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Revision History, versions prior to 6.0

Brian "Moses" Hall edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

Release notes for CRMS from Version 1.1 - Aug 19, 2009 through** Version 5.6.5 - January 23, 2017.**

For Version 6.0 release notes going forward see Updates to CRMS 6.0.

Version 5.6.5 - January 23, 2017

Remove external admin and RCPC reviewer types.

Add -q option to to suppress loading single reviews.

Add debugSql and debugVar displays.

Fix Unicode double-encoding in some AJAX scripts like getReviewInfo (affected copyright symbol in Note Category).

Version 5.6.4 - December 13, 2016

Replace garish 'Location:' for non-production sites with top-of-page banner.

Remove legacy column and search from Historical Reviews page.

Display no search results at all when initially landing on Historical Reviews.

Version 5.6.3 - December 13, 2016

Add approval buttons under results list in Provisional Matches page.

Version 5.6.2 - December 13, 2016

Add tdb URL parameter for testing against training database.

Add flagged reviews to Reviewer Activity page.

Version 5.6.1 - December 7, 2016

Fix SQL error on rights prediction.

Fix institution prediction default violating foreign key constraint.

Version 5.6 - December 6, 2016

Rebranded page header with HathiTrust logo, mailto link removed.

VIAF warning code rewritten to use JSON API and migrated to module

Keep local copy of Rights Database attributes and reasons tables.

Determinations Breakdown sorts from newest, suppresses zero values.

Add flagged code to historical reviews for particularly egregious review errors.

Version 5.5.5 - November 9, 2016

Fix bug preventing Determinations Breakdown values from being updated.

Determinations Breakdown includes unexported determinations.

Version 5.5.4 - October 25, 2016

Home page progress graph updated to October-December time scale. (CRMS-World)

Version 5.5.3 - October 20, 2016

Restore auto-submission for inheritances with NULL status.

Validation and accessibility improvements for inheritance pages.

Fix off-by-one summary count of system ids in inheritance report.

Get rid of never-used inheritance unavailable table.

Version 5.5.1, 5.5.2 - October 18, 2016

Entering a renewal number auto-selects ic/ren. (CRMS-US)

Fix predictRights pass-by-reference bug leading to wrong result in date calculator. (CRMS-World)

Version 5.5 - October 11, 2016

Allow inheritance on matching enum/chron.

Inheritance pages use new status column.

Inheritance approval and deletes happen in overnight processing instead of on the fly.

Experts can see additional fields in Historical Reviews.

Fix Historical Reviews missing legacy review with exportdata LEFT JOIN.

Disallow university press volumes in State gov docs project.

Whether or not to do CRI detection/processing is in system/config variable cri.

Add UpdateQueueRecord() to coalesce recent additions.

Add user-entered data import to CRMS-US conflicts and provisionals.

Version 5.4.4 - September 15, 2016

Fix issue with non-renamed hold column.

Version 5.4.3 - September 14, 2016

Move 'Change To' column in User Accounts page before commitment and note.

Let URI::Escape do the heavy lifting for Authorities() URLs.

Version 5.4.2 - September 13, 2016

Fix issues in CanExportVolume() that once again allowed und exports to clobber pdus/bib.

Version 5.4.1 - August 24, 2016

Add local gov docs to State gov docs project.

Version 5.4 - August 23, 2016

Transition from timed to quantity-limited review hold mechanism.

Add core functionality to allow Add to Queue to specify project.

Always export determination when current rights are und/bib (which is considered out of scope).

Version 5.3.13 - August 10, 2016

Fix SQL error in LoadQueueForProject().

Version 5.3.12 - August 10, 2016

Monthly institution report new uses short name with the -i flag, and adds ability to specify date with -d flag.

Version 5.3.11 - August 2, 2016

Add UpdateSysids() for candidates update.

Fix order by date in historical reviews link from pending inheritance page.

Version 5.3.10 - August 2, 2016

Remove extraneous renewal/ADD table header in unprocessed reviews page.

Add search by date in Queue and Final Determinations pages.

Move renewal/ADD tooltip from HTID to reason column in non-historical review search pages.

Version 5.3.9 - July 26, 2016

Refuse to update local metadata for historical volumes unless they are going back in the queue.

Version 5.3.8 - July 21, 2016

Fix uninitialized author/title warnings in CRMS-US project identification.

Version 5.3.7 - July 14, 2016

Support project info in candidates and ingest of new project volumes.

System summary page breaks down candidates by project.

Fix SQL error with start and end dates in Final Determinations page.

Version 5.3.6 - July 11, 2016

Remove misleading "cumulative volumes in queue" and suppress replication delay for 0 seconds in System Summary.

Fix top-level user IC access expiration check.

Version 5.3.5 - June 10, 2016

Fix attr/reason search in Final Determinations page.

Version 5.3.4 - June 9, 2016

Populate exportdata with added_by, project, and ticket values from queue table.

Optional source, gid display in Historical Reviews.

Historical reviews in CRMS-US shows renewal info inline, detail info page removed.

Final Determinations and Queue pages display and query a more complete field set.

Minor accessibility fixes.

Version 5.3.3 - June 7, 2016

Fix issue with renamed renewal number and date field identifiers in CRMS-US JavaScript.

Version 5.3.2 - May 23, 2016

Prevent locking next volume for review when submitting conflict or provisional review.

User Accounts page warns of users with IC access expiring in 10 days.

Version 5.3.1 - May 18, 2016

Historical review implicitly adds review date secondary sorting.

Migrate historical reviews search to use status and priority in exportdata table.

Fixes to wide volumes search.

Volume tracking puts note text in popover.

System Summary optimizations, final determination report not restricted to one minute of export process.

Fix issue with already-reviewed volumes being filtered as duplicates of a newer candidate.

Version 5.3 - May 16, 2016

GetBothSystems() returns current system instead of creating a redundant new copy.

Remove display of legacy reviews/determinations from CRMS-World System Summary.

Track Volumes page expanded to show both systems, Retrieve Volume IDs page removed as obsolete.

Version 5.2.4 - May 12, 2016

VolumesIdsQuery() now returns a data structure rather than concatenated text.

Updates to catalog ID detected in candidates load propagate to all HTIDs on the record.

Avoid loading multiple volumes by the same author in the training area.

AccessCheck() strengthened to check for users with the wrong id in the system.

Version 5.2.3 - May 3, 2016


Better label for CRI exports in System Summary.

Version 5.2.2 - May 2, 2016

Enhanced CRI awareness for volume tracking page.

Fix CRI rights prediction issues with und/nfi and actual pub dates.

Version 5.2.1 - April 28, 2016

Fix false positive open date range when dateType is unspecified.

Version 5.2 - April 28, 2016

Add support for main page progress graph.

Rights prediction can handle date ranges when they do not span 1923 boundary.

Allow user-entered actual pub date for rights prediction of date range volumes.

Support Cross-Record Inheritance (CRI).

Review are not invalidated if they have a later "new year" review, or if they are marked Missing or Wrong Record.

Version 5.1.1 - April 14, 2016

Add support for adding inserts in RCPC override interface.

Version 5.1 - April 13, 2016

Refactor sources table into authorities and pageauthorities tables.

Rename Sources() API to Authorities() returning a hashref instead of arrayref.

Fix RCPC inserts inspection being locked to experts only.

Version 5.0.5 - February 29, 2016

Fix leftover usage of newexportstats table in graphing module.

Version 5.0.4 - February 29, 2016

Change overnight processing e-mail from rcadler to keden. (Config file only.)

Version 5.0.3 - February 9, 2016

Remove stale no meta filtered volumes from und table.

