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AdjectiveQ[word] gives True if 'word' is an adjective and False otherwise
AdverbQ[word] gives True if 'word' is an adverb and False otherwise
AlphaChannelQ[image] returns True if the image has an alpha channel
Antepenultimate[expr] gives Part[expr,-3]
Antonyms[word] gives the list of antonyms for 'word'
BoxSyntaxQ[boxes] returns True if the gives boxes can be transformed into an expression without errors, and False otherwise
BuildInfo[] copies build information to the clipboard and returns a button which does the same copy operation
BuildWikiDocumentation[directory,context] creates wiki pages for the symbols in the given context
By[head, data, func] evaluates as head[Map[func,data]]
CapitalizeSentences[string] capitalizes sentences in the given 'string'
CaptureFromIPCamera[ffmpeg,rtsp] captures a single image from 'rtsp' stream, using external 'ffmpeg' tool
ClickToCopy[expr] gives a button which puts 'expr' on the clipboard when clicked
CommonestBy[data, func] computes the commonest value of 'data' by using 'func'
CopyAsBitmap[expr] copies 'expr' as a bitmap
CreateDock[] adds a dock with useful buttons to your notebook session
CreateDockButton[ assoc ] creates a new dock button from association 'assoc' and add it to $DockButtons
CreateGIFAnimation[name,list] creates a GIF from 'list' and saves it in the Wolfram Cloud
CreateNotebookIndex[] creates a SearchIndexObject of all notebooks located in $InstallationDirectory
CreateNotebookRenderAPI[] creates the cloud api functions used by RenderOnlineNotebook
DatasetImport[file, ...] evaluates as Dataset[Import[ file, ...]]
DatasetImportFiles[files, ...] evaluates as Map[Dataset, ImportFiles[files, ...]]
DatasetMap[func, expr] evaluates as Dataset[AssociationMap[func, expr]]
DeletePersistentObjects[] locates and permanently deletes all persistent objects on your local file system (this can not be undone)
DirectoryByteCount[dir] returns the byte count for directory 'dir'
DirectoryFileList[dir] returns all files under directory 'dir' and all its subdirectories
DirectorySize[dir] returns the byte count for 'dir' as a quantity
DockButton[name] represents a button that can be added to the Prototype dock
Eighth[expr] gives Part[expr,8]
ElapsedTime[unit,expr] evaluates 'expr' and returns the elapsed time in the specified unit
EntityPropertiesDataset[entity] creates a dataset for the supported properties for 'entity'
Fifth[expr] gives Part[expr,5]
FileJoin[dir,file] combines binary part files in 'dir' into a single 'file'
FilePartition[file,size] partitions 'file' into chunks with the given 'size' and places them in a new directory
FilePattern is an option to FileJoin which specifies which files to include
FileTranslate[file,lang] translates 'file' to the specified langugage 'lang' using TextTranslation
FormatDetect[format,data] checks if 'data' (String/List/ByteArray) matches 'format' (PNG/JPG/GIF)
Fourth[expr] gives Part[expr,4]
GeoService[name] provides GeoServer 'name' for geographical functions. Use GeoService["Properties"] for a list. Use with GeoServer option.
