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Scrape, organize and present job offers and companies. Dockerized and good to go with a docker-compose up.

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Scrape, organize and present job offers and companies. Dockerized and good to go with a simple docker-compose up.

What & Why

This is a personal project that I undertook to practise some tools, such as Redis, MongoDB, Scrapy, Django and Docker, and to try out some machine learning stuff like document embeddings and models such as Bert, Distilbert using the transformers library.
In its current state it allows to scrape jobs, companies and companies reviews, starting from some search keywords. Data is then stored in MongoDB and can be later explored through the browser at
A Distilbert model fine tuned on sentiment analysis (SST-2 dataset) is used to score the sentiment of each review related to a company, while a document embedding model (josifoski-wsdm2019-cr5) transforms each job offer into a numerical array that allows to search for similar jobs by sorting on the cosine similarity.


When searching for jobs or companies we might be returned some data. Both jobs and companies are compared through some metrics with other results in the search, to allow for more insight on what life in the company could be and to allow sorting based on some metrics, such as work life balance, career opportunities, etc. By clicking on their name we will be brought to a detailed page for a job offer or a company.
When searching for job offers a word cloud of said offers is provided to give a general idea about buzzwords and the like.
The search bar allows you to also start a crawl for a given job/company at a given location, after eventually starting in the background (given the current task and input queues of the crawler) relatd data will begin to populate the database.
Note that when searching in the db, specifying the location will require (a case insensitive) match with a city, state or country. These fields might often not be there but present in the job description text (even if said data was found through a crawl with a given specific location), so it might better to add the location to the searched keywords instead of specifying it in the location form input.

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A job offer page, simply put, contains the job description as it was scraped. Some more details, such as location, employer, etc. might be present, depending on their availability.

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A company page offers a general outlook about the company, its job offers and the reviews it has received.
Each company might be characterized by more or less data, depending on what is present in the db.
Among general info such as headquarters, revenue, competitors etc., one interesting feature is the ability to visualize, for some selected metrics (such as work life balance, career opportunities, benefits, etc.), a comparison between this company, the mean of all companies belonging to the same industry, and the mean of all companies in the db.

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Usage & Extension

The project is easily extensible and further models can be plugged in to obtain different estimations, metrics, classifications etc. The same can be said for the crawling side, scrapy spiders can be written for different websites and plugged into the project to have data coming from more sources.
When implementing a new spider you just have to make sure that the returned data has a "type" field containing a type (an arbitrary string) that will be matched by the broker module that takes care of wrangling data around redis, the db, etc. If you are interested in customizing what the broker does to incoming data, that can be easily done without disrupting other functionalities.
When implementing new modules (e.g. a new machine learning model for some task), you will have to dockerize it and add a service related to it in the docker-compose file contained in the docker directory. Moreover, it will likely send/poll data to/from redis, so you might have to (or can) add some custom redis queues or other data structures in the environment variables and in the broker module , which should only take a few lines of code.
If some choices seem off, it might be that they were completely arbitrary because I wanted to try out something in particular among the libraries/tools I've used.

Tip: When crawling, it might be better to be using a vpn or a proxy to have an ip of an english speaking country. Some websites, such as Glassdoor, might only return reviews (or other data) that are in your (detected) language, resulting in some missed data. In my experience, this is especially true for Glassdoor reviews.

Tip: Given your resources and/or your internet connection you may want to scale up the number of replicas for a specific service.


The project consists of a number of modules with different concerns. Each module is dockerized and the overall architecture tries to be as extensible as possible. The whole thing can be started with a docker-compose up' or a docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml name. Along redis and mongoDB, the modules are:

  • crawling: a loop blocked (BLPOP, blocking pop) on two redis queues (job or company search terms) waiting for input. Once input is received, crawling and scraping begins on the present spiders and data is put into another redis queue.
  • broker: looping on inputs queues waiting for inputs, takes care of wrangling and cleaning data, pushing to db or to other redis queues to provide tasks for the text embedding and sentiment analysis modules.
  • text_embedding: waits for input on a redis queue to compute document embeddings of job offers, which will then be pushed to another redis queue (consumed by the broker module).
  • sentiment_analysis: waits for input on a redis queue to compute a sentiment score [0,1] for incoming reviews, results are then pushed to another redis queue (consumed by the broker module).
    While this could potentially use the GPU, docker-compose is currently not supported, refer to this issue for updates. The sentiment score is computed by a distilbert model fine tuned on the SST-2 dataset. While the model was trained on a gpu, I've found the inference time on cpu to be quite reasonable.
  • client: a django project which gets data from db and presents it through html pages, allows for searching jobs or companies, getting detailed information about them and issuing new scraping tasks to the crawling module by pushing to a redis queue. Each module has its own directory containing a README with more details about the module implementation and usage.

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Scrape, organize and present job offers and companies. Dockerized and good to go with a docker-compose up.






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