The OpenCog utilities is a miscellaneous collection of C++ utilities use for typical programming tasks in multiple OpenCog projects.
The main project site is at
To build the OpenCog utilities, the packages listed below are required. With a few exceptions, most Linux distributions will provide these packages. Users of Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty Tahr" may use the dependency installer at scripts/octool. Users of any version of Linux may use the Dockerfile to quickly build a container in which OpenCog will be built and run.
C++ utilities package | libboost-dev, libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-regex-dev, libboost-serialization-dev, libboost-system-dev, libboost-thread-dev
Build management tool; v2.8 or higher recommended. | cmake
Test framework |
The following are optional, but are strongly recommended, as they result in "pretty" stack traces, which result in far more useful and readable stack traces. These are requires, and not really optional, if you are a regular OpenCog developer.
The GNU binutils linker-loader, ahem, cough, "Binary File Description". | binutils-dev The linker-loader understands calling conventions.
The GNU GCC compiler tools libiberty component. | libiberty-dev The GCC compiler, and iberty in particular, know stack traces.
Documentation generator under GNU General Public License | doxygen Generates code documentation
Perform the following steps at the shell prompt:
cd to project root dir
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Libraries will be built into subdirectories within build, mirroring the structure of the source directory root.
To build and run the unit tests, from the ./build directory enter (after building opencog as above):
make test
After building, you MUST install the utilities!
sudo make install