Add status and priority columns to exportdata table.

Rights inheritance takes place automatically when source volume has a status 5 determination.

Version 5.0.2 - February 1, 2016

Change CURTIME() to NOW() to fix user hold expiration logic.

Volume tracking page highlights all searched-for ids on multi-volume record.

Version 5.0.1 - December 8, 2015

Fix issue with delayed alias drop.

Version 5.0 - December 8, 2015

Transition from HTML 4 to 5.

Weekly RCPC report added.

Metadata object does error tracking via required CRMS object.

Metadata JSON converted to Unicode normalization form C.

Add 'current rights' display for expert and above in Review page.

Fix 403 error on download links from institution-specific user stats pages.

Download-related code migrated to new module

Version 4.11.16 - November 30, 2015

Disallow volumes with review by any user incarnation in GetNextItemForReview().

Fix Export Stats yearly totals not being scoped to years.

Highlight volume searched on in Track Volumes when multiple volumes are on the record.

Version 4.11.15 - November 13, 2015

Fix totals not being properly excluded from RCPC inserts SQL.

Version 4.11.13, 4.11.14 - November 12, 2015

Add "delete last" button for insert type totals. (4.11.14)

Add RCPC expert/admin overrides.

Add RCPC insert type total fields.

Add warning page for expired in-copyright access.

Relax pdus/cdpp submission rules. (US)

Version 4.11.12 - November 3, 2015

Add support for requeueing to original RCPC reviewer.

Fix constant addition in volume-level RCPC timer.

Fix off-by-one-hour RCPC timer issue with cleaned up RestartTimer().

Version 4.11.11 - October 28, 2015

Show "all pd" selection in RCPC when inspecting reviews.

Additional columns added to RCPC Data page.

Version 4.11.10 - October 26, 2015

Fix RCPC inserts arbitrary deletion on submission.

Version 4.11.8, 4.11.9 - October 22, 2015

Fix uninitialized variable possibly interfering with RCPC submissions.

Use AJAX loader animation when rights prediction runs.

Expansion and fixes to Inserts Data page.

Version 4.11.7 - October 15, 2015

Review page uses GetPubDate() instead of FormatPubDate() to avoid latency and possible stack traces when metadata is unavailable.

Add Chapter and Article insert types to RCPC interface.

RCPC Data page links to inspecting=1 page without form submission.

Version 4.11.6 - October 13, 2015

Fix CanChangeToUser() false positives in production.

Version 4.11.3, 4.11.4, 4.11.5 - October 7, 2015

RCPC menu and user support.

RCPC data page added.

Do not give spurious status 2 pending status for status 3 items.

Versions 4.11.1, 4.11.2 - September 29, 2015

Fix problems with setting alias for user who already changed users, and for logging out.

Version 4.11 - September 28, 2015

RCPC Inserts project support.

Aliasing cleanup and "change to user" crafted URL security fix.

Revert newexportstats table to exportstats.

Version 4.10.6 - August 27, 2015

Fix lack of default user in GetUserInstitution().

Version 4.10.5 - August 26, 2015

DBC check to centralize pre-page-load logic using access restrictions from database.

Version 4.10.4 - August 20, 2015

Fix issue with Final Determinations page date vs timestamp comparison with start and end dates.

Version 4.10.3 - August 13, 2015

Add StringifySql() to display wildcarded parameters in

Export Stats tables now use newexportstats table in advance of removing old schema, major rewrite.

Use prep data directory for rights export from config file, not hardcoded.

New rdb=1 parameter allows dev CGIs to run against production database.

Version 4.10.2 - August 10, 2015

Escape information source URL spaces explicitly, which CGI::escapeHTML() apparently does not do.

Version 4.10.1 - August 3, 2015

JavaScript use strict removed for production use.

Version 4.10 - August 3, 2015

Open Flash Charts replaced with Highcharts.

All graph drawing functionality migrated to and called directly from getExportStats.

exportstats table partially migrated to new, more normalized, format (temporarily called newexportstats pending full migration in subsequent version).

Add VIAF warning to corrections interface.

All shared JavaScript code migrated/merged in web/c/crms/js.

CanExportVolume() returns "no" for status 6 volumes even if rights DB is unavailable.

Version 4.9.18 - July 21, 2015

Display warning in User Accounts page when a reviewer's access is expired in ht_users.

Version 4.9.17 - July 13, 2015

Fix deletion from candidates when rights info unavailable. Now filter as src="no meta".

Version 4.9.16 - May 21, 2015

Restore __SYSID__ support in information source URL templates for Zephir MARC display.

Inheritance only unfilters a single volume in "disallowed" and "unneeded" cases.

Version 4.9.15 - May 5, 2015

Fix expert-level rights number starting over from (1) in review page.

Version 4.9.14 - May 5, 2015

Fix problem with wrong rights ids in review page.

Version 4.9.13 - May 5, 2015

Volume tracking indicates whether a determination has been exported.

Volume tracking de-dupes volumes on the same record.

Candidates inheritance detects whether a proposed inheritor already has reviews.

Support for per-project rights choices in the interface (for CRMS-US State gov docs projectification).

Suppress current year table in user stats if user is inactive.

Add new "can't find volume to review" page similar to IP address warning page.

Version 4.9.12 - April 30, 2015

Fix version bump left out of 4.9.11 (d'oh!)

Version 4.9.11 - April 30, 2015

und/nfi inheritances allowed for pdus/* volumes, they just won't be exported.

Version 4.9.10 - April 14, 2015

Remove unused and incorrect country parameter from queue loading code, and obsolete usercountries table.

Do not alter rights selection if rights prediction fails.

User stats pages put inactive reviewers last and display institution after name.

Expert reviews are not allowed for volumes their non-expert incarnation has reviewed.

Version 4.9.9 - February 18, 2015

Complete switch from GetPubDate() to FormatPubDate() accidentally released with 4.9.8.

Version 4.9.8 - February 18, 2015

Fix SQL in CanChangeToUser() preventing all switching.

Version 4.9.7 - February 17, 2015

Reviewer commitment and graphs corrected to be more incarnation-aware.

Add row highlighting in User Accounts.

User Accounts shows monthly progress bar for users with commitments, for admins.

Include "all reviewers" charts in My Review Stats page.

Include target determination count in weekly progress report to reviewers.

Version 4.9.6 - February 3, 2015

Show warnings for missing IP address or incorrect role in ht_users in User Accounts page.

Add weekly out-of-system notices and Wednesday progress reports. (Put cron jobs in place prior to release.)

Version 4.9.5 - December 18, 2014

Fix two instances of $self instead of $crms that prevented from running.

Initial implementation of GetAllAuthors().

Version 4.9.4 - December 17, 2014

Finish transition from selectall_arrayref() to SelectAll(), more wildcarding. change -t flag to -d by principle of least surprise.

LinkToMirlynDetails() uses Bill's HTID URL template.

Remove support for Mirlyn-specific ids in code and database obviated by Bill's HTID template.

No longer load candidates newer than one week into queue.

Fix disabling user in User Accounts page.

Fix extreme slowdown in Export Stats by only keeping determinationsbreakdown data for exported volumes, restoring previous use of database cache instead of on-the-fly calculation.

Add facility for querying 700e for editor information.

Enable ADD pull from 046g.

Version 4.9.3 - November 10, 2014

No longer load new volume to review if there is any error in the previous review.

Switch to Bill Dueber's URL for Mirlyn links based on HathiTrust ID. (Released out-of band.)

Add note table entries for locking volumes to track possible race condition.

Version 4.9.2 - November 6, 2014

Try to get Mirlyn id from sysid, fall back to bc2meta if it's a Zephir id.

