Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, delete, list files (and more!) from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
Git clone https://github.com/danny0x4/dropbox-uploader.git
Then, enter the directory of dropbox-uploader
Then give the execution permission to the script and run it:
$chmod +x dropbox_uploader.sh $./dropbox_uploader.sh
The first time you run dropbox_uploader, you'll be guided through a wizard in order to configure access to your Dropbox. This configuration will be stored in ~/.dropbox_uploader.
./dropbox_uploader.sh [PARAMETERS] COMMAND... [%%]: Optional param <%%>: Required param
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload /etc/passwd /myfiles/passwd.old
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload *.zip /
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh -x .git upload ./project /
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh download /backup.zip
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh delete /backup.zip
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh mkdir /myDir/
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload "My File.txt" "My File 2.txt"
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh share "My File.txt"
- ./dropbox_uploader.sh list
- GNU Linux
- FreeBSD 8.3/10.0
- MacOSX
- Windows/Cygwin
- Raspberry Pi
- iOS
- OpenWRT
- Chrome OS
- OpenBSD
- Termux
use crontab -e and put the command 0 2 * * * /path/to/mysql_script.sh