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QWC FeatureInfo Service

Query layers at a geographic position using an API based on WMS GetFeatureInfo.

The query is handled for each layer by its layer info provider configured in the config file.

Layer info providers:

  • WMS GetFeatureInfo (default): forward info request to the QGIS Server
  • DB Query: execute custom query SQL
  • Custom info module: custom Python modules returning layer info

The info results are each rendered into customizable HTML templates and returned as a GetFeatureInfoResponse XML.


The DB query uses a PostgreSQL connection service or connection to a PostGIS database. This connection's user requires read access to the configured tables.

qwc_demo example

Uses PostgreSQL connection service qwc_geodb (GeoDB). The user qwc_service requires read access to the configured tables of the data layers from the QGIS project qwc_demo.qgs.

Setup PostgreSQL connection service file ~/.pg_service.conf:



The static config and permission files are stored as JSON files in $CONFIG_PATH with subdirectories for each tenant, e.g. $CONFIG_PATH/default/*.json. The default tenant name is default.

Environment variables:

  • SKIP_EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES=<boolean>: Whether to skip empty featureinfo attributes returned by WMS GetFeatureInfo.
  • USE_PERMISSION_ATTRIBUTE_ORDER=<boolean>: Whether to order the attributes according to order of the permitted attribute names, rather than the order returned by WMS GetFeatureInfo.

FeatureInfo Service config

  • JSON schema
  • File location: $CONFIG_PATH/<tenant>/featureInfoConfig.json


  "$schema": "",
  "service": "feature-info",
  "config": {
    "default_qgis_server_url": "http://localhost:8001/ows/"
  "resources": {
    "wms_services": [
        "name": "qwc_demo",
        "root_layer": {
          "name": "qwc_demo",
          "layers": [
              "name": "edit_demo",
              "title": "Edit Demo",
              "layers": [
                  "name": "edit_points",
                  "title": "Edit Points",
                  "attributes": [
                      "name": "id"
                      "name": "name"
                      "name": "description"
                      "name": "num"
                      "name": "value"
                      "name": "type"
                      "name": "amount"
                      "name": "validated",
                      "format": "{\"t\": \"Yes\", \"f\": \"No\"}"
                      "name": "datetime"
                      "name": "geometry"
                      "name": "maptip"
              "name": "countries",
              "title": "Countries",
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "name",
                  "alias": "Name"
                  "name": "formal_en",
                  "alias": "Formal name"
                  "name": "pop_est",
                  "alias": "Population"
                  "name": "subregion",
                  "alias": "Subregion"
                  "name": "geometry"
              "display_field": "name",
              "info_template": {
                "type": "wms",
                "wms_url": "http://localhost:8001/ows/qwc_demo",
                "template": "<div><h2>Demo Template</h2>Pos: {{ x }}, {{ y }}<br>Name: {{ feature.Name }}</div>"

Example info_template for WMS GetFeatureInfo:

"info_template": {
  "type": "wms",
  "wms_url": "http://localhost:8001/ows/qwc_demo",
  "template": "<div><h2>Demo Template</h2>Pos: {{ x }}, {{ y }}<br>Name: {{ feature.Name }}</div>"

Example info_template for DB query:

"info_template": {
  "type": "sql",
  "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_geodb",
  "sql": "SELECT ogc_fid as _fid_, name, formal_en, pop_est, subregion, ST_AsText(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geom FROM qwc_geodb.ne_10m_admin_0_countries WHERE ST_Intersects(wkb_geometry, ST_GeomFromText(:geom, :srid)) LIMIT :feature_count;",
  "template": "<div><h2>Demo Template</h2>Pos: {{ x }}, {{ y }}<br>Name: {{ feature.Name }}</div>"

Note: x, y and geom are passed as parameters to the SQL query. If a GetFeatureInfo request is being processed with a filter_geom parameter, geom will correspond to that parameter. Otherwise geom will be POINT(x y).

Example info_template for Custom info module:

"info_template": {
  "type": "module",
  "module": "example",
  "template": "<div><h2>Demo Template</h2>Pos: {{ x }}, {{ y }}<br>Name: {{ feature.Name }}</div>"

Base64 encoded properties

The following config properties may also be set as Base64 encoded values instead:

  • Default HTML info template: default_info_template_base64
  • Formatting expression for converting attribute values: format_base64
  • HTML template for info result: template_base64
  • Query SQL for DB query: sql_base64

Any plain text properties take precedence over their corresponding Base64 encoded property (e.g. template_base64 is only used if template is not set).


