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Couchbase Shell - Shell Yeah!


Couchbase Shell (cbsh) is a modern, productive and fun shell for Couchbase Server and Cloud.

Note that while the project is maintained by Couchbase, it is not covered under the EE support contract. We are providing community support through this bug tracker.

The documentation is available here.


First, download the archive for your operating system.

You do not need any extra dependencies to run cbsh, it comes "batteries included".

macOS Users: You will need to grant the binary permissions through Security & Privacy settings the first time you run it.

After extracting the archive, run the cbsh binary in your terminal.

❯ ./cbsh --version
The Couchbase Shell 1.0.0

Basic Usage

Once the binary is available, you can connect to a cluster on the fly and run a simple command to list the (user-visible) buckets.

❯ ./cbsh --connstr -u username -p
👤 username 🏠 default in 🗄 <not set>
> buckets
 # │ cluster │     name      │   type    │ replicas │ min_durability_level │ ram_quota │ flush_enabled │ status │ cloud
 0 │ default │ beer-sample   │ couchbase │        1 │ none                 │  209.7 MB │ false         │        │ false
 1 │ default │ default       │ couchbase │        1 │ none                 │  104.9 MB │ true          │        │ false
 2 │ default │ targetBucket  │ couchbase │        0 │ none                 │  104.9 MB │ true          │        │ false
 3 │ default │ travel-sample │ couchbase │        1 │ none                 │  209.7 MB │ false         │        │ false

While passing in command-line arguments is fine if you want to connect quickly, using the dotfile ~/.cbsh/config for configuration is much more convenient. Here is a simple config which connects to a cluster running on localhost:

version = 1

identifier = "my-local-cb-node"
hostnames = [""]
default-bucket = "travel-sample"
username = "Administrator"
password = "password"

After the config is in place, you can run ./cbsh without any arguments and it will connect to that cluster after start automatically.

The downloaded archive contains an example directory which also contains sample configuration files for more information. Also, please see the docs for full guidance, including information about how to work with multiple clusters at the same time.

cbsh commands

On top of nushell built-in commands, the following couchbase commands are available:

  • analytics <statement> - Perform an analytics query
  • analytics dataverses - List all dataverses
  • analytics datasets - List all datasets
  • analytics indexes - List all analytics indexes
  • analytics links - List all analytics links
  • analytics buckets - List all analytics buckets
  • analytics pending-mutations - List pending mutations
  • buckets - Fetches buckets through the HTTP API
  • buckets config - Shows the bucket config (low level)
  • buckets create - Creates a bucket
  • buckets drop - Drops buckets through the HTTP API
  • buckets flush - Flushes buckets through the HTTP API
  • buckets get - Fetches a bucket through the HTTP API
  • buckets load-sample - Load a sample bucket
  • buckets update - Updates a bucket
  • cb-env - lists the currently active bucket, collection, etc.
  • cb-env bucket - Sets the active bucket based on its name
  • cb-env capella-organization - Sets the active Capella organization based on its identifier
  • cb-env cloud - Sets the active cloud based on its identifier
  • cb-env cluster - Sets the active cluster based on its identifier
  • cb-env collection - Sets the active collection based on its name
  • cb-env managed - Lists all clusters currently managed by couchbase shell
  • cb-env project - Sets the active cloud project based on its name
  • cb-env scope - Sets the active scope based on its name
  • cb-env timeouts - Sets the default timeouts
  • clouds - Lists all clusters on the active Capella organization
  • clusters- Lists all clusters on the active Capella organization
  • clusters create - Creates a new cluster against the active Capella organization
  • clusters drop - Deletes a cluster from the active Capella organization
  • clusters get - Gets a cluster from the active Capella organization
  • clusters health - Performs health checks on the target cluster(s)
  • clusters register - Registers a cluster for use with the shell
  • clusters unregister - Registers a cluster for use with the shell
  • collections - Fetches collections through the HTTP API
  • collections create - Creates collections through the HTTP API
  • collections drop - Removes a collection
  • doc get - Perform a KV get operation
  • doc insert - Perform a KV insert operation
  • doc remove - Removes a KV document
  • doc replace - Perform a KV replace operation
  • doc upsert - Perform a KV upsert operation
  • fake - Generate fake/mock data
  • help - Display help information about commands
  • nodes - List all nodes in the active cluster
  • ping - Ping available services in the cluster
  • projects - List all projects (cloud)
  • projects create - Create a new project (cloud)
  • projects drop - Remove a project (cloud)
  • query <statement> - Perform a N1QL query
  • query indexes - list query indexes
  • query advise - Ask the query advisor
  • use - Change the active bucket or cluster on the fly
  • scopes - Fetches scopes through the HTTP API
  • scopes create - Creates scopes through the HTTP API
  • scopes drop - Removes a scope
  • search - Runs a query against a search index
  • transations list-atrs - List all active transaction records (requires an index - create index id3 on travel-sample(meta().id, meta().xattrs.attempts))
  • tutorial - Runs you through a tutorial of both nushell and cbshell
  • users - List all users
  • users roles - List roles available on the cluster
  • users get - Show a specific user
  • users upsert - Create a new user or replace one
  • version - Shows the version of the shell
  • whoami - Shows roles and domain for the connected user

Building From Source

If you want to build from source, make sure you have a modern rust version and cargo installed (ideally through the rustup toolchain).

After that, you can build and/or run through cargo build / cargo run. By default it will build in debug mode, so if you want to build a binary and test the performance, make sure to include --release.

Installing as a binary through cargo

If you just want to use it and don't want to bother compiling all the time, you can use cargo install --path . to install it into your cargo bin path (run from the checked out source directory).

❯ cargo install --path .
  Installing couchbase-shell v1.0.0 (/Users/michaelnitschinger/couchbase/code/rust/couchbase-shell)
    Updating index
  Downloaded plist v1.2.1
  Downloaded onig v6.3.0
  Downloaded string_cache v0.8.2
  Downloaded num-bigint v0.4.2

Grab a quick coffee or tea since this will take some time to compile.


Couchbase Shell is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Couchbase Shell is made possible through open source components as listed with their licenses in NOTICES.

Usage of Couchbase Shell is subject to the Couchbase Inc. License Agreement