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Webling Service

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Read the API documentation


This project aims to add some crucial but missing functionality to Webling, while using Weblings RESTful API and exposing a new, higher lever RESTful API. It is based on the fabulous Laravel framework to speed up the development. Check out the docs and start contributing 😍.

Contributing ...

... is cool, simple and helps to make the 🌍 a better place 🤩

  1. Install docker
  2. Start docker
  3. Clone this repo git clone
  4. cd into the folder containing the repo
  5. Execute docker compose run app composer install and have a ☕️ while it installs.
  6. Execute docker compose up -d to start up the stack. The first time you run this command, it will take a minute or two. Subsequent calls will be much faster.
  7. Execute docker exec wsapp cp .env.example .env to get an instance of the environment variables
  8. Execute docker exec wsapp php artisan key:generate to generate the app secrets
  9. Execute docker exec wsapp php artisan migrate to initialise the database tables
  10. Execute docker exec wsapp php artisan passport:install to setup oAuth2

Yupii, you're nearly done. Just add the WEBLING_API_KEY, WEBLING_FINANCE_ADMIN_API_KEY, WEBLING_BASE_URL to the .env file and you're ready to go. From now on, you can just start up the stack with a single docker compose up -d, without repeating all the commands from above.

Docker Cheat Sheet

  • Start up: docker compose up -d
  • Shut down: docker compose down
  • Execute Laravel CLI commands (enter container): docker exec -it wsapp bash use exit to escape the container.
  • Add dependency using composer: docker compose run wsapp composer require DEPENDENCY



All mail you send out of the application will be caught by Mailhog


Use the handy phpMyAdmin or access the mysql CLI using docker exec -it wsmysql mysql --user=laravel --password=laravel laravel

Manage Client Credentials Grant Tokens

The CLI is your interface.

  • php artisan client:list lists all clients
  • php artisan client:add <name> (--root-group=<id>)... adds new clients. You may add multiple root groups while repeating the option (speed things up using the -g shorthand).
  • php artisan client:delete <client-id> deletes your client. Add multiple client_ids separated by a space to delete several clients at a time.
  • php artisan client:edit <client-id> [--name=<new-name>] [--root-group=<id>]... updates your client. If you provide any group ids, the client is linked to only the given groups. Earlier assignments that are not in the list, are removed.

Exchange Secret for Token

curl -X POST \
	-F "grant_type=client_credentials" \
	-F "client_id=%client_id%" \
	-F "client_secret=%client_secret%" \
	-F "scope=" \

Example request

curl -X GET "https://%mydomain.tld%/api/v1/member/%member-id%" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer %token%" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Other API routes