  • JSON schema
  • File location: $CONFIG_PATH/<tenant>/permissions.json


  "$schema": "",
  "users": [
      "name": "demo",
      "groups": ["demo"],
      "roles": []
  "groups": [
      "name": "demo",
      "roles": ["demo"]
  "roles": [
      "role": "public",
      "permissions": {
        "wms_services": [
            "name": "qwc_demo",
            "ows_type": "WMS",
            "layers": [
                "name": "qwc_demo"
                "name": "edit_demo"
                "name": "edit_points",
                "attributes": [
                  "id", "name", "description", "num", "value", "type", "amount", "validated",
                  "datetime", "geometry", "maptip"
                "name": "countries",
                "attributes": ["name", "formal_en", "pop_est", "subregion", "geometry"],
                "info_template": true

HTML template

A HTML template can be provided for a layer in the config file. The template must only contain the body content (without head, script, body). The HTML can be styled using inline CSS, otherwise the CSS from the QWC viewer is used.

This template can contain attribute value placeholders, in the form

{{ feature.attr }}

which are replaced with the respective values when the template is rendered (using Jinja2). The following values are available in the template:

  • x, y, crs: Coordinates and CRS of info query
  • feature: Feature with attributes from info result as properties, e.g.
  • fid: Feature ID (if present)
  • bbox: Feature bounding box as [<minx>, <miny>, <maxx>, <maxy>] (if present)
  • geometry: Feature geometry as WKT (if present)
  • layer: Layer name

To automatically detect hyperlinks in values and replace them as HTML links the following helper can be used in the template:



    <div>Result at coordinates {{ x }}, {{ y }}</div>
            <td>{{ }}</td>
            <td>{{ feature.description }}</td>

Default info template

Layers with no assigned info templates use WMS GetFeatureInfo with a default info template. The default template can also optionally be configured as default_info_template in the config file.

The InfoFeature feature available in the template also provides a list of its attributes:

feature._attributes = [
    'name': <attribute name>,
    'value': <attribute value>,
    'alias': <attribute alias>,
    'type': <attribute value data type as string>,
    'json_aliases': <JSON attribute aliases as {'json_key': 'value'}>

If an attribute value starts with { or [ the service tries to parse it as JSON before rendering it in the template.

Default info template:

    <table class="attribute-list">
        {% for attr in feature._attributes -%}
            {% if attr['type'] == 'list' -%}
                {# attribute is a list #}
                    <td class="identify-attr-title wrap"><i>{{ attr['alias'] }}</i></td>
                        <table class="identify-attr-subtable">
                            {%- for item in attr['value'] %}
                                    {%- if item is mapping -%}
                                        {# item is a dict #}
                                        {% for key in item -%}
                                            {% if not attr['json_aliases'] %}
                                                {% set alias = key %}
                                            {% elif key in attr['json_aliases'] %}
                                                {% set alias = attr['json_aliases'][key] %}
                                            {% endif %}
                                            {% if alias %}
                                                    <td class="identify-attr-title wrap">
                                                        <i>{{ alias }}</i>
                                                    <td class="identify-attr-value wrap">
                                                        {{ render_value(item[key]) }}
                                            {% endif %}
                                        {%- endfor %}
                                    {%- else -%}
                                            <td class="identify-attr-value identify-attr-single-value wrap" colspan="2">
                                                {{ render_value(item) }}
                                    {%- endif %}
                                        <td class="identify-attr-spacer" colspan="2"></td>
                            {%- endfor %}

            {%- elif attr['type'] in ['dict', 'OrderedDict'] -%}
                {# attribute is a dict #}
                    <td class="identify-attr-title wrap"><i>{{ attr['alias'] }}</i></td>
                        <table class="identify-attr-subtable">
                            {% for key in attr['value'] -%}
                                    <td class="identify-attr-title wrap">
                                        <i>{{ key }}</i>
                                    <td class="identify-attr-value wrap">
                                        {{ render_value(attr['value'][key]) }}
                            {%- endfor %}

            {%- else -%}
                {# other attributes #}
                    <td class="identify-attr-title wrap">
                        <i>{{ attr['alias'] }}</i>
                    <td class="identify-attr-value wrap">
                        {{ render_value(attr['value']) }}
            {%- endif %}
        {%- endfor %}

DB Query

In a DB Query the following values are replaced in the SQL:

  • :x: X coordinate of query
  • :y: Y coordinate of query
  • :srid: SRID of query coordinates
  • :resolution: Resolution in map units per pixel
  • :FI_POINT_TOLERANCE: Tolerance for picking points, in pixels (default=16)
  • :FI_LINE_TOLERANCE: Tolerance for picking lines, in pixels (default=8)
  • :FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE: Tolerance for picking polygons, in pixels (default=4)
  • :i: X ordinate of query point on map, in pixels
  • :j: Y ordinate of query point on map, in pixels
  • :height: Height of map output, in pixels
  • :width: Width of map output, in pixels
  • :bbox: 'Bounding box for map extent as minx,miny,maxx,maxy'
  • :crs: 'CRS for map extent'
  • :feature_count: Max feature count
  • :with_geometry: Whether to return geometries in response (default=1)
  • :with_maptip: Whether to return maptip in response (default=1)

The query may return the feature ID as _fid_ and the WKT geometry as wkt_geom. All other selected columns are used as feature attributes.

Sample queries:

    SELECT ogc_fid as _fid_, name, ...,
      ST_AsText(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geom
    FROM schema.table
    WHERE ST_Intersects(wkb_geometry, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(:x :y)', :srid))
    LIMIT :feature_count;
    SELECT ogc_fid as _fid_, name, ...,
      ST_AsText(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geom
    FROM schema.table
    WHERE ST_Intersects(
            ST_GeomFromText('POINT(:x :y)', :srid),
            :resolution * :FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE
    LIMIT :feature_count;

Custom info modules

Custom info modules can be placed in ./info_modules/custom/<module name>/ and must provide the following method:

def layer_info(layer, x, y, crs, params, identity)

Input parameters:

  • layer (str): Layer name

  • x (float): X coordinate of query

  • y (float): Y coordinate of query

  • crs (str): CRS of query coordinates

  • params (obj): FeatureInfo service params

          'i': <X ordinate of query point on map, in pixels>,
          'j': <Y ordinate of query point on map, in pixels>,
          'height': <Height of map output, in pixels>,
          'width': <Width of map output, in pixels>,
          'bbox': '<Bounding box for map extent as minx,miny,maxx,maxy>',
          'crs': '<CRS for map extent>',
          'feature_count': <Max feature count>,
          'with_geometry': <Whether to return geometries in response
          'with_maptip': <Whether to return maptip in response
          'FI_POINT_TOLERANCE': <Tolerance for picking points, in pixels
          'FI_LINE_TOLERANCE': <Tolerance for picking lines, in pixels
          'FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE': <Tolerance for picking polygons, in pixels
          'resolution': <Resolution in map units per pixel>
  • identity (str): User name or Identity dict

Return info result as a dict:

    'features': [
            'id': <feature ID>,  # optional
            'attributes': [
                    'name': '<attribute name>',
                    'value': <attribute value>
            'bbox': [<minx>, <miny>, <maxx>, <maxy>],  # optional
            'geometry': '<WKT geometry>'  # optional

See ./info_modules/custom/example/ for a sample implementation of a custom layer info module.

The custom info module can then be referenced in the info_template by its name (= directory name) in the service config.


Set the CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the path containing the service config and permission files when starting this service (default: config).

Base URL:


Service API:


Sample request:

curl 'http://localhost:5015/qwc_demo?layers=countries,edit_points&i=51&j=51&height=101&width=101&bbox=671639%2C5694018%2C1244689%2C6267068&crs=EPSG%3A3857'

Docker usage

To run this docker image you will need a PostGIS database and a running QGIS Server.

The following steps explain how to download the those services and how to run the qwc-feature-info-service with docker-compose.

Step 1: Clone qwc-docker

git clone
cd qwc-docker

Step 2: Create docker-compose.yml file

cp docker-compose-example.yml docker-compose.yml

Step 3: Start docker containers

docker-compose up qwc-feature-info-service

For more information please visit:


Create a virtual environment:

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 --system-site-packages .venv

Without system packages:

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 .venv

Activate virtual environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start local service:



QWC FeatureInfo Service







No releases published


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  • Python 99.3%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%