This Button can differentiate between three different actions (Click, DoubleClick and LongPress) and send an event to the MQTT Broker. I use this to control my MiLight system with the help of Node-Red.
Software requirements:
- Homie framework 1.5.0 (
- OneButton librarby (
- Arduino ESP8266 filesystem uploader ( for configuration upload, see
- any MQTT-broker, i am using Mosquitto (
- WEMOS D1 mini pro (
- WEMOS D1 mini 1-Button Shield (
You probably need to change the folliwing lines: in /data/homie/config.json
- Change your WiFi SSID and password here
"wifi": {
"ssid": "xxx",
"password": "yyy"
- Change this to your MQTT-broker IP
"mqtt": {
"host": ""
and in MQTTLightButtonSwitch3State.ino
- If your button is attached to a different pin, change the name here:
OneButton button(D3, true);
Upload the configuration in Arduino IDE with Tools->ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload. Compile and Upload the code with Arduino IDE to your ESP8266.