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This repository contains everything to host a Kubernetes workshop.

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Kubernetes Workshop

This repsitory contains everything to host a Kubernetes workshop.

Repository structure

The repository contains all sources used in the hands-on parts of the workshop.


Under services/ are all services with their source code and a Dockerfile to built the images.

Kubernetes files

  • Under k8s-examples/ you can find examples for the resources we are going to create during the workshop
  • Under k8s-solutions/ you'll find all resource specifications for our services we use during the workshop.


The docs/ folder contains all documentation available to the participants of the Workshop.

Available at

Setup Google account structure

  • Create a Google organization:
  • Add another account which hosts the projects
    • Enable billing for the account
    • Add at least $50 to the account to allow limit increases
    • Request a limit increase for the project limit inside the billing account (default: 5)
    • Create x projects
      for i in {1..30}; do gcloud projects create k8s-workshop-xyz-$i; done
    • Add each project to the user in Google Identity:
      for i in {1..30}; do gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding k8s-workshop-xyz-$i --member user:user-$ --role roles/editor; done
    • Enable billing and GKE clusters for all projects
      for {each project} do
    • Create a Kubernetes cluster in each project
      for i in {1..30}; do gcloud config set project k8s-workshop-xyz-$i -q; gcloud container clusters create my-cluster --region europe-west3 --cluster-version 1.12.8-gke.10 --num-nodes 1 --async; done
    • Test the status of each cluster
      for i in {1..30}; do gcloud config set project k8s-workshop-xyz-$i -q; gcloud container clusters list; done
    • Test the connection to the cluster
      for i in {1..30}; do gcloud config set project k8s-workshop-xyz-$i -q;  gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-cluster --region europe-west3; kubectl cluster-info; done
    • Delete each cluster
      for i in {1..30}; do gcloud config set project k8s-workshop-xyz-$i -q; printf '\n' | gcloud container clusters delete my-cluster --region europe-west3 --async; done