Posts with questionable syntax decisions
Posts on Codedrift about Codedrift. It's a bit meta, but now nobody likes that word
Posts during "the current project"
Normalized data is adjective_id
Because everything is just some form of print()
Completely underqualified thoughts on how things should look
Posts about making STEM more diverse
This issue or pull request already exists
All about Expo (
Making (mostly) edible things
Posts during my time at Gaia Online
Dedicated to the posts that never found a home
A wonderful way to get information
Ideas YOLOed into the Internet
GraphQL as a Service for Postgres
Extra attention is needed
The process behind a successfully growing team
The browser that wouldn't die
It's been a hell of a ride
Posts during my time doing L&D consulting and training
Software is a human process
Instruction, but with a formal fancy name
Posts while we built the world's largest professional network