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Harvesting German clinical knowledge graphs from pretrained language models

The following work is a Master’s thesis by Natalia Minakova, done at the Computational Linguistics Department of the University of Heidelberg. This project was supervised by Prof. Dr. Anette Frank.


Knowledge graphs can be a great tool to leverage information, more specifically healthcare data, that can lead to improved clinical decision-making, enhanced research capabilities, and optimized healthcare delivery, this can be achieved by integrating patient-specific data with medical knowledge. However, most knowledge graphs are manually created, might not fit all tasks and are mostly in English. These KGs can be rather costly to construct and they are not applicable to German data. Recently, language models like BERT have been shown to encode a large amount of knowledge implicitly in their parameters. Hao et al. 2022 harvested symbolic Knowledge Graphs from the pretrained LMs and proposed a framework for automatic KG construction. However, this approach has thus far only been tested on non-medical English data.
Therefore, this master thesis aims to evaluate the potential of pre-trained language models as a source for harvesting clinical knowledge in German.

Researh Questions

Q1. Can German clinical knowledge be extracted from pretrained language models?
Q2. What combination of models, data and prompts maximizes the precision score?
Q3. What is the best evaluation strategy?


BERTNet: Harvesting Knowledge from the LMs (Hao et al. 2022) This paper proposes an automated framework to extract a Knowledge Graph from pre-trained LMs such as BERT or RoBERTa. The framework derives knowledge of new relation types and entities, independent of existing knowledge bases or corpora. The study investigates the knowledge capacity of different models, revealing that larger models encode more knowledge.

Core components of BERTnet:

  1. Automatic creation of diverse prompts with confidence weights

Given the input information of a relation: initial prompt and a few shots of seed entity pairs → initial prompt is paraphrased to a large set of prompts that are linguistically diverse but semantically describe the same relation. Entity names are then removed. Each prompt is associated with a confidence weight. Based on the edit distance the prompts that are sufficiently different are kept. Compatibility score is created to avoid noisy prompts.

  1. Efficient search to discover consistent entity pairs

Entity pairs are harvested that satisfy all prompts. The minimum individual log-likelihoods and weighted averaged across different prompts are used to propose a large set of candidate entity pairs.

These pairs are then re-ranked based with the full consistency score and top-K instances are picked as the output knowledge It is important to change the language of the stopwords that used to filter out the unnecessary candidates.

Prompt Engineering

Getting the right prompt is very important in order to extract accurate entity pairs. This sections contains samples of different types of prompts that have been used in the experiments.

  1. Das <ENT1> wird bei der Krankheit <ENT0> angewendet.

  2. Das in der Kardiologie verwendete Medikament <ENT1> dient der Behandlung von Krankheit <ENT0> .

  3. Medikament: Warfarin, Krankheit: Vorhofflimmern. Das Medikament <ENT1> wird zur Behandlung der Krankheit <ENT0> in der Kardiologie eingesetzt.

  4. In der Kardiologie wird das Medikament Warfarin bei Vorhofflimmern eingesetzt. Auch das Medikament Amiodaron wird zur Behandlung der Arrhythmie verwendet. Das Medikament Aspirin wird bei Arteriosklerose angewendet. Das Medikament <ENT1> wird zur Behandlung der Krankheit <ENT0> in der Kardiologie eingesetzt.



The following table contains some statistics about the

Name Number of Tokens Number of Documents Domain
GGPONC 1,877,100 30 Oncology
BRONCO150 70,572 150 Oncology
DGK 172,320 128 Cardiology 993,143 500 Cardiology
MieDEEP 977,504 500 Cardiology
MIMIC-III approx. 500 mil around 2 mil. Hospital Clinical Notes

Table 1. Dataset statistics


  • gBERT-base
  • gBERT-large
  • xlm-RoBERTa

Experimental setup

Four sets of extractions:

  • models taken from hugging face,
  • further pre-trained models
  • further pre-trained models + contextualized prompts
  • further pre-trained models + few-shot learning prompts


This section will list out some of the results that demonstrate that German clinical knowledge can be extracted from a pretrained model.

