Community-maintained shortcodes for Nikola are listed in this file. To add your own, put it in a repository or a Gist, add a link and description for your shortcode to this file and send a pull request. Please use the existing entries as a guideline for formatting your new entry. The Extending Nikola manual describes how to implement shortcodes.
To use a template-based shortcode: save it to the shortcodes/
of your Nikola site and follow the usage instructions given by shortcode's
Author: Roberto Alsina (ralsina) Gist:
Create a carousel containing the images from a gallery. Meant to be used in bootstrap4-based themes.
Author: Christopher Arndt (SpotlightKid)
Download: audio.tmpl
A Jinja2 template-based shortcode for Nikola to embed a HTML5 audio player and download links.
{{% audio src= %}}
{{% audio src= formats=mp3,ogg %}}
Sorry, your browser does not seem to support the HTML 5 audio element.
{{% /audio %}}
The shortcode supports a few other parameters:
{{% audio src=my-track.mp3 download="Datei herunterladen:" nocontrols=1 loop=1 autoplay=1 %}}
{{% audio src= nodownload=1 %}}
Boolean parameters must have a value to take effect, but it doesn't matter what the value is.
Author: Anke K (encarsia)
- Jinja2 template: mastodon.tmpl
- Mako template: mastodon.tmpl
Template-based shortcode to embed Mastodon posts.
{{% mastodon status=https://instance.domain/@user/tootnr %}}
Optional parameters:
(default: 600)height
(default: 333)
{{% mastodon status=https://instance.domain/@user/tootnr % width=300 height=600}} will show a 300x600 frame instead of the default 600x300
Author: Diego Carrasco G. (dacog)
Download: series_buttons.tmpl
Template engine: Jinja2
Template-based shortcode to add buttons to other articles. It has, in my opinio, sensible defautls. I use it for previous/next buttons for an article series.
{{% series_buttons previous_url="/previous-article" previous_text="Previous Article Title" next_url="/next-article" next_text="Next Article Title" %}}
- If there is no previous_url, it does not render the previous button.
- If there is no next_url, it does not render the next button.
- If there is no previous_text, it defaults to "Previous in series".
- If there is no next_text, it defaults to "Next in series".
You can use CSS to customize the look-and-feel. The buttons have an id #series-buttons
Author: Diego Carrasco G. (dacog)
Download: infobox.tmpl
Template engine: Jinja2
Template-based shortcode used to display an infobox with a specific type of content.
There is also an optional disclaimer
shortcode to add a disclaimer to an infobox by adding a font-awesome info icon at the end of the infobox. Defaults to no disclaimer.
{{% infobox type="book" text="This is a book infobox" disclaimer="true" %}}
It supports the following font-awesome icons:
- book
- video
- audio
- link
- quote
- image
- sticky-note
Author: Diego Carrasco G. (dacog)
Download: disclaimer.tmpl
A really small shortcode to add a disclaimer somewhere on the page.
{{% disclaimer %}}