This repo contains a set of Terraform modules that can be used to provision an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster on AWS.
This module provides a way to provision an EKS cluster based on the current best practices employed at Cookpad.
To provision an EKS cluster you need (as a minimum) to specify a name, and the details of the VPC network you will create it in.
module "cluster" {
source = "cookpad/eks/aws"
version = "~> 1.25"
name = "hal-9000"
vpc_config = {
vpc_id = "vpc-345abc"
public_subnet_ids = {
use-east-1a = subnet-000af1234
use-east-1b = subnet-123ae3456
use-east-1c = subnet-456ab6789
private_subnet_ids = {
use-east-1a = subnet-123af1234
use-east-1b = subnet-456bc3456
use-east-1c = subnet-789fe6789
provider "kubernetes" {
host = module.cluster.config.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.cluster.config.ca_data)
exec {
api_version = ""
command = "aws"
args = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name",]
There are many options that can be set to configure your cluster. Check the input documentation for more information.
If you only have simple networking requirements you can use the
submodule cookpad/eks/aws/modules/vpc
to create a VPC, it's output
variable config
can be used to configure the vpc_config
Check the VPC module documentation for more extensive information.
We use karpenter to provision the nodes that run the workloads in
our clusters. You can use the submodule cookpad/eks/aws/modules/vpc
to provision the resources required to use karpenter, and a fargate
profile to run the karpenter pods.
Check the Karpenter module documentation for more information.
In order for this module to communicate with kubernetes correctly this module
requires the aws
cli to be installed and on your path.
You will need to initialise the kuberntes provider as shown in the example.
In an environment where multiple IAM users are used to running terraform run
and terraform apply
it is recommended to use the assume role functionality
to assume a common IAM role in the aws provider definition.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
version = "3.53.0"
assume_role {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::<your account id>:role/Terraform"
Alternatively you should ensure that all users who need to run terraform
are listed in the aws_auth_user_map
variable of the cluster module.