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abbyhipp edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the HomeUnite.Us glossary!

Entries are sorted alphabetically.



Bid- Action where Guest indicates they would like to stay at a specific Host's Home.


Co-Host - The secondary host (example: spouse of the host) who will also be housing the guest Co-Guest - The secondary guest (example: spouse of the guest) who will be sharing the home with the guest and host


Guest- The member who will be staying at the Home.


Host- The member who is providing the Home.

Host Home- The home the Host is providing.


PSY - Point Source Youth: The national stakeholder, produced the booklets and programs used by groups like SPY


Respite- A short term stay for the Guest.


SPA- Service Planning Area: A geographic area designated by the Department of Public Health to develop and provide more relevant public health and clinical services targeted to the specific health needs of the residents in these different areas.

SPY- Safe Place for Youth: Our host-home project partner and a service provider for youths experiencing homelessness. Headquartered in Venice.