Hompage: http://methycancer.psych.ac.cn/
1: How do I find the set of (human) datasets that are available?
i) I went to: http://methycancer.psych.ac.cn/MethySearch.do
ii) I selected all data sources (BIG/UN, HEP, MethDB, Columbia University) but left all other fields blank to retrieve a list of all datasets
iii) Clicked Search
NOTE: Source: Columbia Unviersity seems to show reference rather than a dataset.
2: How do I request information on an individual dataset (or maybe a batch of datasets)?
i) Clicking the ID enables you to view a dataset
Such as: http://methycancer.psych.ac.cn/methylationDetail.do?id=1 (Columbia University) or: http://methycancer.psych.ac.cn/methylationDetail.do?id=7904 (HEP)
Clicking ID's shows a 'Methylation Report'
3: Where do I find the dataset attributes?
Accession number: ID [7904]
URL: http://methycancer.psych.ac.cn/methylationDetail.do?id=7904 [last number is ID number]
Title: Source [HEP] + Tissue [cd4_lyphocytes] + Reference [PMID:17072317] + Experiment: Method [Sodium bisulphite]
Description: Sequence Name [HEP0102352432g09.w2kF191600SCF] + Chromosone [22] + Start [48172982] + End [4817332] + Length [351] + CpG number [10] + GC number [197] + Per GC [0.56] + Obsexp [0.37]
Assay type: