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GraphQL API server for clients like rumors-site and rumors-line-bot


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GraphQL API server for clients like rumors-site and rumors-line-bot


For development, copy .env.sample to .env and make necessary changes.

For production via rumors-deploy, do setups in docker-compose.yml.



First-time setup

After cloning this repository & cd into project directory, then install the dependencies.

$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:cofacts/rumors-api.git # --recursive for the submodules
$ cd rumors-api

# This ensures gRPC binary package are installed under correct platform during development
$ docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="npm i" api


If you want to test OAuth2 authentication, you will need to fill in login credentials in .env. Please apply for the keys in Facebook, Twitter and Github respectively.


Cofacts API uses Google cloud storage to store user reported media files (image, audio, video files).

Please populate the following fields in .env if you want to test this.

  • GCS_CREDENTIALS: Service account's JSON file content.
  • GCS_BUCKET_NAME: The Google cloud storage bucket to store files. It must grant the service account the following permission:
  • GCS_MEDIA_FOLDER: The prefix for stored files. Trailing / is required if you want all root level folders are put under your specified folder.

Start development servers

$ mkdir esdata # For elasticsearch DB
$ docker-compose up

This will:

  • rumors-api server on http://localhost:5000. It will be re-started when you update anyfile.
  • rumors-site on http://localhost:3000. You can populate session cookie by "logging-in" using the site (when credentials are in-place in .env). However, it cannot do server-side rendering properly because rumors-site container cannot access localhost URLs.
  • Kibana on http://localhost:6222.
  • ElasticSearch DB on http://localhost:62222.
  • URL resolver on http://localhost:4000

To stop the servers, just ctrl-c and all docker containers will be stopped.

Populate ElasticSearch with data

Ask a team member to send you nodes directory, then run:

$ docker-compose stop db

to stop db instance.

put the nodes directory right inside the esdata directory created in the previous step, then restart the database using:

$ docker-compose start db

Detached mode & Logs

If you do not want a console occupied by docker-compose, you may use detached mode:

$ docker-compose up -d

Access the logs using:

$ docker-compose logs api     # `api' can also be `db', `kibana'.
$ docker-compose logs -f api  # Tail mode

About src/rumors-db

This directory is managed by git submodule. Use the following command to update:

$ npm run rumors-db:pull


# Please check lint before you pull request
$ npm run lint
# Automatically fixes format error
$ npm run lint:fix


To prepare test DB, first start an elastic search server on port 62223:

$ docker run -d -p "62223:9200" --name "rumors-test-db"
# If it says 'The name "rumors-test-db" is already in use',
# Just run:
$ docker start rumors-test-db

Then run this to start testing:

$ npm t

If you get "Elasticsearch ERROR : DELETE http://localhost:62223/replies => socket hang up", please check if test database is running. It takes some time for elasticsearch to boot.

If you want to run test on a specific file (ex: src/xxx/__tests__/ooo.js), run:

$ npm t -- src/xxx/__tests__/ooo.js

When you want to update jest snapshot, run:

$ npm t -- -u

Tests requiring additional env vars

  • media-integration
    • Requires GCS_CREDENTIALS and GCS_BUCKET_NAME to be set.
    • will write to the specified bucket.
  • fetchStatsFromGA


Build docker image. The following are basically the same, but with different docker tags.

$ docker build -t cofacts/rumors-api:latest .

Run the docker image on local machine, then visit http://localhost:5000. (To test functions involving DB, ElasticSearch DB must work as .env specified.)

$ docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 --env-file .env cofacts/rumors-api

Cronjob / management scripts

Clean up old urls entries that are not referenced by any article & reply

The urls index serves as a cache of URL scrapper and will enlarge as ListArticle is invoked with URLs. The following script cleans up those urls that no article & reply currently uses.

$ docker-compose exec api node_modules/.bin/babel-node src/scripts/cleanupUrls.js

Fetching user activities from BigQuery

  • The user activities of website & chatbot LIFF web views are collected and synced to BigQuery using built-in GA4 BigQuery Links.

    • LIFF and website should be different web streams on GA4.
    • Streams are differentiated using stream_id on BigQuery.
    • In GA4 BigQuery Link, both "Daily" (results in events-YYYYMMDD tables) and "Streaming" (results in events_intraday_YYYYMMDD tables) are used.
    • The separation of table respects "Reporting time zone" on Google Analytics.
  • Make sure the following params are set in .env: LINE_BOT_EVENT_DATASET_ID, GA4_DATASET_ID, GA_WEB_STREAM_ID, GA_LIFF_STREAM_ID, TIMEZONE.

  • Sync script will authenticate to BigQuery using Application Default Credentials.

    • Please create a service account under the project, download its key and use GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var to provide the path to your downloaded service account key. See documentation for detail.
    • Please make sure the service account has read-only access to both LINE_BOT_EVENT_DATASET_ID and GA4_DATASET_ID.
  • Make sure the service account behind the key in previous step have the following minimum roles:

    • BigQuery Job User on the GCP project
    • BigQuery Data Viewer on the dataset specified by LINE_BOT_EVENT_DATASET_ID, and the dataset specified by GA4_DATASET_ID.
  • To fetch stats for the current date, run:

$ node_modules/.bin/babel-node src/scripts/fetchStatsFromGA.js
  • For more options, run the above script with --help or see the file level comments.

Pulling administrative commands from Google Pub/Sub

When API server starts up, it will link to Google Pub/Sub topic if and only if env var ADMIN_PUBSUB_TOPIC is set, using Application Default Credentials.

Removing article-reply from database

  • To set an article-reply to deleted state on production, run:
$ node build/scripts/removeArticleReply.js --userId=<userId> --articleId=<articleId> --replyId=<replyId>
  • For more options, run the above script with --help or see the file level comments.

Block a user

  • Please announce that the user will be blocked openly with a URL first.
  • To block a user, execute the following:
$ node build/scripts/blockUser.js --userId=<userId> --blockedReason=<Announcement URL>
  • For more options, run the above script with --help or see the file level comments.

Replace the media of an article

  • This command replaces all the variants of a media article's file on GCS with the variants of the new file.
$ node build/scripts/replaceMedia.js --articleId=<articleId> --url=<new-file-url>

Generating a spreadsheet of new article-categories for human review

  • To retrieve a spreadsheet of article categories of interest after a specific timestamp, run:
$ node build/scripts/genCategoryReview.js -f <ISO Timestamp>
  • For more options, run the above script with --help or see the file level comments.

Write article-categories result back to DB and generate ground truth files

First, fill in GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY in .env. The API key can be created from credentials page of Google Cloud Platform. We will only access Google Sheets API using this key.

Then, run:

$ node -- build/scripts/genBERTInputArticles.js -s <Google spreadsheet ID> -o <Output directory>

The ground truth files in JSON will be written to output directory

Generate a new AI reply for the specified article

This command generates a new AI reply even if the article already has an AI reply before. Suitable for the scenario when the existing AI reply is not appropriate.

$ node build/scripts/genAIReply.js -a <articleId> --temperature=1

One-off migration scripts

Fill in urls index and hyperlinks field for all articles & replies

First, make sure .env is configured so that the correct DB is specified. Then at project root, run:

$ node_modules/.bin/babel-node src/scripts/migrations/fillAllHyperlinks.js

This script would scan for all articles & replies to fill in their hyperlinks field, also populates urls index. The urls index is used as cache. If an URL already exists in urls, it will not trigger HTTP request.

Generate User instances for backend users

First, make sure .env is configured so that the correct DB is specified, you might want to create a snapshot before running the script. Then at project root, run:

$ node_modules/.bin/babel-node src/scripts/migrations/createBackendUsers.js

This script would scan for all the user references in analytics, articlecategoryfeedbacks, articlereplyfeedbacks, articles, replies, replyrequests, create users for those that are not already in db and updates all the docs. See the comments at the top of the script for how users are referenced in each doc.


Failed to load gRPC binary on Mac

If rumors-api server fails to start due to the following error:

Cannot find module '/srv/www/node_modules/grpc/src/node/extension_binary/node-v72-linux-x64-glibc/grpc_node.node'

try running:

npm rebuild --target_platform=linux --target_arch=x64 --target_libc=glibc --update-binary


LICENSE defines the license agreement for the source code in this repository. is the user agreement for Cofacts data users that leverages Cofacts data provided by API or via cofacts/opendata.