Vectoria, the Maptime Bear needs a home, so let's build one, and map it out!
- [Checkout the presentation] (
- Checkout the map!
Here is the scope of what we are gonna do
- Use Sketchup to build a 3d environment of the Bear's home
- Create a high resolutiion rendering using Kerkythea
- Create a series of highlighted areas of the Bear's home to make custom marker icons using Inkscape
- Create a non-georeferenced geotiff using QGIS's Georeferencer Plugin
- Create a map of the Bear's home using, Mapbox's Tilemill, to be uploaded to a Mapbox Account
- Create a simple map with markers using Mapbox.js
- Sketchup MAKE for 3D modeling, its free and widely accessible. For WIN/OSX
- Kerkythea for rendering 3D models, it's freeware. You must also install the Sketchup Plugin. For WIN/OSX
- QGIS for GDAL projecting a non-georeferenced image into a geotiff, it's free and open source! For WIN/OSX
- inkscape for graphics editing, it's free and open source! For WIN/OSX
- Mapbox Tilemill for making map tiles, uploaded to Mapbox Server or download mbtile format, did I say free too?! For WIN/OSX