GetFiles[files] evaluates as Map[Get, files]
Image3DCubeQ[image] returns True if the image width, height, and depth are all equal
ImageCropResize[image, dims] crops and resize an image to the specified dimensions
ImageStrictlyPortraitQ[image] returns True if the image width is greater than or equal to the image height
ImageStrictlyPortraitQ[image] returns True if the image width is less than or equal to the image height
ImageStrictlyPortraitQ[image] returns True if the image width is equal to the image height
ImageStrictlyPortraitQ[image] returns True if the image width is greater than the image height
ImageStrictlyPortraitQ[image] returns True if the image width is less than the image height
ImportDirectory[dir] imports all files in 'dir'. ImportDirectory[dir,patt] imports all files that match string pattern 'patt'
ImportFiles[files, ...] evaluates as Map[Import, files]
InformationDataset[ pattern ] gives usage information for functions matching the string pattern
LayeredGeoGraphics[primitives,layers] creates a layered GeoGraphics map for the specified GeoService layers
MakeString[expr] turns the unevaluated form of 'expr' into an InputForm string
MaxBy[data, func] computes the maximum value of 'data' by using 'func'
MeanBy[data, func] computes the mean of 'data' by using 'func'
MedianBy[data, func] computes the median of 'data' by using 'func'
MinBy[data, func] computes the minimum value of 'data' by using 'func'
NextToLast[expr] gives Part[expr,-2]
Ninth[expr] gives Part[expr,9]
NotebookTranslate[nb, lang] translates 'nb' to the specified language 'lang' using TextTranslation
NounQ[word] gives True if 'word' is a noun and False otherwise
PacletInformationDataset[paclet] returns paclet information as a dataset
Penultimate[expr] gives Part[expr,-2]
Prototype["symbol"] modifies System 'symbol' in a custom way. The modified behavior is printed to the session
QuickSearch[] provides a quick interactive way to search all notebooks under $InstallationDirectory. You need to run CreateNotebookIndex[] once before using this function
RandomGeoPosition[] picks a random geo position
RandomRomanNumeral[...] gives a random Roman numeral, using the same usage as RandomInteger
RandomWikipediaData[] gives a randomly selected Wikipedia article
Rarest[data] computes the rarest (least common) values of 'data'
RarestBy[data, func] computes the rarest (least common) values of 'data' by using 'func'
RenderOnlineNotebook[url] reads 'url' and opens a private editable copy
ResourceObjectDataset[objects] gives resource 'objects' as a dataset
ResourceObjectManager[objects] gives an interface to manage resource objects
RGBColor[r,g,b] specifies color using RGB values from the range 0-255
Second[expr] gives Part[expr,2]
Seventh[expr] gives Part[expr,7]
Sixth[expr] gives Part[expr,6]
StandardDeviationBy[data, func] computes the standard deviation of 'data' by using 'func'
StringComplement[s1,s2] gives the string containing characters in 's1' but not in 's2'
StringDisjointQ[s1,s2] gives True if 's1' and 's2' have no characters in common and False otherwise
StringFirst[string] returns the first character of 'string'
StringIntersectingQ[s1,s2] gives True if 's1' and 's2' have characters in common and False otherwise
StringIntersection[s1,s2] gives a string containing only the characters that are both in 's1' and 's2'
StringLast[string] returns the last character of 'string'
StringMost[string] returns string with the last character removed
StringRest[string] returns string with the first character removed
StringSort[s1] gives a sorted string of the characters in 's1'
StringSwap[string, a [TwoWayRule] b] swaps 'a' and 'b' in 'string'
StringUnion[s1,s2] gives the string of characters in either 's1' or 's2'
Synonyms[word] gives the list of synonyms for 'word'
SystemStringOpen[string] determines the file format for 'string' and opens it with the default application
Tenth[expr] gives Part[expr,10]
Third[expr] gives Part[expr,3]
ToStringFileName[file] rewrites file as a classical string filename
TranslationCell[text,lang] prints a "Text" cell containing 'text' with an attached button which lets you toggle between English and language 'lang'
Ultimate[expr] gives Part[expr,-1]
Uniconize[icon] turns IconizedObject icon and returns the associated expression
UnmatchQ[expr,form] is the same as Not[MatchQ[expr,form]]
URLHash[url] gives the hash for the content stored at the url
VarianceBy[data, func] computes the variance of 'data' by using 'func'
VerbQ[word] gives True if 'word' is a verb and False otherwise
WolframBeta[input] translates 'input' to English, then calls WolframAlpha with the translation
$AppDataDirectory (Windows only) typically points to $HomeDirectory\AppData
$BuildInfo gives build and version information as a textual string
$DockButtons is a list of defined dock buttons
$ExtensionToFormat associates file extensions with their format name
$FormatToExtension associates a file format with its list of supported file extensions
$InputDirectoryName is the directory name for the current value of $InputFileName
$LocalAppDataDirectory (Windows only) typically points to $HomeDirectory\AppData\Local
$LocalResourceObjects gives the current local resource objects on your machine
$RoamingAppDataDirectory (Windows only) typically points to $HomeDirectory\AppData\Roaming
$UUIDStringPattern will StringMatchQ a valid UUID