Laravel Realtime is a repository that demonstrates the basic functionality of Pusher in Laravel for real-time communication.
Real-time chat functionality using Pusher Ability for users to join chat rooms Simple and intuitive user interface
Clone the repository to your local machine. Install dependencies using composer install. Copy the .env.example file to .env and configure the database and Pusher settings. Run php artisan migrate to create the necessary database tables. Serve the application using php artisan serve.
Navigate to the application in your browser. Create a new account or log in with an existing one. Choose a chat room to join. Start chatting in real-time with other users in the chat room.
Contributions to this project are welcome and encouraged. If you have an idea for a feature or enhancement, please create a pull request and we will review it as soon as possible.
This project is open-source software licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify this code for your own projects.