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Tab Stops

Dolan edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 6 revisions

Deprecated as of V5 and above

Tab stops are useful, if you are unclear of what they are, here is a link explaining. It enables side by side text which is nicely laid out without the need for tables, or constantly pressing space bar.

Note: At the moment, the unit of measurement for a tab stop is counter intuitive for a human. It is using OpenXMLs own measuring system. For example, 2268 roughly translates to 3cm. Therefore in the future, I may consider changing it to percentages or even cm.

Word 2013 Tabs

Simply call the relevant methods on the paragraph listed below. Then just add a tab() method call to a text object. Adding multiple tabStops will mean you would have to chain tab() until the desired tabStop is selected. Example is shown below.

Left Tab Stop


2268 is the distance from the left side.

Center Tab Stop


2268 is the distance from the left side.

Right Tab Stop


2268 is the distance from the left side.

Max Right Tab Stop


This will create a tab stop on the very edge of the right hand side. Handy for right aligning and left aligning text on the same line.


var paragraph = new docx.Paragraph().maxRightTabStop();
var leftText = new docx.TextRun("Hey everyone").bold();
var rightText = new docx.TextRun("11th November 2015").tab();

The example above will create a left aligned text, and a right aligned text on the same line. The laymans approach to this problem would be to either use text boxes or tables. YUK!

var paragraph = new docx.Paragraph();
var text = new docx.TextRun("Second tab stop here I come!").tab().tab();

The above shows the use of two tab stops, and how to select/use it.