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Modelyze toolchain, version 1.14

Modelyze toolchain Copyright (C) 2010-2017 David Broman

This project contains a simple interpreter for the Modelyze language. For a detailed overview of the Modelyze language, please see the technical report:

David Broman and Jeremy G. Siek. "Modelyze: a Gradually Typed Host Language for Embedding Equation-Based Modeling Languages", Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2012-173, University of California, Berkeley, June 30, 2012. Available at:

A comprehensive description of Modelyze's predecessor, called MKL, is available in David Broman's PhD Thesis

If you have any comments or questions, please send an email to [email protected].


The following has been tested on OS X 10.12.6, but should work on other Mac OS versions as well.

  1. Install Homebrew.

  2. Install the Objective Caml compiler, Gnuplot, and Sundials via Homebew.

    >> brew install ocaml opam homebrew/science/sundials

    >> brew install gnuplot --qt

  3. If you have not done it already, clone the Modelyze project from GitHub:

    >> git clone

  4. Compile the code:

    >> cd modelyze

    >> make


The following has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04.01 LTS, but should work on other Linux distributions as well.

  1. Install OCaml, GnuPlot and SUNDIALS. Execute the following in the terminal:

    >> sudo apt-get install ocaml libsundials-serial-dev

  2. Install GNUplot if you would like to plot:

    >> sudo apt-get install gnuplot

    NOTE: There seems to be a problem with GNUPLOT and X11 on Ubuntu, so the above might not work on all Ubuntu installations. If this is the case, try the following:

    >> sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxt-dev libreadline-gplv2-dev glib-2.0

    >> sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11

  3. If you do not have git installed, install it:

    >> sudo apt-get install git

  4. If you have not done it already, clone the Modelyze project from GitHub:

    >> git clone

  5. Compile the code:

    >> cd modelyze

    >> make


Under folder library, a simple standard library for Modelyze is provided. Folder demo contains a number of demo files that use these libraries. To execute a demo example, got to folder demo and run for instance:

./moz lotkavolterra.moz

This prints the plot data to the standard output. If GnuPlot is installed, plotting can be done as follows:

./mozplot hybrid-ball-stairs.moz


In the folder env/matlab there's scripts that can visualize the output from provided by the mechanical2d library. In order to use these follow these steps:

  1. Install MATLAB
  2. Open MATLAB, navigate to the env/matlab folder and open the armAnim.m script
  3. Change the file path and filename to your liking and run the script

There is also another MATLAB script, dataplotter.m, for plotting the output of any modelyze script that can be used instead of GNUplot.

NOTE: currently the animation script uses the angles of each joint as input and can thus not extract the length of the links so the script assumes all lengths are 0.5 meters. This will be fixed later when an initialization bug is fixed so the script can use the position of each joint instead.


All files in the Modelyze toolchain project, excepts for files in the folders library/ and ext/ are under the GNU General Public Licence according to file COPYING. Files under folder ext/ have specific licenses given in each sub-folder. Files under folder library/ are under the GNU Lesser General Public License according to file library/COPYING.LESSER.


  • Version 1.14

    • Improved error messages.
    • Added support for function overloading.
    • Fixed a bug when using Sundials via Macports.
  • Version 1.13 January 13, 2015

    • Created demo, test, and library directories
    • Added library-path parameter
    • Solved many minor issues
  • Version 1.12 November 22, 2013

    • Added new regression testing system
    • Added a number of new DSLs
  • Version 1.11 September 24, 2013

    • Minor bugfixes and cleanup.
  • Version 1.1 December 17, 2012.

    • Changed the name of the project from "MKL" to "Modelyze". The rationale for the change is to emphasize that Modelyze is a host language for embedding DSLs.
    • Full gradual typing is now implemented according to the technical report The type system and the symbol lifting analysis correspond to the description. Cast insertion has not been implemented.
    • Pattern matching on symbols do not need to have the ~ anymore. Instead, the compiler recognized if the pattern variable equal to a globally defined symbol and in such a case it is treated as a symbol matching instead of a pattern variable
    • Simplified the way of creating symbolic data types. Now these are always symbolic types. Defintions of equations and nodes are now simpler.
    • Add def-syntax, which is closer to Java or C. { } are used as grouping of expressions, not as defining arrays.
    • Added new syntax for derivatives, e.g., der(x) can be written x' and der(der(y)) can be written y''
    • Changed the syntax for polymorphic equality from == to <==>. Added operators == and ==. meaning real and integer equality test respectively. The rationale is that == can now be used as part of a model.
    • Added two new keywords "begin" and "end", which have the same functionality as parentheses.
    • Renamed initialization keyword from "Init" to "init". Also, the init operator "<-" can be used instead of "init".
    • Renamed the "when" guard on patterns to use keyword "if". In this way, "when" can be used in the DSLs.
    • It is now possible to plot a probe that does not exist during the whole simulation, e.g., a probe that exists in a specific state.
    • A function can be called either by using space between paranthesis, e.g. foo p1 p2 or to use paranthesis and a comma separated list (as in C or Java) foo(p1,p2) For the latter, it is important that it there are no white space between foo and the left paranhesis. In this case, this is translated into a curried call. If foo was supposed to take a tuple as argument, it can be called as follows (note the space) foo (p1,p2)
  • Version 1.0.0 - October 1, 2010

    • First version corresponding to David Broman's PhD Thesis.
    • Changed operators for Real and Int, so that e.g., -. and +. are for integer operations instead of Real. The rationale is that most expressions are written using Reals.


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  • OCaml 96.4%
  • C 2.0%
  • Makefile 1.2%
  • Other 0.4%