This project aims to automate the deployment of APIs for different tenants using Ansible playbooks and Bash scripts. The main objective is to streamline the process of deploying and managing APIs, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency across deployments.
#Installation Process To get started with the project, follow these steps:
1.Clone the repository: git clone https://<"repository">
2.Update and install Python 3:
sudo yum update
sudo yum install python3
python3 --version
#create virtual environment
python3 -V
mkdir python-venv
cd !$
python3 -m venv ansible2.9
#Activate a Python virtual environment
source ansible2.9/bin/activate
python3 -V
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Install Ansible in a virtual environment
python3 -m pip install ansible==2.9
which ansible
ansible --version
#Software Dependencies This project relies on the following software dependencies: