I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. Bill Gates
This collection of scripts is dedicated to one purpose: align, visualize, and quantify RNA-seq experiments with minimal interaction and using the best practices. The pipeline is implemented in bash and implies the use of a Unix system. It is designed to be applicable to Illumina (paired- and singe-end experiments), as long as colorspace (ABI SOLID) reads.
The following programs need to be installed and available in the system $PATH variable:
- fastqc
- bowtie (v1 for colorspace reads)
- tophat2 (for colorspace reads)
- rsem
- kallisto
- igvtools
- samtools
- Picard tools (as a separate folder)
The following options need to be specified in order for the pipeline to work.
This is how you prepare the reference.