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=== GravityWP - Mailpoet Connector for Gravity Forms ===
Contributors: gravitywp
Tags: gravity forms, mailpoet, newsletter, integration
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:

Integrate Gravity Forms with Mailpoet to easily subscribe users to your Mailpoet newsletters upon form submission.

== Description ==

The GravityWP - Mailpoet Connector for Gravity Forms plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate your Gravity Forms with the Mailpoet newsletter service. This plugin provides an easy way to add subscribers to your Mailpoet lists when they submit a form on your WordPress website.

= Features =
* Map Gravity Form fields to Mailpoet subscriber fields.
* Automatically subscribe users to one or more Mailpoet lists upon form submission.
* Optionally update existing subscribers' details.
* Conditional logic support to control when subscriptions are added.

== About GravityWP Add-ons ==

Take Gravity Forms to the next level with GravityWP's powerfull add-ons. We provide the tools that can be used to build full blown web applications with Gravity Forms.

- **Advanced Merge Tags**: Unlock deeper customization by creating dynamic merge tags that allow you to pull in and display specific data from other form entries.
- **JWT Prefill**: Securely prefill your forms with user data using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), making form submissions smoother and more user-friendly, especially for logged-in users.
- **List Number Format**: Easily format numbers and currencies in list fields, perfect for handling prices, quantities, or any numeric data directly in Gravity Forms.
- **List Dropdown**: Convert list field columns into dropdown selections, giving users structured and predefined options when filling out your forms.
- **Advanced Number Field**: Add powerful number fields to your forms with advanced formatting options, including currency, decimal places, and validation for more precise data handling.
- And many more...

Explore all our add-ons and unlock the full potential of Gravity Forms at

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/gravitywp-mailpoet/` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
3. Create or edit a form and add the Mailpoet feed to start collecting subscribers.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this plugin require Gravity Forms? =

Yes, you must have Gravity Forms installed and activated to use this plugin.

= Does this plugin work with the free version of Mailpoet? =

Yes, it works with both the free and premium versions of Mailpoet.

= Can I map custom fields from my Gravity Forms to Mailpoet? =

Yes, you can map most form fields to Mailpoet fields using the field mapping settings in the feed configuration.

= How do I set up conditional logic for subscriptions? =

When configuring your Mailpoet feed within a form, you can set conditions under the 'Condition' section to control when the feed is processed.

== Screenshots ==

1. Feed Settings - Configure your Mailpoet feeds within the form editor.
2. Field Mapping - Easily map form fields to Mailpoet subscriber fields.
3. Conditional Logic - Set conditions for when subscriptions should occur.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial release


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