pip install aioserver
Start a test server with the examples in the Usage section below:
make test
Make requests against the running test server:
curl -v localhost:8080
curl -v localhost:8080/found
curl -v localhost:8080/not-found
curl -v localhost:8080/server-error
from aioserver import Application
app = Application()
async def index(request):
return {'message': 'Hello, world!'}
async def found(request):
return 302, {'Location': 'https://www.example.com/'}, {'message': 'Found'}
async def not_found(request):
return 404, {'message': 'Not Found'}
async def server_error(request):
return 500
async def cross_origin_resource_sharing(request):
return {'message': 'Greetings from a different origin!'}
@app.cors('*', ['X-Custom-Header'])
async def cross_origin_header_sharing(request):
return 200, {'X-Custom-Header': 'share-this-header-too'}, {'message': 'Hello!'}
from aioserver.middleware import hours
@app.session(max_age=24 * hours)
async def session_cookie(request):
print(f'session uuid {request.session}')
return 200, {'message': 'Session UUID set as cookie for 24 hours.'}
Route-specific middleware:
async def always_ok(request, handler):
response = await handler(request)
response.set_status(200, 'OK')
return response
async def not_found_but_still_ok(request):
return 404, {'message': 'Not found but still OK!'}
Global middleware:
async def strict_transport_security(request, handler):
response = await handler(request)
response.headers['Strict-Transport-Security'] = 'max-age=31536000'
return response
app.run(host='', port=8080)
- Decorator-based request handlers
- Allow handler to specify HTTP response status
- Allow handler to specify additional HTTP headers
- Serialize XML ElementTree as text/xml response
- Decorator-based CORS
- Fix project description
- Route-specific middleware using decorators
- Global middleware using
- Refactor CORS headers as middleware
- Add session cookie as middleware
- Package as a module instead of as a single file
- Update existing routes when adding new middleware