Filter to 'no meta' anything with Mirlyn id unavailable via bc2meta.

Fix inability to downgrade user account privileges.

Remove experimental "fudge factor" in reviewer progress.

Enhancements to compatibility and readability of colors in Dashboard pie charts.

Don't filter as pub date range when second date is nonsensical or less than the first.

Fix status 6 export logic since it is called in overnight processing before the volume is moved to historical.

Fix Export Stats status breakdowns using values for all determinations including unexported ones.

Version 4.9.1 - October 30, 2014

Fix rights prediction undefined variable bug.

Version 4.9 - October 30, 2014

(World) Automatically filter volumes that have pub date ranges.

Add support for percent commitment and user progress bar in Review page (currently disabled).

User Accounts page no longer requires reviewer level checkboxes to be set manually.

User Accounts page can sort by commitment.

Add Reviewer Activity page for admins.

No longer display institutional stats menu items for admins, instead link to pages in User Accounts page.

Version 4.8.16 - September 16, 2014 simplified to remove unused report types, ignore date, and delete from und table when done.

Simplify Dashboard review institution breakdown to use names from institutions table instead of e-mail suffix.

Version 4.8.15 - August 7, 2014

Definition of outlier review moved to config file, bumped to ten minutes for CRMS World.

Version 4.8.14 - August 5, 2014

Attempt to mitigate possible race condition with und/nfi rights selection and rights prediction JavaScript.

Version 4.8.13 - July 29, 2014

Do not clear expert hold on review submission.

Respect need_note setting from categories table for und/nfi reviews in CRMS US.

Relax pd/ncn restrictions in CRMS US for non-superadmin users.

Version 4.8.12 - July 16, 2014

Unlock all locked items before locking current volume in one-off review.

Add "Select Ticket" checkboxes to Add to Queue page.

Add note in CRMS World review validator to try to diagnose undef in numeric == error in logs.

Fix upcasing bug in VIAF deletion SQL.

Version 4.8.11 - June 24, 2014

Fix extra LIMIT 1 clause causing failure to retrieve locked item to review.

Version 4.8.10 - June 23, 2014

Fix last minute typo that killed 4.8.9.

Version 4.8.9 - June 23, 2014

Add to Queue page flags Jira one-off tickets that are closed or resolved.

One-off review page no longer retrieves user-locked non-one-off volume.

Version 4.8.8 - June 16, 2014

Suppress wrong IP address warning page for admins who may be demo-ing or remotely troubleshooting the system.

No longer throw an error message if metadata is unavailable when trying to display secondary pub date.

One-off interface also identifies source as 'Zephir' rather than 'Mirlyn'.

Version 4.8.7 - June 5, 2014

Fix problem with inheritance script not compiling due to misnamed variable.

Version 4.8.6 - June 4, 2014

Prepopulated ADD now correctly identifies source as 'Zephir' rather than 'Mirlyn'.

Semi-randomize order of volume presentation to partially mitigate race conditions.

ADD calculator added to World.

User Accounts page now displays IP address(es) from ht_users.

Display error message and instructions when user IP address does not match static address for in-copyright PageTurner access.

Add to Queue page allows deletion and sequestration of multiple items via checkboxes.

Volumes that are not allowed to inherit determinations are automatically enqueued.

Version 4.8.5 - May 20, 2014

Hyphens not allowed DB names for crms-training, use underscore instead.

Version 4.8.4 - May 20, 2014

Database naming convention changed to reflect change of training site from []( to [](

Update rights number/name mapping to reflect new Creative Commons 4.0 rights.

Fix issue with pub date range not causing icus/gatt warning when both are pre-1923.

Version 4.8.3 - May 7, 2014

Fix bug with conditionals and conflicts not displaying when projects are in the system.

Version 4.8.2 - May 6, 2014

Review projects are partitioned according to an explicit project field in the queue, not by country of publication.

Experts on projects see only the conflicts/provisionals relevant to that project, other experts do not see these.

De-space death/pub dates when submitting review.

Allow ADD extraction from dates in '-1945' format with no birth year.

No longer give error message for pd/ncn determination without renewal data (for CRMS US State gov docs project).

Version 4.8.1 - April 29, 2014

Fix operator error in predicting UK last copyright year.

Version 4.8 - April 28, 2014

Corrections search links to Jira in Jira ticket field.

Store system and Mirlyn IDs in the bibdata table; use only the Mirlyn id in the Review interface.

Fully-realized one-off interface.

Nearly all metadata-related APIs migrated to object-oriented Metadata module.

Allow high-priority volumes to be exported even when noExport is set.

Version 4.7 - March 4, 2014

Clear all holds on volume when set to status 6.

Add institutions table and associated logic to support External Admins in CRMS World.

User Accounts page sortable by name, institution, and privileges.

No longer use timer table for durations because it was susceptible to race conditions, resulting in zero-duration reviews.

Toggle button re-colorized to distinguish from Pull Pub Date.

Enhancements to One-Off Reviews page.

Version 4.6.9 - February 20, 2014

Fix problem with info source code truncating author for sources like COPAC.

Version 4.6.8 - February 19, 2014

Escape ampersands in authors and titles for info sources like Stanford.

Version 4.6.7 - February 10, 2014

Remove code to expire expert holds differently when system status is partial, since it is always partial during overnight processing.

Speed up Add to Queue page by caching out-of-scope warnings in queue table, and displaying only the entries relevant to the user.

Display a user's count of high-priority volumes on the home page if there are any.

Version 4.6.6 - January 29, 2014

Back out inclusion of Spanish works.

Version 4.6.5 - January 23, 2014

Do not queue a volume if the user has a historical review for it (or is an admin).

Fix incorrect volume id used in candidates inheritance.

Properly decode note text as UTF-8 on review submission.

Add facility for chat window using Zoho chat.

Version 4.6.4 - December 17, 2013

CanExportDetermination() modified to check for newer rights in cleanup situations.

Fix queue population incorrect SQL, leftover from before the decision to keep candidates metadata in the bibdata table.

Version 4.6.3 - December 13, 2013

Fix incorrect calling of Candidates module routine to check if a volume is in scope for export.

Version 4.6.2 - December 12, 2013

Explicitly restrict GetNextItemForReview() to status 0 and 1 volumes.

Version 4.6.1 - December 12, 2013

Fix error in CRMS::GetNextItemForReview() for non-One-off reviews.

Version 4.6 - December 12, 2013

Support for country subprojects assigned to individual reviewers (like Spain).

Missing and Wrong Record volumes are set to status 6 and processed immediately.

Add support for One-off reviews imported from Jira tickets (admin-only).

Split off PredictLastCopyrightYear() from PredictRights() to support end-of-copyright-term reports.

Remove queue ordering by sequential pub dates.

Add defensive coding against truncated 008 fields in Zephir.

More SQL wildcarding, less interpolation.

Insert review duration diagnostics into the note table in effort to determine where zero-duration historical reviews are coming from.

Version 4.5.12 - November 14, 2013

Handle single-character ' u' for USA often found in 008.

Corrections info sources moved to database instead of being synthesized in code; historical reviews added.

Version 4.5.11 - November 13, 2013

Add capability to look up Jira tickets (via its API) when loading corrections.

Show more comprehensive out-of-scope warnings when reviewing corrections.

Version 4.5.10 - November 11, 2013

Only suppress current rights warning if current rights for corrections volume are und.

Version 4.5.9 - November 5, 2013

Minor bug fixes to corrections submission and display.

Version 4.5.8 - November 4, 2013

Export both dollarized and undollarized qualifying uc1.* corrections.