gBERT-base-fpt gBERT-large-fpt
beide wege - beide seiten Cannabis - Schmerzen Magnesium - Angina Pectoris
beide vorgehen - beide seiten beide medizin - beide seiten Psychotherapie - Beschwerden
Bewegung - Beschwerden versch. technologien - versch. ursachen Metformin - kardio. risikofaktoren
Alkohol - Beschwerden Alkohol - Schmerzen Ibuprofen - Beschwerden
Cannabis - Beschwerden Cannabis - Beschwerden Sauerstoff - Atemnot
Bewegung - Schmerzen Alkohol - Beschwerden Psychotherapie - Schmerzen
Cannabis - Schmerzen Bewegung - Schmerzen aktuell methotrexat - Lungenfibrose
Schokolade - Beschwerden Bewegung - Beschwerden Cannabis - Beschwerden
Alkohol - Schmerzen Yoga - körperliche schwäche Clopidogrel - Vorhofflimmern
Schokolade - Schmerzen Schlaf Ab - Schlaf Frei Psychotherapie - Depression
zahn zähne - zähne gut Sauerstoff - Schmerzen Nikotin - kardio. risikofaktoren
Rauch Zigaretten - Nichtraucher Doping - körperliche schwäche Clopidogrel - Beschwerden
zahn zähne - zähne dauerhaft Cannabis - Schmerz Prednisolon - akuten nierenversagen
Cannabis - Stress Sauerstoff - Beschwerden Cannabis - Schmerzen
Physi Fitness - körperliche belastung Alkohol - Stress Sauerstoff - Dyspnoe
Bewegung - Schmerz beides - Patienten Physiotherapie - Rückenschmerzen
beide wege - beide ursachen Sauerstoff - Patienten Paracetamol - Übelkeit
Alkohol - Fieber Bewegung - Stress Ibuprofen - Atemnot
Bewegung - Stress Cannabis - Stress psych. unterstützung - Depressionen
Alkohol - Stress Alkohol - Schmerz Psychotherapie - Schlafstörungen

Table 2. Top-20 results for isRecommendedForIllness relation for the further pretrained models.

non-contextualized prompt contextualized prompt
Magnesium - Angina Pectoris Magnesium - Herzrhythmusstörungen
Psychotherapie - Beschwerden Clopidogrel - Vorhofflimmern
Metformin - kardio. risikofaktoren Clopidogrel - Herzinsuffizienz
Ibuprofen - Beschwerden Kontrastmittel - Herzrhythmusstörungen
Sauerstoff - Atemnot Metformin - Herzinsuffizienz
Psychotherapie - Schmerzen Kontrastmittel - Komplikationen
methotrexat - Lungenfibrose Magnesium - Herzinsuffizienz
Cannabis - Beschwerden Röntgen Thorax - Rundherde
Clopidogrel - Vorhofflimmern Clopidogrel - Monate
Psychotherapie - Depression Röntgen Thorax - Pneumothorax
Nikotin - kardio. risikofaktoren Adenosin - weitere therapieansätze
Clopidogrel - Beschwerden Kontrastmittel - Beschwerden
Prednisolon - akuten nierenversagen Clopidogrel - Patienten
Cannabis - Schmerzen Metformin - Herzrhythmusstörungen
Sauerstoff - Dyspnoe Cholesterin - kardio. risikofaktoren
Physiotherapie - Rückenschmerzen Adenosin - Beschwerden
Paracetamol - Übelkeit Methotrexat - Lungenfibrose
Ibuprofen - Atemnot Sauerstoff - Herzrhythmusstörungen
psych. unterstützung - Depressionen Methotrexat - Cyclophosphamid

Table 3. Effectiveness of prompt contextualizing for the further pretrained model for the isRecommendedForIllness relation.


Manual evalution is the most effective approach. To reduce the effort of manually checking over 100 entries and extra filtering step has been added. The filtering steps involves passing the output of the BERTnet framework in batches of 20 to gpt4 with an instruction to filter out pairs that are wrong for the given relation. an example of an instuction:
"For element in the nested list: element[0] is a disease and element[1] is a medication. Go through the list and if element[1] is a valid medication for element[0] or it is part of therapy for element[0] then keep it in the list, if not, then remove it from the list"
These the filtered results:
HasMedication: 156 generated pairs --> 50 correct pairs
HasDrugForm: 116 generated pairs --> 15 correct pairs
HasRiskFaktor: 68 generated pairs --> 45 correct pairs
HasSideEffect: 100 generated pairs --> 18 correct pairs
HasSymptom: 125 generated pairs --> 68 correct pairs


From the above results, it can be seen that it is possible to extract German clinical Knowledge from a pre-trained language model. The best results are extracted from a model that was further pre-trained on the cardio data(DGK, and mieDEEP). The best evaluation strategy is to pass the results through a filtering step with GPT4 and then do a manual check on the remaining enities.


Hao et al. 2022 "BertNet: Harvesting Knowledge graphs from pretrained language models"
Vimig Socrates. (2022). Extraction of Diagnostic Reasoning Relations for Clinical Knowledge Graphs.
Bressem et al. 2023 "medBERT.DE: A comprehensive German BERT model for the medical domain"
Devlin, Jacob et al. “BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding.” North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2019).


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