Command-line tool to manage the Todo lists of your projects
Built with Python3 with Unix systems in mind.
Todo exists to bring all the needed functionalities for simple project management to the terminal. No graphical interface is needed; this tool is easy enough to use to improve your workflow.
$ git clone
If you use several Python versions on your computer, create a virtual environment with the Python 3 interpreter:
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
Activate the new environment:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install with pip
$ pip install <path to the todo-cli folder>
You should now be able to use the command todo
Before working on your Todo list, you need to create a project.
$ todo init
Project name: (moody-app) Moody
The project Moody has been created.
You can now start adding tasks!
- Create a project
- Delete a project
- Rename a project
- Add a task
- Remove a task
- Check a task
- Uncheck a task
- Toggle a task
- List all tasks
- Search tasks
$ todo init
$ todo delete
You can use del
instead of delete
$ todo rename "New name"
$ todo add "Name of the task"
You can add several tasks and don't need to add quotes:
$ todo add "Task 1", Task 2, "Task 3"
To remove a specific task by name:
$ todo remove "Name of the task"
To remove a task with an interactive menu (Unix only):
$ todo remove
You can use rm
instead of remove
$ todo check "Name of the task"
To check all the items:
$ todo check --all
You can use -a
instead of --all
$ todo uncheck "Name of the task"
To uncheck all the items:
$ todo uncheck --all
You can use -a
instead of --all
To toggle a specific task by name:
$ todo toggle "Name of the task"
To toggle a task with an interactive menu (Unix only):
$ todo toggle
You can use tg
instead of toggle
$ todo list
You can use ls
instead of list
$ todo search "keyword"
MIT © François Chalifour