Do not add to candidates if inheriting or pending inheritance (unavailable metadata).

Version 4.5.7 - October 31, 2013

Fix bug in AddItemToCandidates() allowing only chron-less volumes to be added.

Version 4.5.6 - October 30, 2013

Determine BK format based on leader instead of 970 field.

Version 4.5.5 - October 30, 2013

Use simplified XPath interface with local-name() in case MARC XML has namespace info.

Version 4.5.4 - October 30, 2013

Remove dependency on the now defunct namespace.

Do not continue candidates check if rights info is unavailable.

Version 4.5.3 - October 29, 2013

Better error handling when submitting corrections.

Version 4.5.2 - October 29, 2013

Submitting a correction updates the corrections table timestamp.

Tracking data shows no meta inheritances and corrections.

Corrections import adds dollar sign to eligible ids.

Version 4.5.1 - October 28, 2013

Correctly import note field when editing an existing review.

Populate the Rights Query text area with the previous query, if any, like the related pages (Retrieve System Ids, Track Volumes).

Make Volume Tracking page more robust when volumes have no metadata available.

Version 4.5 - October 24, 2013

Add corrections review and browse/search functionality.

Version 4.4.7 - October 17, 2013

Unlock queue item if volume approval fails due to form resubmission in the Provisional Match page, and add Refresh Page button to make this less likely.

Version 4.4.6 - Octobber 14, 2013

Add crms-experts mailto link to the Review page.

Version 4.4.5 - Octobber 8, 2013

(World) Do not enforce pre-1923 icus/gatt error when the volume has a dual pub date (range) and the second date is 1923 or later.

(World) Change config so the email contact is the crms-world-reviewers list so Rick isn't the bottleneck, and so reviewers will know that an issue has been reported and can comment on it.

Version 4.4.4 - September 19, 2013

Centralize and refine rules about when out of scope determinations can be exported.

VIAF cache keeps a timestamp and updates the entry if over a month old.

(World) Update cutoff date and rights prediction logic for Australian switch from life+50 to life+70 in 1955.

Version 4.4.3 - August 28, 2013

MDPCorrections link removed from review interface.

Add to Queue page rejects volume ids that are not found in HathiTrust.

Version 4.4.2 - July 24, 2013

Dashboard and charts makeover (no more white-on-black).

Do not suppress pd and pdus export even if current rights are out of scope.

Fix SQL parameter bug preventing some review time stats from displaying.

(US) Restore pd/ncn to the Export Stats page (wasn't showing up because it was removed from the rights table).

(US) Suppress duplicates in VIAF foreign author warning.

(US) When VIAF has multiple nationalities, report the first instead of suppressing the warning.

(US) VIAF warning cutoff changed from 1800 to 1895. (Will only warn if ADD is post-1895 since only then would works be eligible for GATT restoration.)

(US) Updated version of VIAF search help document.

(World) Allow pd to override pdus/gfv in the rights DB.

(World) Migrate Canadian and Australian cutoff dates forward 20 years.

(World) Keep track of whether ADD/pub dates were prepopulated from Mirlyn/VIAF and if so, which one.

Version 4.4.1 - July 10, 2013

Properly title Final Determinations page and show exported status.

(World) Fix pd/add bug in rights prediction.

(US) Include up-to-date version of Decision Tree.

Version 4.4 - July 10, 2013

Updated version of the Review Interface Help document for CRMS World, as well as other changes, corrections, and reorganizations.

Candidates check can remove volumes that have had their rights changed (due to a metadata update, for example) to prevent most unnecessary reviews.

We no longer export any volume whose rights have gone out of scope between candidates ingest and final determination. As a result, we distinguish between Final Determinations and Exported Determinations, the latter being a subset of the former. These should be quite rare in CRMS US, but common in CRMS World because we are reviewing some pdus/bib volumes there. The Search/Browse -> Exported Determinations page is renamed to Final Determinations. A subsequent release will include a column indicating whether the volume was exported. The Export Stats page now only reflects Exported Determinations.

No longer keep author or title in candidates table as these are never used and waste space.

Remove four unused columns in the historicalreviews table.

(Security) Fully (well, as fully as possible) transition to wildcarded MySQL values to prevent injection attacks.

(World) VIAF ADD extraction enabled as a fallback to Mirlyn extraction.

(World) Periodical note category removed from interface.

(World) Note categories Dissertation/Thesis and Translation now require a und/nfi determination. (This logic is controlled by a new column in the categories database table.)

(US) VIAF added as an information source, and warning displayed if an author is suspected to be a non-US citizen. Includes new VIAF help document and updates to the Decision Tree.

(US) pd/ncn removed as a rights option.

Version 4.3.14 - June 5, 2013

Fix Internal Server Error problems in dev with new MySQL gotcha.

Use new config file format.

Fix 2 deprecation warnings from Perl 5.14 due to typos.

Version 4.3.13 - May 16, 2013

(World) Use database values for note optionality so the Translation category does not require note text.

Version 4.3.12 - April 17, 2013

(World) Fix bug allowing export of und/crms clobbering pdus/* in the rights DB.

Version 4.3.11 - April 8, 2013

Fix unlocking a volume from the home page. (UnlockItem() was not being given a user parameter.)

Fix links to PageTurner from Historical Reviews still using the attr=1 instead of the new debug=super parameter.

Version 4.3.10 - March 26, 2013

Cutoff date for rights database entries to be considered for candidacy stored in candidatesrecord table rather than based on latest entry in candidates, since as candidates are reviewed faster than they are populated, the gap between latest candidate and latest in rights database could become arbitrarily wide.

Version 4.3.9 - March 18, 2013

Timestamp field in und table obsoleted by querying rights DB for timestamp instead of storing the value.

(World) For experts reviewing conflicts, imported user rights overridden by predicted value (except for und/nfi) when they differ.

Version 4.3.8 - March 7, 2013

Experts can see who added a high-priority volume in the review interface along with the priority and review history information.

Version 4.3.7 - March 5, 2013

Use a temp file when writing rights export file to prevent race condition with cron job that reads it.

Fix a SQL issue where the Dashboard would not show volumes in candidates for the current month, on the first of the month, until after candidates had been loaded.

Fix an Add to Queue problem where it was not possible to force add if the current rights violate candidacy requirements.

(World) Fix Refresh Page and Review Now links on Add to Queue page bouncing user over to US.

(World) Fix Review page for Experts link to historical reviews bouncing user over to US.

Version 4.3.6 - February 21, 2013

(World) Mirlyn date extraction regular expression further tweaked to reject fl./active notations on the date range.

Version 4.3.5 - February 20, 2013

(World) Nonmatching death/pub date info on non-und/nfi reviews results in a provisional match rather than a conflict.

(World) Mirlyn date extraction regular expression tweaked to increase yield from 53% to about 58% of cases.

Version 4.3.4 - February 4, 2013

In the various search pages, the "Clear" button sets direction to Ascending, which is the default.

Fix navigation menus not checking a flag that allows the User Accounts link to be accessible when the user has an Expert+ "incarnation".

Version 4.3.3 - January 29, 2013

Use full, corrected translation tables for rights attributes and reasons in case of rights DB connection failure.

(World) Import Mirlyn ADD into review interface if it can be parsed from the extended author metadata.

(World) On page load, focus the notes field if Mirlyn ADD info is available, otherwise focus the date field.

(World) Training and dev databases split on so that we have a true training site there.

Version 4.3.2 - January 22, 2013

(World) Fix bug in rights prediction when reviewer pub date does not correctly override bib determined pub date.

Version 4.3.1 - January 21, 2013

(US) Fix bug with IsForeignPub() being called as a CRMS method rather than a subroutine. (Affected some offline scripts but was not user-visible.)

