Java WebMonitor - A command line Java app to monitor web sites and send out email notifications. Schedule with crontab -e or Windows Scheduled Tasks.
In folder with webmonitor-1.1.jar:
Copy example.config.xml to config.xml and configure put in your SMTP server info and the URLs you want to monitor. The app will look for the string specified in the check attribute in the response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<from>Web Monitor <></from>
java -cp webmonitor-1.1.jar:target/lib/* chinhdo.webmonitor.App
mvn clean install
mvn -B package --file pom.xml
java -cp .:webmonitor-1.1.jar:lib/* chinhdo.webmonitor.App
java -cp webmonitor-1.1.jar;lib/* chinhdo.webmonitor.App
Or you can run with Maven from the project
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="chinhdo.webmonitor.App"
mvn assembly:single
Create an issue if you need help or contact me.