methods - prepareImg & inject.

To use a custom transformer, specify the path in options.transformer

blurrd(src, {
  transformer: '../path/to/transformer.js'

Or, load the functions directly

blurrd(src, {
  transformer: {
    prepareImg: function(srcUrl, imgBuffer, imgEl, options) {
      // do stuff
    inject: function($, options) {
      // win!

prepareImg(srcUrl, imgBuffer, imgEl, options)

This function is called once for each image found in the document.

  • srcUrl The original src url of the image
  • imgBuffer Image preview (instance of Buffer)
  • imgEl A cheerio element
  • options Provided when running the parent script (as transformerOpts)

inject($, options)

Called once all images have been processed. As the name implies, inject the required scripts/stylesheets into the HTML here.

  • $ The root cheerio instance
  • options Provided when running the parent script (as transformerOpts)

See the basic or lazyload transformer for more details.


Blurred image previews on the web







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