(World) Fix NGCOBA URLs for author names beginning with Mc and Mac.

Version 4.3 - January 17, 2013

No longer use hardcoded DB name in DBI->connect() for rights DB.


Fix small inaccuracies in export stats pages due to an SQL INNER JOIN against another table with occasional gaps in coverage.

(World) und/nfi reviews with nonmatching ADD data are no longer treated as a conflict. (This was supposed to be implemented in 4.2 but was reverted prior to release.)

(World) ic vs und reviews are resolved as und/crms as they are on the CRMS US side.

(World) Mirlyn view shows MARC instead of holdings on load. (Done pre-release.)

Version 4.2.2 - December 18, 2012

Correctly populate pub date checkbox when importing a user review.

Version 4.2.1 - December 17, 2012

Rename rights DB to ht_rights for HT database reorganization.

(World) Fix problem in user review data import for Conflicts and Conditionals.

(World) Add accesskey shortcuts to bring up AMICUS and LoC Authorities. (Done pre-release.)

Version 4.2 - December 12, 2012

Add Publisher Data page as interface for experts+ to data collected as part of the OWP.

Review browse/search pages no longer ignore bogus attr/reason codes as search terms.

Volumes with op/* rights (implies in-copyright) are eligible for candidacy.

The MDPCorrections email address is not longer hardcoded and can be overridden in systemvars.

Unavailable metadata errors in the review page are displayed in the standard error text area instead of being printed directly into the Stanford/VIAF (US/World) pane.

(World) und/nfi reviews with nonmatching ADD data are no longer treated as a conflict.

(World) Detail info page (linked from volume id in some browse/search pages) labeling and values updated for ADD/Pub date.

(World) Make sure icus/gatt is not submitted for pre-1923 works.

(World) Expert reviews initiated for Provisional Matches and Conflicts can import either original reviewer's rights, ADD, and note data.

(Security) Migrate DB user names and passwords into separate config file not kept under version control.

(Security) Add support for wildcarded (auto-quoted) SQL parameters in simple queries as safeguard against injection attacks.

Version 4.1 - September 17, 2012

Approximately double speed of user stats recalculation in overnight processing.

Fix "You have 12 volumess on hold" Gollum-esque bug.

If Rights DB is unavailable, fall back to local attr/reason mapping data and send email alerts at intervals.

Clear all non-expert holds in case expert reviews a status 0 volume.

Disable adding priority 3 or 4 if current user is admin but not expert.

Overnight processing ignores reviews less than 8 hours old, and temporarily locks down the system during the procedure, to make it safe for reviewers in different time zones.

New Export Data search/browse page for experts and above.

New Progress Dashboard.

Review page shows pub date range if there is a valid 008 date2 field in the volume metadata.

(World) Populate review page ADD/Pub date from previous review (if any), not Stanford cache.

Version 4.0.2 - August 8, 2012

Fix bug with Rights Query page retaining multiple copies of the query id(s) on subsequent form submissions.

Work around possible bug in recent MySQL causing non-wildcarded user id in 'Volumes with at least one review' to return too few or no results.

Version 4.0.1 - July 24, 2012

(World) Fix icus/gatt prediction for pre-1923 volumes (should be pd/add).

(World) Require pub/death dates to be from 1-4 decimal digits with optional preceding negative.

(World) Add "country" column to bibdata table for progress dashboard, and to speed up review page load.

Bring MDP Corrections mailto icon help in line with current practices.

Add PT view type selection to review page and cookify settings.

Version 4.0 - June 25, 2012

Contains the functionality needed to run CRMS US and CRMS World within the same codebase.

Version 3.4.2 - April 24, 2012

Unescape volume ids pasted into Add to Queue page that may be copied in percent-escaped from PT in browser address box.

 For example: dul1.ark:/13960/t01z4gm9g instead of dul1.ark%3A%2F13960%2Ft01z4gm9g

Version 3.4.1 - April 11, 2012

Fix bug where only one of a pair of reviews was checked for a hold prior to processing them.

Version 3.4 - March 22, 2012

Add "Review Now" links on appropriate volumes in the Add to Queue page, plus general usability enhancements.

Version 3.3.9 - February 28, 2012

A note category of "Missing" prompts the submitter with a dialogue box confirming they submitted an in-PT feedback report.

Inactive users are sorted to the bottom and shaded on the User Accounts page.

Version 3.3.8 - February 6, 2012

Attr/reason names are once again always read from the rights DB rather than being locally encoded.

Config filename can now be specified using a CGI parameter.

Reuse volume metadata to speed up adding a volume to the queue.

Version 3.3.7 - January 26, 2012

Fix bug causing ic/* reviews to be invalidated by a later und/crms autocrms (re-)review.

Inheritance reports now get the "CRMS Prod:" prefix as was intended in version 3.3.6.

Version 3.3.6 - December 12, 2011

Add mechanism to swiss by default when doing a conflict or conditional match; this behavior can be turned on/off at runtime (currently off).

Store version number in instead of (one less file to change every version).

Standardize on "CRMS Prod:" as the prefix for all reports generated in production.

Do not send exported determinations email in dev or training environments.

Version 3.3.5 - December 1, 2011

Fix bug in Volumes in Queue query: OR was being treated as AND in selection restriction.

Add ability to dynamically override all non-database CRMSGlobals::* values.

Version 3.3.4 - November 1, 2011

Fix bug caused by DB sanitization by which status 9 items were marked status 5. (Quoting Note Category kept it from recognizing the explicit string "Rights Inherited".)

Version 3.3.3 - October 31, 2011

Performance improvements in inheritance reports and queue loading by doing substantially less metadata fetching.

Sanitize database inputs from all (sub-expert) reviewer-accessible text form elements.

Remove "Expert Note" category from menu for non-expert reviewers.

Version 3.3.2 - October 6, 2011

Report mix of P1 vs other priorities in the nightly processing report.

Version 3.3.1 - October 5, 2011

Add "Added By" column to the queue table for display on the Add to Queue page.

Add CRMS FAQ/Wiki link to document pop-up menu in the Review page.

Version 3.3 - October 3, 2011

Add Columbia to institutions, to support new reviewer-in-training from there.

Add home page and nav menu links to CRMS Wiki/FAQ.

Version 3.2.5 - September 21, 2011

Candidates inheritance allows pd onto pdus/gfv rights.

Metadata issues encountered when considering a volume for the queue cause the volume to be filtered as no meta.

Remove redirect to https:// when web server HTTPS environment is not set; it was causing infinite-redirect problems with latte/mocha behind the new load balancer.

Inheritance report date ranges may optionally include times.

System Summary page displays breakdown by priority for last exported determinations.

Inheritances onto pd/bib, pdus/bib, and und/bib no longer allowed.

Version 3.2.4 - August 29, 2011

Fix ORDER BY Author white screen of death in historical reviews page.

Fix ORDER BY Previous Status 5 sometimes not seeing all the 5s in pending inheritance page.

Check for Missing/Wrong Record historical review in candidates inheritance report.

Fix missing source volume metadata bug in "sibling inheritance" cases (inheriting from a status 9).

Version 3.2.3 - August 23, 2011

Fix bug retrieving author on review page.

Ping database connections to work around occasional closed connection errors.

Handle no-meta condition in candidates inheritance report.

Version 3.2.2 - August 22, 2011

When checking for Missing/Wrong Record conditions in inheritance, additionally check the source volume id in case it has been corrected.

Fix possible bug in inheritance bailing out early when an id is in the exportdata table more than once.

Only show reviews from today in the My Unprocessed Reviews page, rather than all from the previous 24 hours.

