A configuration file management library for Rust applications.
Run cargo add libset
or add it to Cargo.toml
libset = "0.1"
Start by creating a new Config
let config = Config::new("org.example.Demo", 1, None)?;
Provide an application name, a version and optionally a prefix, then, a new directory will be added to your filesystem, this is where all the created files will be stored in.
let config = Config::new("org.example.Demo", 1, None)?;
config.set_json("colors", json!({ "accent": "#7a7af9" }))?;
This wil store the file here:
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Colors { accent: String }
let settings: Colors = config.get_json("colors")?;
Check out the examples!
A scope is just a simple sub-directory stored inside your application's config directory, all subsequent files will be stored within that scope.
let config = Config::new("org.example.Demo", 1, Some("appearance"))?;
config.set_json("colors", json!({ "accent": "#7a7af9" }))?;
This wil store the file here:
- Enables json support, enabled by default.toml
- Enables toml support.ron
- Enables ron support.
Depending on which features you enable, you will get setter and getters methods suffixed by the file type.
If you have a proposal for a new feature, open a new issue.