Thanks for stopping by. I build aircraft carriers while learning Web Development @Code the Dream.
I'm a Dad, husband, and US Navy veteran. I wake each day to get a little bit better. I feel most fulfilled when I am learning, building a team, or helping others succeed.
I intend to step foot on every continent. Here's where I've been so far.
As for books, I enjoy reads that stimulate emotion as well as learning. No particular genre suits more than another, so bring 'em all. I've been known to sending meaningful books that impacted me to friends and colleagues.
Here's what I'm reading at Goodreads.
Spending time away from the screen gives thoughts time to anchor. Get away for a spell and try again later.
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Thanks again for stopping by. And since you did, please take a walk outside and consider:
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
Mark Twain