Downcase volume ids in the Add To Queue page since the Bib API is case-insensitive and can't be relied on to catch volumes like "MDP..." as ill-formed.

Remove unnecessary columns from inheritance pages (Missing/Wrong Record from both pages, and Prior CRMS Determination, Prior Status 5 from auto inheritance).

Add a new database table, "orphan", to record volumes already submitted to the orphan works project.

Version 3.2.1 - August 8, 2011

Reorder queue update algorithm to do substantially less metadata fetching.

Remove metadata caching mechanism that may have contributed to out of memory conditions when doing large candidates loads.

Version 3.2 - July 15, 2011

Added MDPCorrections mailto link on the Review Page.

Reverted to ampersands in the Stanford Advanced Search and Mirlyn Classic links; these servers apparently doesn't speak Semicolon.

Version 3.1.2 - July 14, 2011

Replaced all escaped ampersands with semicolons as it's shorter and much easier to read, especially in "Next Page", "Last Page", etc. links.

Enable on-the-fly changes to PageTurner's URL to e.g., a dev site using the "pt" key in systemvars. (This can be done in production but is intended for use only in dev.)

(HathiTrust) PageTurner CRMS skin updated to include feedback link, and some small metrics fixes in the footer.

Version 3.1.1 - June 30, 2011

Bulletproofed somewhat against Rights DB outages.

No longer allowed to inherit from pd/ncn.

Can inherit onto */bib rights, not just CRMS and ic/bib.

No longer enforce constraints on (e.g.) date ranges when submitting inheritance.

Version 3.1 - June 23, 2011

Inheritance reports order tables by volume title (where appropriate).

Inheritance page split into auto (ic/bib rights) and pending (CRMS rights) inheritance pages.

Auto-inheriting volumes get approved (autocrms review) right before nightly processing, except on the day after a non-working day or when the system is down/partial.

Volume rights are re-checked before they go into the queue and if not still ic/bib, deleted from candidates.

In candidates inheritance, inheriting volumes that have non-ic/bib rights are disallowed.

Working day calculation updated with a custom UM HR calendar.

Added facility to disable (and display warning to admins when disabled) auto-inheritance.

Add to Queue as priority 4 now available for admins; no override needed to add any HT volume.

Added pd/exp rights option for admins.

Version 3.0.1 - June 20, 2011

Inheritance reports consult export data for current volume rights when newer than rights DB.

Inheritance report shows both source and inheriting volume counts for “unneeded” and “disallowed” categories.

Add column to Rights Inheritance page that indicates if any volume on the bib record has gotten a Wrong Record or Missing category from any reviewer.

Remove “Note: Tracking Info only reports on events...” from Inheritance page because volume tracking now looks at rights database info to try to identify pre-CRMS non-legacy determinations.

Inheritance page has dual “order by” and choice of Inherit/Export for date range constraints.

Inheritance page shows current rights from the rights DB rather than those stored in the database table.

Volume tracking page no longer blank when a nonexistent id is searched.

Inheritance reports bulletproofed against metadata unavailability; volumes are saved for checking the next day, similar to no-meta filtering.

Version 3.0 - May 24, 2011

Enabled rights inheritance for duplicate volumes (volumes on the same bibliographic record excluding any with enum/chron info) with no prior CRMS determination or prior CRMS determination with different rights attribute. Does not allow inheritance for volumes with determinations of und/nfi and note category = missing or wrong record

Enabled inheritance with respect to candidates - system checks candidates for duplicates that already have a determination june 2010 or later - if yes the new candidate inherits immediately. Also, if there is a duplicate copy already in candidates, the new copy is filtered temporarily so only one copy gets reviewed, then all duplicates inherit the determination.

Potentially inheriting volumes on the same record are displayed for admins to delete or accept via new page "Rights Inheritance." (Footprints ticket 122)

Disallow addition to queue of volumes when another volume on the same record is already in the queue.

New cron jobs populate the inheritance table and send nightly email reports on volumes from export and candidates that may inherit.

Volume Tracking page added.

Version 2.8.3 - April 19, 2011

Fix SQL error in historical reviews spreadsheet download.

Version 2.8.2 - April 18, 2011

Fix bug exporting und/nfi instead of und/crms in status 8s. (Footprints ticket 145)

Version 2.8.1 - April 8, 2011

Fix SQL quoting bug in submitting autocrms status 8 reviews.

Version 2.8 - April 7, 2011

Status 9 added for inherited volumes and autocrms reviews for inheritance project 2009-2010 (11/30/10) added. (Footprints ticket 133)

Status 9 related updates added to Determinations Breakdown and Export Stats.

Counts as well as percentages for Determinations Breakdown monthly graphs.

Graph of daily counts of status 4/5/6/7/8 removed from Determinations Breakdown page. (Footprints ticket 129)

Priority 1 frequency reduced to 6% random cutoff.

Inheritance reports run daily and emailed to relevant administrators. (Footprints ticket 132 for CRMS 3.0)

Derive access string (Full View vs Search Only) from Bib API rather than internal (faulty) logic - correct access status now displays in "Retrieve Volume IDs" queries.

Version 2.7.1 - March 21, 2011

Preliminary determinations breakdown page bad percentage calculation fixed.

Revised version of Decision Tree Help document.

Version 2.7 - March 17, 2011

Reviews that have an autocrms review because of a partial match get status 8 instead of 4. (Footprints ticket 132)

Export Stats, Determinations Stats, and System Summary updated to display status 8.

Added PDFs (admin/superadmin access only) documenting system generated reviews and status codes, updated for status 8. (Footprints ticket 130)

Do not update stats for pre-determination breakdown when the volume has an on-hold review. (Footprints ticket 129)

Version 2.6.3 - March 7, 2011

Increase minimum number of priority 0 volumes in the queue from 300 to 500 to prevent running out of priority 0 volumes and reporting an error condition. (Footprints ticket 142)

Better error handling when using HT Bib API to convert volume to system ID.

Version 2.6.2 - March 1, 2011

Fixed a problem with the determinations breakdown stats being updated too early (before rights export) so only zeroes were ever recorded.

Version 2.6.1 - February 28, 2011

Fixed problem with Detail Info (auxiliary page that opens in a new window from a volume ID link in Historical Reviews) being blank. (Footprints tickets 137, 141)

Use HT Bib API for all metadata retrieval. (Footprints ticket 138)

Overnight processing split into 2 distinct phases: candidates load which runs at 0800 (HT Bib update runs around 0600), and everything else which still runs in the wee hours.

Historical Reviews speedup in most normal use cases (if no bib related or sysid searching, no Volumes-type searches). (Footprints ticket 139)

Search Help updated to document the above caveats.

Added ability to download user stats data as tab-delimited text. (Footprints ticket 140)

Version 2.6 - February 10, 2011

Fixed problem with Review Date not showing up in the Order By menu on search pages. (FootPrints ticket 137)

Admins may add 1964-1977 published volumes to the queue as an override; Override Restrictions is decoupled from priority level. (FootPrints ticket 136)

Add to Queue page reports number of active reviews when adding/modifying a volume that is already in the queue.

pd/ncn submission rules changed for 1923-1963 and expanded for 1964-1977 volumes (see submission rules page).

User Levels document updated with changes to Add to Queue rules.

Priority can no longer be downgraded by anyone other than a superadmin.

Priority 1 frequency made a global variable in crms.cfg.

