This project aims to expose network topology through Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Link State extensions defined in draft-ietf-idr-ls-distribution.
This is built on top of a BGP daemon that connects to a BGP peer in the network. Topology is learnt via BGP extenions defined in the above draft. The daemon processed real-time topology updates and writes them in JSON format to a text file.
The core BGP daemon is taken from the open-source project rbieniek/BGP4J. The base project was modified to run as a standalone Java application and BGP Link state extensions were then added on top of it.
Currently the code is based off draft-ietf-idr-ls-distribution-01. It is not compatible with version -00 or -02 (and beyond).
This source is licensed under Apache 2.0.
This project requires a minimum of JavaSE-1.6.
It depends on the following libraries.
- junit-3.8.1
- quartz-2.1.6 (org.quartz-scheduler)
- jackson-core-asl-1.9.12 (org.codehaus.jackson)
- jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.12 (org.codehaus.jackson)
- commons-lang3-3.1
- logging-1.0.4
- log4j-1.2.15
- slf4j-api-1.7.2 (org.slf4j.api)
- slf4j.log4j12-1.7.2 (org.slf4j.log4j12)
- commons-configuration-1.9 (commons-configuration)
- netty-3.6.3.Final
- cli-1.0.0 (
- commons-lang-2.6
- commons-logging-1.1.1
Dependencies can be directly obtained using maven pom file.
Required: -c
Optional: -l -e
See the config-samples directory, for a sample of config-file and log-config-file
If the argument is not provided, then topology data will not be exported to a file.