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Estuary Agent is a Spring Boot service that runs your shell commands via pure REST API. Part of the Estuary stack.


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Estuary Agent


The agent is written in Java (SpringBoot), and it executes low-level commands.

It enables any use case which implies system commands:

  • Controlling and configuring the machines (via REST API)
  • Exposing CLI applications via REST API
  • Testing support by enabling SUT control and automation framework control
  • IoT
  • Home control integrations

It supports command execution having several modes:

  • Commands executed sequentially
  • Commands executed in parallel
  • Commands executed in background
  • Commands executed synchronously

With the help of the agent the user can also do IO operations:

  • File upload and download (binary / text)
  • Folder download (as zip archive)

This code acts both as a microservice as well as a library:

a) Standalone microservice jar with the extension: exec.jar

java -jar agent-4.2.2-exec.jar

b) Library as a Maven dependency:



Maven Central with version prefix filter Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)

Build status


Code quality

Codacy Badge Maintainability

Postman collection

The postman collection is saved in folder docs

Commands in background

Send your command using the classic endpoints, and then timeout from client.
Use /commands, /commands/running and /commands/finished GET to retrieve your command information.

Eureka client registration

Set the following env vars:

  • APP_IP -> the ip which this service binds to
  • PORT -> the port which this service binds to


export APP_IP=
export PORT=8081
java -jar \
-Deureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone= \
-Deureka.client.enabled=true agent-4.2.3-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar 

Fluentd logging

  • FLUENTD_IP_PORT -> This env var sets the fluentd ip:port connection. Example: localhost:24224


Method 1 - Spring security


These env vars will be matched against basic authentication from your HttpClient.
After user auth, set the received cookie (JSESSIONID) to communicate further with the agent.
The same settings can be set through application properties: app.user & app.password.
The env vars precedence is higher than the one set through the application properties.

!!! Use these env variables or swap file if you use it as dependency, otherwise you will open a major security hole. The attacker will have access to your system. !!!

Method 2 - Token auth - No spring-security

  • HTTP_AUTH_TOKEN -> This env var sets the auth token for the service. Will be matched with the header 'Token'
    Note: The profile to be used is 'test'.

Command timeout

  • COMMAND_TIMEOUT -> This env var sets the command timeout for the system commands. Default is 1800 seconds.

Enable HTTPS

Set HTTPS_ENABLE env var option to true or false.
Set the certificate path (is relative!) with HTTPS_KEYSTORE and HTTPS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD env variables. E.g. HTTPS_KEYSTORE=file:https/keystore.p12
If you do not set cert and keystore password env vars, it uses the ones from default in the resource folder.

! Please also set the following env vars:

  • the app port by setting the env var called PORT to 8443. Default is 8080.

Environment variables injection

User defined environment variables will be stored in a 'virtual' environment. The extra env vars will be used by the process that executes system commands.
There are two ways to inject user defined environment variables.

  • call POST on /env endpoint. The body will contain the env vars in JSON format. E.g. {"FOO1":"BAR1"}
  • create an file with the extra env vars needed and place it in the same path as the JAR. Example in this repo.

! All environment variables described above can also be set using However, the vars set through application.yml can't be set: PORT, APP_IP, EUREKA_SERVER.

Example output

curl -X POST -d 'ls -lrt' http://localhost:8080/command

  "code": 1000,
  "message": "Success",
  "description": {
    "finished": true,
    "started": false,
    "startedat": "2020-08-15 19:38:16.138962",
    "finishedat": "2020-08-15 19:38:16.151067",
    "duration": 0.012,
    "pid": 2315,
    "id": "none",
    "commands": {
      "ls -lrt": {
        "status": "finished",
        "details": {
          "out": "total 371436\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 dinuta qa  13258464 Jun 24 09:25 main-linux\ndrwxr-xr-x 4 dinuta qa        40 Jul  1 11:42 tmp\n-rw-r--r-- 1 dinuta qa  77707265 Jul 25 19:38\n-rw------- 1 dinuta qa   4911271 Aug 14 10:00 nohup.out\n",
          "err": "",
          "code": 0,
          "pid": 6803,
          "args": [
            "ls -lrt"
        "startedat": "2020-08-15 19:38:16.138970",
        "finishedat": "2020-08-15 19:38:16.150976",
        "duration": 0.012
  "timestamp": "2020-08-15 19:38:16.151113",
  "path": "/command?",
  "name": "estuary-agent",
  "version": "4.0.8"


The underlying library integrating swagger to SpringBoot is springfox

Start your server as an simple java application

You can view the api documentation in swagger-ui by pointing to

Change default port value in

Maven dependency && settings.xml

Get this dependency:


Maven devendency snapshot


To use a snapshot version, set the repo in settings.xml:


To generate Query classes needed for the DB queries run:
mvn clean install (-DskipTests=true for faster compilation)


Support project: