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Drawing Challenge

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The latest version of this project is available at:


User Manual

Installation (From GitHub, Preferred Way)

  1. Download Go from the official web site here.

  2. Follow the installation instructions here to complete the installation.

    • The most important point is setting the PATH and GOPATH environment variables correctly.
  3. Start a command prompt / terminal

  4. Enter the following command to download the source from GitHub:

     go get -u
  5. Enter the following commands to execute the program:

    UNIX-based operating systems:




Installation (From Archive)

  1. Download Go from the official web site here.

  2. Follow the installation instructions here to complete the installation.

    • The most important point is setting the PATH and GOPATH environment variables correctly.
  3. Download the source archive.

  4. Decompress the source archive to the correct directory:

    UNIX-based operating systems:



  5. Start a command prompt / terminal

  6. Enter the following commands to execute the program without compiling:

    UNIX-based operating systems:

     cd $GOPATH/src/
     go run ./main.go


     cd %GOPATH%\src\\asukakenji\drawing-challenge
     go run .\main.go
  7. Or, enter the following commands to compile an executable from the source:

    For the current platform:

     go build

    Cross compile for other platforms (execute one of the following commands):

     GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build
     GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build
     GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build
     GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build
     GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build

Technical Diagrams

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

Click here for the full-size diagram.

In fact, the requirements are so simple that the entire program could be fitted into a single main() function. However, this project aims to demostrate how larger projects could be architected.

Instead of sending the result of a command directly to the screen, the input string (like "C 20 4") is parsed to a Command value (or "object", in OOP terminology) by the "Command Parser" and the "Color Parser", in order to enable it to be manipulated programmatically easily.

Then, the "Interpreter" applies the command to the existing canvas (color buffer) to result in a new canvas. It replaces the old canvas by the new one. In the current implementation, no new canvas is created. Only the state of the canvas changes. However, in a functional programming setting, immutable data structures (persistent collections) could be used and a new, light-weight canvas could be created from the old one.

Finally, the new canvas is rendered on the screen (or other devices) by the "Renderer".

Note that any of the above entities - "Command Parser", "Color Parser", "Interpreter", and "Renderer", and even "Command", and "Canvas" - are loosely coupled. They are only related by their interfaces - not by their implementations. In short, they could be developed by different developers, and could be evolved independently.

For instance, a canvas like this:

|             RRRRR  |
|BBBBBB       RGGGR  |
|     B       RRRRR  |
|     B              |

could be rendered as shown above, or, with an appropriate "Renderer", as a sequence of full block characters (U+2588 = ) of different colors (R = red, G = green, B = blue) on a color terminal (using escape codes, for example), as shown below:

Color Terminal Render

(Click here to see the source code of the above picture)

Like-wise, the "Command Parser" could support more commands, for example, "S screen1.png" to save the canvas to a file named "screen1.png". If the "Interpreter" does not understand this command, it would handle it gracefully. Otherwise, it could pick an appropriate "Renderer" to handle the request.

Many other possibilities exist: non-buffer-based canvas, client-server model using WebSockets, 32-bit RGBA colors, and more. The architecture implemented in this project is flexible enough to handle them all.

Package Diagram

There are 5 library packages for interfaces, 6 library pachages for non-interfaces, and 1 main package. The library packages are shown in the following diagram:

Package Diagram

Click here for the full-size diagram.

Interface Packages

Package color defines the Color interface and the Parser interface.

Package canvas defines the Canvas interface and the BufferBasedCanvas interface.

Package renderer defines the Renderer interface.

Package command defines the Command interface, and the Parser interface.

Package interpreter defines the Interpreter interface.

Non-Interface Packages

Package common defines types and variables which are needed by other packages in the project.

Package bytecolor (color/bytecolor) defines the ByteColor type, which implements the color.Color interface, and the Parser type, which implements the color.Parser interface.

Package bytecolor (canvas/bytecolor) defines the Buffer type, which implements the canvas.BufferBasedCanvas interface.

Package basic defines several "Value Object" types which implement the command.Command interface, and the Parser type, which implements the command.Parser interface.

Package writer defines the Renderer type, which implements the renderer.Renderer interface.

Package simple defines the Interpreter type, which is a stateless interpreter implementing interpreter.Interpreter, and the CanvasContainer interface and the Quitter interface, which are used to specify the requirements of the Interpreter type, and the Environment type, which fulfills the requirements.

Class Diagram

Class Diagram

Click here for the full-size diagram.

Design Documentation

Empty Command Behavior

If the user presses enter without entering any command, the prompt will be printed again.

This behavior is influenced by most existing REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop).

EOF Behavior

If the user sends a EOF character (Ctrl-D on UNIX, or Ctrl-Z on Windows), the program quits as if it receives a quit command.

This behavior is influenced by most existing REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop).

New Canvas Behavior

The new canvas function creates a new canvas. If a canvas already exists, it will be destroyed and replaced by the new one.

Another option is to tell the user that a canvas is already created, and refuse to create a new one. However, this seems not robost enough since the user needs to quit and execute the program again to create another canvas.

Bucket Fill Behavior

The bucket fill function fills the area enclosing (x, y). The pixels connecting to (x, y) having the same color as that at (x, y) are replaced by c.

This behavior is influenced by most existing drawing software.

API Documentation

From GoDoc, Preferred Way

Visit the following URL:

From Localhost

Run the following command in the command prompt / terminal:

godoc -http :6060

Then, open a web browser and visit:

Test Coverage

The project is 100% tested, counted by statement coverage.

To confirm this, please check the badge below:

Coverage Status

To test the project manually, run the following command in the command prompt / terminal:

go test -cover

Please type the final 3 dots (...) as is.