Version 2.5 - February 3, 2011

Fixed namespace extraction bug in rights database query that led to no results for miua/miun volumes. (FootPrints ticket 134)

Fixed bug where 'Volumes' search caused an SQL error and no results in Historical Reviews. (FootPrints ticket 135)

Status 2-4 (Preliminary Determinations) table added to top of Determinations Breakdown page. (FootPrints ticket 129)

Determinations Breakdown, Export Stats, and System Status page load times decreased via additional stats tables. (FootPrints tickets 80, 129)

Historical Reviews search page restored to its pre-2.3.1 speed in most cases by only folding in the 'system' table to the SQL query when it is part of the search/sort. (FootPrints ticket 80)

Hold expiration disabled when the system is down. (FootPrints ticket 126)

Monthly gov docs reports in place for automated distribution. (FootPrints ticket 109)

Monthly institutional stats reports in place for automated distribution. (FootPrints ticket 128)

Added Administrative Contacts document. (FootPrints ticket 131)

Version 2.4 - January 18, 2011

Added pd/add combination for admins. (FootPrints ticket 127)

Experts now can use the Add to Queue page. (also FootPrints ticket 127)

User Privileges PDF document edited to reflect the above change.

Review Search Terms PDF document edited to reflect the above change, and brought up to date in other ways.

Updated pdus/cdpp confirmation dialog with revised date range (1870-1908 replaced with 1871-1922).

Version 2.3.1 - January 12, 2011

Tables in the system Summary page are better aligned in columns, and all notes/footnotes are uniformly in a row at the bottom of their respective tables.

Authors and titles in the Stanford search URLs have parentheses, brackets, and braces removed (they tend to result in parsing errors).

On search pages, order by System ID menu item moved to a position consistent with the results table columns.

User Stats and Export Stats pages future-proofed against year increments.

User stats simplified to only store database entries for total pd, ic, and und rather than breakdown by attr/reason.

Query Rights Database page displays system ID in results with Mirlyn metadata link.

Version 2.3 - November 9, 2010

Show host name (, etc.) and database replication delay in System Summary page.

Changing to another (different kerberos) user not allowed in production. (FootPrints ticket 123)

Partially disable system (status "delayed") if database replication delay is 5+ seconds. (FootPrints ticket 124)

Retrieve Volume IDs page added. This displays all associated volumes with rights info for one or more Mirlyn/Aleph system IDs.

Use new "system" table to database for faster system -> volume ID lookup in anticipation of automatically finding duplicate volumes. (FootPrints ticket 120)

Historical Reviews page optionally shows system ID next to volume ID, to make it easier to find duplicate volumes. This can significantly slow down historical review queries, so we may opt to remove this feature in a future version.

User Levels/Privileges updated to reflect System ID availability to admins only, and that admins changing to other users is disallowed in production. (Added November 12, 2010.)

Version 2.2.1 - September 30, 2010

Fix bug with pd/crms, ic/crms, and und/crms not being shown on the Export Stats page, causing the total determinations to be wrong and not agree with the status breakdown.

Version 2.2 - September 28, 2010

Reviews with ic as one attr and und as the other count as a match; dummy "autocrms" expert review inserted when necessary (when not a provisional match) with und/crms as rights to export.

Version 2.1.1 - September 20, 2010

External admins can see held and active reviews (updated User Levels/Privileges document reflects this).

Decision Tree Help and Determination Guidelines updated.

Fix bug with swissed review with non-matching reason getting invalidated.

Version 2.1 - September 16, 2010

Reviews with matching ic/ren but different renewal info count as a match; dummy "autocrms" expert review inserted when necessary (when not a provisional match) with ic/ren as rights to export.

Reviews with matching attributes with different reasons are treated similarly; dummy "autocrms" expert review inserted when necessary with */crms to export, where * is the rights agreed on by the reviews.

autocrms reviews for non-matching renewal info summarize the conflict in the note text.

Renewal (id) column added to Provisional Matches page; unneeded Swiss column removed from Provisional Matches and Conflicts pages.

My Review Stats page merges Validated and Neutral reviews into a new category called "Valid Reviews".

Review Stats Help link and PDF file renamed to My Review Stats Help; content updated to match look and feel of the My Review Stats page.

Link to All Review Stats Help corrected to point to the right document.

Version 2.0.8 - September 8, 2010

Added institution-specific (UM-ERAU, IU, UMN, and UW) user stats pages showing tables for All CRMS Reviewers, All [Institution] Users, and then individual reviewers from that institution.

Added user privilege "External Admin" that allows viewing said institution-specific pages.

Updated User Levels/Privileges and Review Stats Help documents.

Decision Tree updated to version 1.5.6. (Added September 13, 2010.)

Decision Tree Help updated (some deleted material restored to cell E13). (Added September 14, 2010.)

Version 2.0.7 - August 30, 2010

Filter probable federal gov docs to und table (needed because some volumes have been missing the correct 'f' byte in 008).

Added utility to process these accumulated und/gov volumes on a monthly basis, generating a spreadsheet to send to systems so they can correct the volume metadata.

Version 2.0.6 - August 11, 2010

Downloading from a search page retrieves all matching records, not just one page worth.

Editing an existing review restores swiss, note, and category settings.

Updated decision tree help. (Added August 27, 2010.)

Version 2.0.5 - August 11, 2010

New version of Decision Tree Help and Determination Guidelines with clarifications about front matter.

Remove stale "Use Cases" link on search pages.

Version 2.0.4 - August 10, 2010

Use more stringent filters on import to candidates. (Pub date only from 008:7-10 must be decimal digits; 008:17 must be "u"; 008:35-37 must be "eng".)

Spell out crms-experts mail address in header to make copy-paste more convenient.

Make sure volume IDs are completely downcased when they come into candidates.

New version of Decision Tree and its Help file.

Invalidated "X" icon pink-filtered ("Barbie-ized") to make it less imposing.

Version 2.0.3 - July 22, 2010

Use renamed rights_log table in rights DB for rights query page.

Connect to rights DB only on demand instead of at CRMS object init time to prevent connection timeout on long-running scripts.

Version 2.0.2 - July 15, 2010

No longer call from overnight processing. The rights DB scripts will simply look for the latest export file.

Version 2.0.1 - July 7, 2010

Fix problem with pending status not being calculated for unprocessed volume breakdowns on System Status page.

Filter non-BK, pre-1923, post-1963, and gov docs before filtering to the und table.

Version 2.0 - June 21, 2010

Functionality for training site to clear demo volumes (high priority) from the system following an instructional session.

Functionality for training site to clear training items (reviewed but unprocessed) from the system following a practice session.

Updates to Decision Tree, Decision Tree Help, and rights/reason "cheat sheet" on the review page.

Version 1.9.1 - June 8, 2010

Updates to Decision Tree Help and Determination Guidelines documents.

Fix to queueing code that more correctly follows documented logic.

Training site reset button removes all priority > 0 items from queue and removes any historical reviews in the "original set" (of 32,559) reviewed after May 2010.

Version 1.9 - May 25, 2010

Changes necessary to run training facility.

User stats page displays validation rate for all (non-expert) reviewers instead of average validation rate.

Documentation added: Stanford Renewal Database Help.

Documentation updates: modifications to Review Search Help, Decision Tree, and Decision Tree Help (now links directly to a PDF with hyperlinks to HathiTrust).

Version 1.8.3 - May 21, 2010

Add 150-character limit to system status message and change message box metrics to better fit a long message.

Add Decision Tree Help and Not Class A docs.

Revisions to search terms page and better linkage (w/o icon) from search pages.

Add cheat sheet (attr/reason) pop-up in review page.

Version 1.8.2 - May 13, 2010

Add support for non-integral priorities.

Load all 2490 Indiana University volumes (inu. namespace) from candidates to queue as priority 1.5.

