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DEBUG: verify that the newly-patched MSYS2 runtime works around the W… #769

DEBUG: verify that the newly-patched MSYS2 runtime works around the W…

DEBUG: verify that the newly-patched MSYS2 runtime works around the W… #769

Workflow file for this run

name: sync
GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS: "' for Windows Build Agent' '[email protected]' 'windows.sdk64.path=${{ github.workspace }}' 'windows.sdk32.path=' 'http.sslbackend=schannel' 'core.autocrlf=false' 'checkout.workers=16'"
HOME: "${{ github.workspace }}\\home\\git-ci"
if: github.repository_owner == 'git-for-windows' || github.event.inputs.debug_with_ssh_key != ''
runs-on: [Windows, ARM64]
environment: sync
- name: clone git-sdk-arm64
uses: actions/checkout@v4
persist-credentials: true
token: ${{ secrets.PUSH_TOKEN }}
- name: use git-sdk-arm64's Bash and Git for Windows' git.exe
run: "usr\\bin\\bash.exe -lc 'cygpath -aw /usr/bin >>$GITHUB_PATH && cygpath -aw /c/Program\\ Files/Git/cmd/ >>$GITHUB_PATH'"
- name: download patched MSYS2 runtime
id: download
shell: bash
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
run: |
# Only do this if `pacman` is prevented from being upgraded
grep '^ *IgnorePkg *= *pacman' etc/pacman.conf || exit 0
pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-github-cli &&
git add -A &&
git commit -sm 'TO-DROP: install GitHub CLI' || exit 1
export PATH=$PATH:/clangarm64/bin
sha="$(gh api repos/git-for-windows/msys2-runtime/pulls/73 \
--jq '.head.sha')" &&
check_run_url="$(gh api repos/git-for-windows/msys2-runtime/commits/$sha/check-runs \
--jq '.check_runs[] | select(.name=="build") | .url')" &&
workflow_job_url="$(gh api "${check_run_url#}" --jq '.details_url')" &&
workflow_run_url="${workflow_job_url%/job/*}" &&
artifacts_url="$(gh api "repos/${workflow_run_url#}" --jq '.artifacts_url')" &&
zip_url="$(gh api "${artifacts_url#}" --jq '.artifacts[].archive_download_url')" &&
curl -H "Authorization: token ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}" -#sLo /tmp/ "$zip_url" &&
echo "result=$(cygpath -aw /tmp/" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: unzip MSYS2 runtime
shell: pwsh
run: "C:\\Windows\\system32\\tar -xf ${{ }}"
- name: commit MSYS2 runtime
shell: bash
run: |
# Give the `/etc/profile.d/` scripts a chance to set things up
bash -lc 'uname -a' &&
git add -A &&
git commit -m 'Install patches MSYS2 runtime' &&
sed -i 's/^*\(IgnorePkg *=\).*/# &/' etc/pacman.conf &&
git commit -m 'Allow `pacman` to be upgraded again' \
-m 'It had been overridden with a version that does not deadlock on Windows/ARM64, but now an MSYS2 runtime has been installed that prevents that deadlock in a much better way' \
etc/pacman.conf &&
git push origin HEAD
- name: Update all Pacman packages
shell: pwsh
run: |
& .\update-via-pacman.ps1
- name: Update all Pacman packages again, for good measure
shell: pwsh
run: |
& .\update-via-pacman.ps1
- name: use git-sdk-arm64's Bash and Git for Windows' git.exe
run: "usr\\bin\\bash.exe -lc 'cygpath -aw /usr/bin >>$GITHUB_PATH && cygpath -aw /c/Program\ Files/Git/cmd/ >>$GITHUB_PATH'"
- name: deal with large DLL files
shell: bash
run: |
set -ex
large_dlls=$(find clangarm64/bin -size +100M)
test -n "$large_dlls" || exit 0
# Okay, we have a problem. GitHub does not like to host files >100MB.
# But libLLVM-<version>.dll easily blasts through that limit.
# Ideally, we would use UPX to compress that `.dll`, but there is no
# support for compressing Windows/ARM64 files using UPX (yet).
# So let's do the next best thing and `strip` the file. Sadly, we need
# to download the entire (also *large*) `mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm` to get
# `llvm-strip.exe` to perform this job because the already-installed
# `/usr/bin/strip.exe` does not know what to do with Windows/ARM64 files,
# either.
pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm
for dll in $large_dlls
/mingw64/bin/llvm-strip.exe $dll || ret=1
test 0 = $ret || exit $ret
# Clean up; We do *not* want the x86_64 LLVM packages in git-sdk-arm64!
pacman -R --noconfirm $(pacman -Q | grep mingw-w64-x86_64 | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
- name: commit & push ARM64 SDK
shell: bash
run: |
set -x &&
PATH=/c/Program\ Files/Git/cmd:/usr/bin:$PATH &&
sh -x .github/ commit &&
git push origin ${{ github.ref }}
- name: use MSYS2 for tmate
if: failure() && github.event.inputs.debug_with_ssh_key != ''
run: "usr\\bin\\bash.exe -lc 'cygpath -aw /c/msys64/usr/bin >>$GITHUB_PATH'"
- name: Debug using tmate
if: failure() && github.event.inputs.debug_with_ssh_key != ''
shell: bash
run: |
# Install tmate
pacman -Sy --noconfirm tmate openssh &&
# Restrict SSH access to the "actor", i.e. the GitHub user who triggered this workflow
mkdir -p ~/.ssh &&
echo '${{github.event.inputs.debug_with_ssh_key}}' >~/.ssh/authorized_keys &&
# Generate an SSH key (needed for tmate)
echo -e 'y\n' | ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa &&
# Start tmate session
export CHERE_INVOKING=1 &&
tmate -S /tmp/tmate.sock -a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys new-session -d &&
tmate -S /tmp/tmate.sock wait tmate-ready &&
# Print SSH invocation every 5 seconds, until tmate session has terminated
while test -e /tmp/tmate.sock
tmate -S /tmp/tmate.sock display -p '#{tmate_ssh}'
sleep 5