In some cases you do not want to install something directly on your OS, because it can create caches, hidden directories, etc. and you will loose track of it
OS: Linux
To install:
git clone $HOME/dockerized
And add it to your path in .<bash|zsh|etc>rc
# You need to prepend it to path to overwrite what you have in your path
export PATH=$HOME/dockerized/bin:$PATH
# Or, to just add new functionality, add this
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dockerized/bin
- php
- composer
- phpunit
- phpco
- phpcs
- phpcbf
- phpmd
phpmd . text cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode
- phpstan
phpstan analyse [folder]
- node
- npm
- npx
- yarn
- gulp
- docker-purge-all
- docker-stop-all
- docker-update-images
- rancherize
- rancherize-latest
- http
- gtt
- wizzy
- cypress - acceptance testing / end-to-end testing