This script provides a set of manual and automated actions for creating and streaming inventory filters and user annotations to Tetration from Infoblox
Python 2.7.x
This script requires the following pip libraries be installed
- tetpyclient
- infoblox-client
To install all pip requirements issue the following command within your virtualenv:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Some notes about the above command. If you run it and find that it fails saying that it cannot find Python.h, you may need to install a further dependency. If you are using redhat/centos, you can satisfy this requirement by installing python-devel:
sudo yum install python-devel
If you are using a debian distro (such as ubuntu), install as such:
sudo apt-get install python-devel
If you plan to run this as a continually updating script, you may want to install the requirements not in a virtualenv, but just built to suit.
Clone this git repository and cd to the infoblox directory
git clone
Before you start, rename the file
settings.ymland edit it to match your credentials.
This Script supports two types of modes
- Manual setup actions: (One time tasks for setting up initial integration)
- creating inventory filter csv file
- exporting networks from infoblox to csv
- associating inheritable extensible attributes with parent networks
- Recurring actions: (Ran routinely at defined poll interval)
- update inventory filters
- update annotations
All settings and customization options for recurring tasks should be made in the settings.yml file. Manual tasks also require that the Infoblox and Tetration sections of the settings.yml file be configured
Manual Actions
Create Inventory Filter CSV
Run this manual action if you want to manually adjust inventory filter definitions before pushing to tetration
python --createFilterCsv 'filters.csv'
Create Network CSV
Run this manual action to generate a csv of all defined networks that can then be modified to restrict what networks annotations are created for.
python --createNetworkCsv 'networks.csv'
Apply Extensible Attribute to network(s)
Run this manual action to add an inheritable extensible attribute to a list of networks (this requires elevated account privileges)
python --importEaCsv 'networks.csv' --importEaName 'Location' --importEaValue 'US-DC-1'
Recurring Actions
All settings/options for recurring actions should be made in the settings.yml file