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Automated letsencrypt/certbot certificate request and deploy script for Zimbra hosts


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Automated letsencrypt/certbot certificate deploy script for Zimbra hosts.



Thanks to the awesome job of @jjakob the script has undergone a considerable rewrite. Some things changed, some parameters have been renamed, so if you're upgrading please read the WARNING chapter below.

We encourage you to test the script and report back any issues you might encounter. The latest version can be downloaded from the Releases tab, or if you prefer bleeding edge (may be broken) from the master branch directly.

If you encounter any problem please open an issue.

Things explicitly not tested are in the TESTING file.



The command line parameters were changed with v0.7. -r/--renew-only was renamed to -d/--deploy-only, and -d was changed to -H. This is a BREAKING change so please update your crontabs and any other places they are used. Some new parameters were added, though they won't break backwards-compatibility, they add new features. Refer to the usage and/or the changelog for more information.



  • bash, su, which, lsof or ss, openssl, grep, sed (GNU), gawk (GNU awk)
  • ca-certificates (Debian/Ubuntu) or pki-base (RHEL/CentOS)
  • Zimbra: zmhostname, zmcontrol, zmproxyctrl, zmprov, zmcertmgr
  • zimbra-proxy installed and working or an alternate webserver configured for letsencrypt webroot
  • either certbot, certbot-auto or letsencrypt binary in PATH. These three may be used interchangeably in the rest of the document, depending on what is installed on your system.

Certbot installation

The preferred way is to install it is by using the wizard at certbot's home. Choose None of the above as software and your operating system. This will allow you to install easily upgradable system packages.

After installation, we need to run certbot on its own so that it can bootstrap itself. As root, run:


This will make certbot install any additional packages it needs and create its environment. Failing to do this step may make the script fail when trying to run certbot.

By installing Certbot via packages it automatically creates a cron schedule and a systemd timer to renew certificates (at least on Ubuntu). We must disable this schedule because after the renew we must deploy it in Zimbra. Also certbot's timers will attempt to update the cert twice a day, this means a Zimbra restart may happen during work hours. So open /etc/cron.d/certbot with your favourite editor and comment the last line. To disable systemd timers run:

systemctl stop certbot.timer && systemctl disable certbot.timer

certbot-zimbra installation

Download the latest release and install it (copy the latest URL from the Releases tab):

wget --content-disposition
tar xzf certbot-zimbra-0.7.11.tar.gz
chmod +x
chown root:
mv /usr/local/bin/

Or from the master branch:


USAGE: < -d | -n | -p > [-aNuzjxcq] [-H] [-e extra.domain.tld] [-w /var/www] [-s <service_names>] [-P port] [-L "--extra-le-parameters ..."]
  Only one option at a time can be supplied. Options cannot be chained.
  Mandatory options (only one can be specified):
	 -d | --deploy-only: Just deploys certificates. Can be run as --deploy-hook. If run standalone, assumes valid certificates are in /etc/letsencrypt/live. Incompatible with -n/--new, -p/--patch-only.
	 -n | --new: performs a request for a new certificate ("certonly"). Can be used to update the domains in an existing certificate. Incompatible with -d/--deploy-only, -p/--patch-only.
	 -p | --patch-only: does only nginx patching. Useful to be called before renew, in case nginx templates have been overwritten by an upgrade. Incompatible with -d/--deploy-only, -n/--new, -x/--no-nginx.

  Options only used with -n/--new:
	 -a | --agree-tos: agree with the Terms of Service of Let's Encrypt (avoids prompt)
	 -L | --letsencrypt-params "--extra-le-parameters ...": Additional parameters to pass to certbot/letsencrypt
	 -N | --noninteractive: Pass --noninteractive to certbot/letsencrypt.
  Domain options:
	 -e | --extra-domain <extra.domain.tld>: additional domains being requested. Can be used multiple times. Implies -u/--no-public-hostname-detection.
	 -H | --hostname <>: hostname being requested. If not passed it's automatically detected using "zmhostname".
	 -u | --no-public-hostname-detection: do not detect additional hostnames from domains' zimbraServicePublicHostname.
  Deploy options:
	 -s | --services <service_names>: the set of services to be used for a certificate. Valid services are 'all' or any of: ldap,mailboxd,mta,proxy. Default: 'all'
	 -z | --no-zimbra-restart: do not restart zimbra after a certificate deployment
  Port check:
	 -j | --no-port-check: disable port check. Incompatible with -P/--port.
	 -P | --port <port>: HTTP port the web server to use for letsencrypt authentication is listening on. Is detected from zimbraMailProxyPort. Mandatory with -x/--no-nginx.
  Nginx options:
	 -w | --webroot "/path/to/www": path to the webroot of alternate webserver. Valid only with -x/--no-nginx.
	 -x | --no-nginx: Alternate webserver mode. Don't check and patch zimbra-proxy's nginx. Must also specify -P/--port and -w/--webroot. Incompatible with -p/--patch-only.
  Output options:
	 -c | --prompt-confirm: ask for confirmation. Incompatible with -q/--quiet.
	 -q | --quiet: Do not output on stdout. Useful for scripts. Implies -N/--noninteractive, incompatible with -c/--prompt-confirm.