Version 1.8.1 - May 11, 2010

Link to Review page from My Held Reviews titles.

Update a number of help documents and add two (Determination Guidelines and Review Stats Help)

Fix navigation glitches for users whose top privilege is Expert.

Remove reason breakdown (just show attr totals) on user stats pages.

Version 1.8 - May 6, 2010

Massive navigation redesign.

Cosmetic tweaks to many pages.

Enforce more consistency in page naming/titling.

Several more help/documentation items added.

Version 1.7.1 - April 28, 2010

Use status 7 for accepted provisionals.

User stats (all) page shows invalidation rates.

Minor facelift to user stats pages with removal of median validation rate.

Bug fix: no longer exclude non-expert admins from total non-expert reviews count for validation stats.

Store validation stats in userstats table (populated overnight) for decreased page load times.

Version 1.7 - April 19, 2010

New user categories (advanced reviewer, super admin) and user admin page facelift.

und/nfi matches become status 4 (all status 6 items changed to status 5).

Non-advanced reviewer matches become status 3.

Provisional match and conflict pages show lock icon and disable edit link when locked by another user.

Review page shows source (conflicts/provisional match) for experts.

Version 1.6.1 - April 5, 2010

Candidates timestamp preserved in und table.

Version 1.6 - March 31, 2010

Ability to delay processing on a review when the reviewer has a question.

Filter likely und volumes from getting into candidates or the queue. They go to a separate table.

Show number and percentage of neutral reviews in user stats pages.

Version 1.5 - March 22, 2010

New "wide" style volume search, in which search terms may match multiple reviews.

The "Swiss option" for neutral expert reviews that do not invalidate existing non-expert reviews.

Ability to accept and generate dummy expert reviews for provisional matches.

New note categories (Not Class A, Expert Note, Edition, US Gov Doc) and changes to existing ones (Insert(s), Periodical).

Version 1.4.1 - March 9, 2010

Only Anne can add priority 4 items. (Will be changed to only superusers when new user properties are added in 1.7.)

Validation is done based on latest expert review, potentially invalidating earlier expert reviews. (See historical review of inu.32000011311000 for an example.)

Enhancements to database sanity checking.

Test suite for dev added.

Version 1.4 - February 17, 2010

Display average validation rate in user stats pages.

Groups added to exportdata/historicalreviews tables so breakdowns of total exports always add up to the same number.

Review search pages have three restriction fields, and a NOT operator.

Review search pages reset/clear button sets all fields to default values.

Version 1.3.8 - February 4, 2010

Support for locking down the system fully/partially.

Support for informational messages to users about impending downtime.

Partial correction to determinations breakdown with a closer approximation to status 4/5/6 totals.

Version 1.3.7 - January 20, 2010

User stats, determinations breakdown, and export stats pages show 2009 data in addition to 2010.

Determinations breakdown primarily uses the exportdata table, not historicalreviews, for better accuracy.

Version 1.3.6 - January 13, 2010

Optimized GetNextItemForReview SQL to handle rereport02-size queue and reviews tables.

Fixed some new year related issues in the export stats page.

Items are now removed from candidates when they go into historical and are removed from the queue.

Speedups on queue status page. Keep track of item/review source in queue and historicalreviews. Currently used: {candidates, adminui, rereport, legacy}.

Version 1.3.5 - December 21, 2009

Added indexes on various critical columns in several database tables.

Added admin "determination breakdown" page.

CRMS now cookifies reviews-per-page and volumes-per-page entries so values are restored across sessions.

CRMS tries to ensure metadata read into bibdata fields is forced to UTF-8.

Fixed a bug in median validation rate by which rates were skewed to the low side because of users with no reviews for a given time period.

Fixed a bug in "add to queue" that rendered it inoperable.

Version 1.3.4 - December 2, 2009

Use MySQL DATE, rather than YEAR, for pub_date in candidates and bibdata. This allows for years earlier than 1901.

Redundant pub_date in queue table removed.

Filter non-English publications from candidates and queue.

Import queue entries from candidates using a random start year and then a date cycle for more even coverage.

Date cycle in "queue for review" code removed.

Status 6 introduced to mark 3 matching und/nfi reviews.

Version 1.3.3 - November 17, 2009

Stanford author search defaults to "simple" instead of "advanced".

Allow "Translation" note category for pdus/cdpp reviews.

New queue search page for admins.

Add to Queue page gives a summary of all high-priority (2+) items in the queue.

Historical reviews shows and can search/sort by pub date.

Support for priority 4.

XHTML conversion and validation of review page solves some of the problems with Internet Explorer.

More thorough locking/checking is done to prevent multiple expert reviews for the same volume; new error messages added.

Selecting items for review favors older items to clear out queue items added months ago (affects in particular priority 0 items).

Version 1.3.2 - November 9, 2009

User stats are now recalculated during the wee hours of the night, rather than updated every 5 minutes.

User stats are calculated only on historical reviews. User stats page shows how many as-yet-verdictless reviews they have.

Historical reviews page can search and order by validation status (new database field).

Enhanced "Add to Queue" supporting priority 3 and overriding year and format restrictions.

Expert's review page shows volume's priority and a link to any reviews for it.

No longer use fiscal years in reporting.

Admins "posing" as another user log out to their home page as original user, not out of system entirely.

Substantially updated the "CRMS Reviewer Help" page.

Version 1.3.1 - October 22, 2009

Search by volume option (plus slight facelift) on all search pages.

Search by date ranges, plus calendar popup for easier date entry.

"Jump to page" navigation enhancement on all search pages.

Rights database query page added to admin functions.

Version 1.3 - October 7, 2009

Display correctness/validation status in historical reviews (new verdict column) and user stats.

New look for queue status page.

Updated scripts for loading priority 0 and 1 legacy reviews.

Admin can switch users and then revert without logging out.

Search pages repopulate forms with page's search parameters.

Added note to search help page on wildcard searches.

Admin search pages can sort by priority.

CRMS version number visible on all pages (except review page).

Page titles are set to "CRMS [- Development] - page name" format, to cut down on confusion and make navigation easier.

Version 1.2.1 - Sept 10, 2009

New look and feel for user stats (similar to export stats).

Priorities added to reviews, historicalreviews, and queue status; these can be searched on.

Added support for downloading tab-delimited export stats data; other tweaks to export stats display.

Added basic infrastructure for 2007 re-reviews; more work needed when policy solidifies.

Version 1.2 - Aug 31, 2009

Added export statistics page with tables and graphs.

Started using CRMS logo and adopting its color scheme.

Cleanup of "Search Help" page (keys.html).

Configuration change to use mirlyn-aleph for bc2meta queries.

Fixed navigation paths for some pages.

Version 1.1.2 - Aug 26, 2009

Added 200% option in HT zoom menu.

Updated Use Cases from Greg.

Version 1.1.1 - Aug 20, 2009

Added links to the Use Cases document from home page and the various summary pages.

Version 1.1 - Aug 19, 2009

Enhanced “View Your Review Rate” for reviewers and “View User Review Rates” in admin area

Historical Reviews can now have more than one review by the same user

Added Dissertation/Thesis note category

Default to Boolean “AND” for searching (instead of “OR” as default)

Set percentage view in Hathi pageturner from the review pane (to maintain percentage view after submission – this is now a cookie, so as long as you have cookies turned on this should maintain the percentage you last chose even after you logout)

Add new rights/reason combination – pdus/cdpp

Fixed bug to ensure that text remains inside the text box when typing a note

Changed the Mirlyn link to search the new/VuFind Mirlyn and changed the link to old/classic Mirlyn to “Mirlyn C.”

Fixed error message in unrefreshed expert and und/nfi views

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