Build the plugin binary:
Build the plugin image:
docker build -t plugins/nunit -f docker/Dockerfile .
Execute the plugin from your current working directory:
docker run --rm \
-e PLUGIN_TEST_REPORT_PATH=/drone/src/*.xml \
-w /drone/src \
-v $(pwd):/drone/src \
debug/info Level defines the plugin log level. Set this to debug to see the response from NUnitPLUGIN_TEST_REPORT_PATH
The pattern to find the NUnit xml files. It could support globs, e.g: TestResults/*.xmlPLUGIN_FAIL_IF_NO_RESULTS
if set to true, it will fail the build if no tests result files are found for the given patternPLUGIN_FAILED_TESTS_FAIL_BUILD
if set to true, it will fail the build if there is any failed test
This plugin currently supports only Linux on the amd64 architecture. Other architectures and operating systems are not supported at this time.
We initially tried using Alpine for our Docker image due to its lightweight nature. However, Alpine uses musl libc instead of the more common glibc, which caused compatibility issues with some of the libraries our application depends on (like libxml2 and libxslt). These libraries are more stable and compatible in Debian, which uses glibc. To avoid these issues, we've switched to a Debian-based image for better compatibility and stability.