If no -e is given, the script will figure out the additional domain(s) to add to the certificate as SANs via zmprov gd $domain zimbraPublicServiceHostname. This can be skipped with -u/--no-public-hostname-detection, in which case only the CN from zmhostname or -H/--hostname will be used.

Only one certificate will be issued including all the found hostnames. The primary host will always be zmhostname.

Zimbra 8.6+ single server example


The script needs some prerequisites. They are listed under Installation/Requirements. The script will run a prerequisite check on startup and exit if anthing is missing.

In addition, there are different modes of operation, depending on your environment (proxy server):

Zimbra-proxy mode (the default)

Uses zimbra-proxy for the letsencrypt authentication. Zimbra-proxy must be enabled and running. This is the preferred mode.

When starting, the script checks the status of zmproxyctl and checks if a process with the name "nginx" and user "zimbra" is listening on port zimbraMailProxyPort (obtained via zmprov).

The port can optionally be overridden with -P/--port or the port check skipped entirely with -j/--no-port-check if you are absolutely sure everything is set up correctly. The zmproxyctl status check can't be skipped.

Patches are applied to nginx's templates to pass .well-known to the webroot to make letsencrypt work, after which nginx is restarted.

Everything, including new certificate requests, can be done via certbot-zimbra in this mode.

Alternate webserver mode

Is selected with -x/--no-nginx. Requires -P/--port and -w/--webroot. --port is checked for listening status. All zimbra-proxy checks are skipped.

Can be used in case you don't have zimbra-proxy enabled but have a different webserver as a reverse proxy in front of Zimbra.

You'll have to configure the webserver for letsencrypt (to serve /.well-known from a webroot somewhere in the filesystem), some examples for this can be found here.

Renewal can be done as per instructions below, but --pre-hook can be omitted.

First run

If you don't yet have a letsencrypt certificate, you'll need to obtain one first. The script can do everything for you, including deploying the certificate and restarting zimbra.

Run ./ -n -c

This will do all pre-run checks, patch zimbra's nginx, run certbot to obtain the certificate, test it, deploy it and restart zimbra. Passing -c means the script will prompt you for confirmation before restarting zimbra's nginx, running certbot/letsencrypt, deploying the certificate and restarting zimbra.

Certbot will also ask you some information about the certificate interactively, including an e-mail to use for expiry notifications. Please use a valid e-mail for this as should the automatic renewal fail for any reason, this is the way you'll get notified.

The domain of the certificate is obtained automatically using zmhostname. If you want to request a specific hostname use the -H/--hostname option. This domain will be the DN of the certificate.

The certificate can be requested with additional hostnames/SANs. By default the script fetches the zimbraPublicServiceHostname attribute from all domains and if present, adds it to the certificate SANs to be requested. If you want to disable this behavior use the -u/--no-public-hostname-detection option.

Note: Let's Encrypt has a limit of a maximum of 100 domains per certificate at the time of this writing: Rate Limits

To indicate additional domains explicitly use the -e/--extra-domain option (can be specified multiple times). Note that -e also disables additional hostname detection.

Additional options can be passed directly to certbot/letsencrypt with -L | --letsencrypt-params. For example, if you want 4096-bit certificates, add -L "--rsa-key-size 4096" (note: this is the default for newer certbot). Refer to certbot's documentation for more information.

Running noninteractively

When retrieving a new certificate using -n, certbot runs interactively. If you want to run it noninteractively, you can pass -N/--noninteractive which will be passed on to certbot. Also passing -q/--quiet will suppress the status output of the script. Only do this if you're absolutely sure what you're doing, as this leaves you with no option to verify the detected hostnames, specify the certificate e-mail etc. -N/--noninteractive may be combined with -q | --quiet and/or -L | --letsencrypt-params to pass all the parameters to certbot directly, e.g. in scripts to do automated testing with staging certificates.


Renewal using crontab

EFF suggest to run renew twice a day. Since this would imply restarting zimbra, once a day outside workhours should be fine. So in your favourite place (like /etc/cron.d/zimbracrontab or with sudo crontab -e) schedule the command below, as suitable for your setup:

# requires bash and a path with /usr/sbin

# Replace /usr/bin/certbot with the location of your certbot binary, use this to find it: which certbot-auto certbot letsencrypt
12 5 * * * root /usr/bin/certbot renew --pre-hook "/usr/local/bin/ -p" --deploy-hook "/usr/local/bin/ -d"

The --pre-hook ensures Zimbra's nginx is patched to allow certificate verification. You can omit it if you remember to manually execute that command after an upgrade or a reinstall which may restore nginx's templates to their default.

