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How Appliances Should Be.


  • Cloud provider and hardware agnostic. This doesn't depend on anything only provided by any vendor, cloud or hardware.
  • Easy upgrades Currently, this is simply running the installer again.


The base system is build to run entirely from RAM. The drives in the system are only there for persistent data and booting.

The first partition on the system is 200MB. This partition is marked bootable and has the syslinux bootloader installed. This should leave room for a primary and backup kernel and initramfs and allow future room for expansion.

The second partition is used for Docker images, containers and any shared filesystem. This partition is automatically expanded at boot if needed.

The system uses the runit version in busybox for PID 1.



Boot the system in a variety of ways, PXE, ISO, vagrant, AMI.

Installing or Upgrading


Just copy the upgrade script to the host somewhere?


  1. Start a build environment with make debug
  2. Copy in /docker/.config to /buildroot/.config
  3. Use make menuconfig and make as needed.
  4. Change files in files as needed.
  5. Copy output/build/root.cpio.gz to /docker/root.cpio.gz when done.
  6. Copy output/build/vmlinuz to /docker/build/vmlinuz when done.
  7. Copy .config back to /docker/.config when done.