FHub is a function repository based on a function specification. This allows you to reuse code at the function level, build software that is scalable and flexible, provides interoperability between programming languages, and helps to developers code maintaince.
- Increase productivity helping developers save time by providing a central location to find functions.
- Improve quality of software by providing a way to test functions, track functions changes, keep version compatibility with old versions.
- Reduced costs of software development by providing a way to reuse functions avoiding duplicating work.
Simple schema using CUE. Complete schema
name: "identity"
specVersion: "0.1"
version: "1.0"
build: {
container: {
image: "golang:1.20"
serving: {
http: {
url: "https://identity:3000/"
functions: {
login: {
input: {
username: string
password: string
output: {
success: bool
- Standardized function definition promoting code reusability, share, and use across different projects.
- Serving allows functions to be hosted and accessible as services with different protocols (http, grpc, ...).
- Build managing dependencies, compiling or packaging functions into executable units, and deployment to different environments (podman, docker, microvm, ...).
Responsible to interpret schema, builder, and servirng.