The --deploy-hook parameter is only run if a renewal was successful, this will run with -d to deploy the renewed certificates and restart zimbra.

--deploy-hook is a newer addition to certbot, so if yours doesn't have it, the best option is to upgrade it. If you installed certbot manually instead of via the package manager, it should auto-upgrade on every invocation. Just run certbot-auto (or the equivalent on your system) without any parameters to auto-upgrade.

The domain to renew is automatically obtained with zmhostname. If you need customized domain name pass the -H parameter after -d.

If you want to suppress status output and only receive notifications on errors, you can add --quiet to certbot and both hooks.

Make sure you have a working mail setup (valid aliases for root or similar) to get crontab failure notifications.

Renewal using Systemd

If you prefer systemd you can use these instructions. The example below uses the deploy-hook which will only rerun the script if a renewal was successful and thus only reloading zimbra when needed. Sadly, systemd doesn't have a built-in on-failure mail notification function like cron does so you won't be notified of failed renewals. One could write a service to do that via "OnFailure=".

Create a service file eg: /etc/systemd/system/renew-letsencrypt.service

Description=Renew Let's Encrypt certificates and deploy into Zimbra if successful

# run certbot --renew with pre/post hooks. only deploys if renewal was successful.
# Replace /usr/bin/certbot with the location of your certbot binary, use this to find it: which certbot-auto certbot letsencrypt.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet --pre-hook "/usr/local/bin/ -p" --deploy-hook "/usr/local/bin/ -d"

Create a timer file to run the above once a day at 2am: /etc/systemd/system/renew-letsencrypt.timer

Description=Daily renewal of Let's Encrypt's certificates

# once a day, at 2AM
OnCalendar=*-*-* 02:00:00
# Be kind to the Let's Encrypt servers: add a random delay of 0–3600 seconds


Then reload the unit file with

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start renew-letsencrypt.timer
systemctl enable renew-letsencrypt.timer

Check the timers status:

systemctl list-timers renew-letsencrypt.timer

Alternate webserver mode

See Preparation: Alternate webserver

Alternate webserver, manual certbot new certificate request

As above, but the first certificate can be obtained manually with certbot outside of this script with the authenticator plugin of your choice. Refer to the letsencrypt documentation for first certificate request information.

After the certificate has been obtained, -d/--deploy-only can be used to deploy the certificate in Zimbra (to use it in services other than HTTP also) and renewal can be done as usual with --deploy-hook.

No proxy server (manual certificate request with alternate authentication method)

Since the HTTP authentication method can't be used, an alternate method like DNS will have to be used. Refer to the letsencrypt documentation on obtaining certificates without HTTP.

Deployment and renewal can be done as in the Alternate webserver manual mode.

Manual certificate request example

Say you have apache in front of zimbra (or listening on port 80 only) just run certbot-auto to request the certificate for apache, and when done run

/usr/local/bin/ --deploy-only

so that it will deploy the certificate in zimbra.

Set up renewal as above, but without --pre-hook.


Error: port check failed

This usually means zimbra-proxy is misconfigured. In the default case (without port overrides) the script checks if zimbra-proxy's nginx is listening on "zimbraMailProxyPort" (can be read with zmprov, port 80 in most cases). If this check fails, zimbra-proxy is misconfigured, not enabled, not started or you have a custom port configuration and didn't tell the script via port override parameters.

Zimbra's proxy guide (Zimbra Proxy Guide) is usually quite confusing for a novice and may be difficult to learn. For this we have a quick Zimbra proxy configuration for certbot-zimbra guide to get you up and running quickly. Still, you should get to know zimbra-proxy and configure it according to your own needs.

Error: unable to parse certbot version

This is caused by certbot expecting user input when the script tried to run it, typically because of it not being bootstrapped and this being a fresh installation of certbot. To fix this, run certbot-auto on the command line manually, this will make it bootstrap and ask for any input. After this the script should work fine.

Newer versions of the script print a more descriptive error message and allow the bootstrap to occur during the script run if ran with --prompt-confirm.

certbot failures

Check that you have an updated version of certbot installed. If you have installed certbot from your operating system's repositories, they may be out of date. Use the way that certbot recommends for your operating system on their installation page, or install certbot-auto (will auto-update on each invocation). Remove the old certbot packages first.

Try running certbot/certbot-auto on the command line by itself and see if it has any errors. Check the certificate status with certbot certificates. Remove any duplicate or outdated certificates for the same domain names.

