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Go implementation of the Atomist Skill v2 contract.

Set up your Go project

We suggest the following layout for a your skill Go project:

File/Directory Description
datalog/subscription Put all .edn files defining subscriptions into this directory
datalog/schema Place all .edn schema files into this directory
go.mod Go module descriptor
main.go Main entry point to start up the skill instance
Dockerfile Dockerfile required to build your skill runtime container
skill.yaml Skill metadata

Skill entrypoint

The main.go is the main entry point into your Go application.

In the main method you can start the skill instance passing a mapping of subscription or webhook names to handler functions.

package main

import ""

func main() {
		"on_push":             TransactCommitSignature,
		"on_commit_signature": LogCommitSignature,

Handler function

A function to handle incoming subscription or webhook events is defined as:

type EventHandler func(ctx context.Context, req RequestContext) Status

Here's an example EventHandler implementation from the go-sample-skill:

// LogCommitSignature handles new commit signature entities as they are transacted into
// the database and logs the signature
func LogCommitSignature(ctx context.Context, req skill.RequestContext) skill.Status {
	result := req.Event.Context.Subscription.Result[0]
	commit := skill.Decode[GitCommit](result[0])
	signature := skill.Decode[GitCommitSignature](result[1])

	req.Log.Printf("Commit %s is signed and verified by: %s ", commit.Sha, signature.Signature)

	return skill.Status{
		State:  skill.Completed,
		Reason: "Detected signed and verified commit",


The passed RequestContext provides access to the incoming payload using the Event property as well as properties to get access to a Logger instance and transact functions:

type RequestContext struct {
	Event           EventIncoming
	Log             Logger
	Transact        Transact
	TransactOrdered TransactOrdered

Transacting entities

Transacting new entities or facts can be done by calling Transact on the RequestConext passed the entities:

type GitRepoEntity struct {
    EntityType edn.Keyword `edn:"schema/entity-type"`
    Entity     string      `edn:"schema/entity,omitempty"`
    SourceId   string      `edn:"git.repo/source-id"`
    Url        string      `edn:"git.provider/url"`

err := req.Transact([]any{GitRepoEntity{
		EntityType: "git/repo",
		Entity:     "$repo",
		SourceId:   commit.Repo.SourceId,
		Url:        commit.Repo.Org.Url,
	}, GitCommitEntity{
		EntityType: "git/commit",
		Entity:     "$commit",
		Sha:        commit.Sha,
		Repo:       "$repo",
		Url:        commit.Repo.Org.Url,
	}, GitCommitSignatureEntity{
		EntityType: "git.commit/signature",
		Commit:     "$commit",
		Signature:  signature,
		Status:     verified,
		Reason:     *gitCommit.Commit.Verification.Reason,

Sending logs

To send logs to the skill platform to be viewed on, the RequestContext provides access to a Logger struct:

type Logger struct {
    Debug  func(msg string)
    Debugf func(format string, a ...any)

    Info  func(msg string)
    Infof func(format string, a ...any)

    Warn  func(msg string)
    Warnf func(format string, a ...any)

    Error  func(msg string)
    Errorf func(format string, a ...any)

Skill metadata

The Skill metadata is defined in skill.yaml in the root of the project.

Here's an example of a minimum skill.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v2
    namespace: atomist
    name: go-sample-skill
    displayName: Go Sample Skill
    description: Very basic sample skill written in Go
    author: Atomist
    license: Apache-2.0

Building the runtime image

The v2 version of the skill contract is only available to Docker-based skills. The following Dockerfile is a good starting point for building a skill runtime image:

   # build stage
FROM golang:1.18-alpine as build

RUN apk add --no-cache git build-base


COPY go.mod ./
COPY go.sum ./

RUN go mod download

COPY . ./

RUN go test
RUN go build

# runtime stage
FROM golang:1.18-alpine

LABEL com.docker.skill.api.version="container/v2"
COPY skill.yaml /
COPY datalog /datalog

WORKDIR /skill
COPY --from=build /app/go-sample-skill .

ENTRYPOINT ["/skill/go-sample-skill"]

This Dockerfile uses a multi stage approach to build and test the Go project before setting up the runtime container in the 2nd stage.