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Use terraform to converge changes to infrastructure via GitOps

What it's useful for

This skill enables you to automatically run Terraform whenever your git repos change and provide visibility into the process.

Terraform is an excellent tool for modeling the state of your cloud resources in code. In order to effectively make use of this tool in a team setting, all members of the team must be applying their changes to the cloud infrastructure in a standardized way — not running locally on their laptop. This skill allows the entire team to utilize a common workflow simply by pushing their changes to a git repo (and using all the same practices you would on any development project). In addition, the Terraform skill provides visibility into the infrastructure changes being applied either through the web-based log view or through ChatOps integration.

By default, the skill will first run a terraform plan and notify you of the changes to be made via a Chat message. Here you can review the proposed changes and, if appropriate, approve them. This will cause a terraform apply to be run. This skill can also be used in an auto-approve mode in which changes will be automatically approved, provided a plan successfully runs.

Before you get started

Connect and configure these integrations:

  1. Github
  2. Slack
  3. Google Cloud Provider (GCP)

**Currently, the Terraform skill only has support for the GCP provider. More cloud provider support will be added in the future

How credentials are supplied to Terraform

This skill utilizes the actual Terraform binaries directly. When invoked, additional environment variables are injected to supply the required credentials. For GCP the environment variable that is set is called GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS. The contents of your JSON credentials is set as the value of this variable. This is done only for the process that actually invokes the terraform command, not for the entire skill execution.

How to configure

Mandatory Settings

  1. Select Google Cloud Provider (GCP) Credential

The GCP provider supports enabling multiple authorizations to support different teams or use cases. In the configuration, you must select which of these authorizations to use in the Which Google Cloud Provider credential should be used? drop down.

  1. Determine Repository Scope

The repository selector at the bottom of the configuration allows you to specify which repostories should have this skill run against them. You may decide to setup only specific repositories or let the skill run against entire organizations depending on your use case.

Optional Settings

Set Terraform Code base
This setting can be used to set a directory within your repository where your HCL code can be found. This can be useful for repositories that contain both application code and infrastructure code, or in a situation where you have multiple sets of HCL code that are independent. You can create multiple skill configurations all using the same repository with different code locations.

Terraform Workspace
If you are making use of Terraform workspaces, you can define which workspace should be used for this skill configuration.

Enviornment Variables
This configuration allows you to pass arbitrary environment variables that will be set when the terraform executable is run. Each variable should be set on its own line and supplied in a var=value format.

Command line arguments
These arguments will be appended to the command used to launch the terraform command. See the documentation here for valid arguments. Each argument should be set on its own line and supplied in a var=value format. Arguments are passed to all terraform command executions (apply and plan), so only global options should be specified.

Command line vars
Additional Terraform vars that should be passed at execution. The options supplied here will be passed as -var key=value to the terraform commands. These should be set one var to each line in a var=value format.

Terraform Variable Files
This configuration option allows you to specify tfvar files that should be passed to the Terraform commands. See the documentation for details on using tfvar files.

Disable Terraform Init?
By default, the Terraform skill will run terraform init on every run to download the required providers. If you do not want this to execute, select this option.

Terraform Auto Approve
When enabled, this automatically runs terraform apply following the successful execution of terraform plan. In this mode, there is no review of pending changes; they are simply applied.

Restrict Git Branch
By default, the Terraform skill will run on any branch pushed. If you wish to only run the skill for a particular branch you should specify it here.

Terraform Version
When supplied, this version of Terraform will be used when running Terraform. If not supplied, the default Terraform version for this skill is used, which is 0.12.26. Note, this skill uses tfenv to handle version management.

ChatOps Integration

This skill uses ChatOps as an interface to permit you to control the behavior of Terraform (when auto-approve is disabled). Notifications are automatically routed to the appropriate locations based on two factors:

  • Is this repository currently linked to any chat channels (see GitHub Notifications Skill)
  • If there are no links, can the author's chat id be determined

The skill prefers notifying a channel of the changes that are pending or occuring. If no channel has been linked, the notifications will be sent directly to the author of the change if found. If neither of these conditions are met no notiifcation will be sent, however, the log can still be viewed in the Atomist web interface.

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