Check that ports 80 and 443 are open and accessible from the outside and check that your domain points to the server's IP. Basically troubleshoot Letsencrypt as if you weren't using certbot-zimbra.

cat: /etc/ssl/certs/2e5ac55d.0: No such file or directory OR Can't find "DSTRootCAX3" OR Unable to validate certificate chain: O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3

Letsencrypt's "DST Root CA X3" expired in September 2021. Certbot should have automatically renewed the certificate with the new "ISRG Root X1" before this, but some users reported this did not happen, certbot still issued a certificate with the old expired CA, and the site certificate did not successfully install. See issue #140.

  • make sure you have latest ca-certificates (Debian/Ubuntu) or pki-base (RHEL/CentOS) package (do a apt-get dist-upgrade/upgrade/install ca-certificates or equivalent yum command)
  • use certbot_zimbra to request a new cert just for Zimbra: -L '--preferred-chain \"ISRG Root X1\"' new. You need to use the same options as when you first requested the cert, as certbot_zimbra doesn't remember them.
  • alternatively try forcing a renewal with certbot --force-renewal --preferred-chain "ISRG Root X1" renew (quotes around "ISRG Root X1" are important). If successful, run /usr/local/bin/ -d to deploy the new cert. NOTE: this will force renew all certificates, not just Zimbra's, and you may need to manually deploy them to other services.


Notes on zimbraReverseProxyMailMode

Letsencrypt by default tries to verify a domain using http, so the script should work fine if zimbraReverseProxyMailMode is set to http, both, redirect or mixed. It won't work if set to https only. This is due to certbot deprecating the tls-sni-01 authentication method and switching to HTTP-01.


The script doesn't handle multiple domains configured with SNI (see #8). You can still request a single certificate for multiple hostnames.

Upgrade from v0.1

If you originally requested the certificate with the first version of the script, which used standalone method, newer version will fail to renew. This because it now uses webroot mode by patching Zimbra's nginx, making it more simple to work and to mantain.

To check if you have the old method, run grep authenticator /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/YOURDOMAIN.conf. If it says standalone it uses the old method.

To update to the new "webroot" method you can simply run -n -c -L "--force-renewal". This will force renew your existing certificate and save the new authentication method. It'll also ask you for deploying the new certificate in Zimbra. You can also manually modify the config file in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/, while not recommended, is detailed here:

How it works

This script uses zimbra-proxy's nginx to intercept requests to .well-known/acme-challenge and pass them to a custom webroot folder. To do this, we patch the templates Zimbra uses to build nginx's configuration files. The patch is simple, we add this new section to the end of the templates:

    # patched by
    location ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge {
        root $WEBROOT;

$WEBROOT is either /opt/zimbra/data/nginx/html (default) or the path specified by the command line option. After this we restart zmproxy to apply the patches.

We then pass this webroot to certbot with the webroot plugin to obtain the certificate.

After the certificate has been obtained successfully we stage the certificates in a temporary directory, find the correct CA certificates from the system's certificate store and build the certificate files in a way Zimbra expects them. If verification with zmcertmgr succeeds we deploy the new certificates, restart Zimbra and clean up the temporary files.

After the first patching the script will check if the templates have been already patched and if so, it skips the patching and zmproxy restart steps. This is useful in cron jobs where even if we upgrade Zimbra and wipe out the patched templates they'll be repatched automatically.

The use of --deploy-only from --deploy-hook in cron jobs will only deploy the certificates if a renewal was successful. Thus Zimbra won't be unnecessarily restarted if no renewal was done.

Certbot notes

Certbot preserves the gid and the g:rwx and o:r permissions from old privkey files to the renewed ones. This is described in

If you have some old certificates you've been renewing for a long time, it may be possible your privkey is created with other read permissions. This may be bad if all the containing directories are also other-readable. In my case they were not (the archive dir was mode 700) so the contained private keys were also not readable. Still, you may consider checking your situation and chmod'ing the privkeys to something more sensible like 640:

chmod 640 /etc/letsencrypt/archive/*/privkey*.pem

The default for new privkeys is 600.

If you want the keys in /etc/letsencrypt to be readable by some other programs, adjust the folder and file permissions as necessary, for example:

addgroup --system ssl-cert
chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/{live,archive}
chgrp -R ssl-cert /etc/letsencrypt
addgroup ssl-cert <user that needs key access>



Disclaimer of Warranty



© Lorenzo Milesi [email protected]


  • Jernej Jakob @jjakob
  • @eN0RM
  • Pavel Pulec @pulecp
  • Antonio Prado
  • @afrimberger
  • @mauriziomarini

if you are a contributor, add yourself here (and in the code)

Feedback, bugs, PR are welcome on GitHub.


Automated letsencrypt/certbot certificate request and deploy script for Zimbra hosts







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