This is a simple web starter project that includes Bootstrap, jQuery, and D3 and various Grunt tasks I developed for a class I teach. This template uses build and watch Grunt tasks to stage and test a website. The build folder will be generated in dist
and source files in src
1. Install Node
To install this template system, you first need to install Node/NPM on your computer. The LTS version is recommended.
2. Clone repository
Next, clone (or fork) this repository using the Terminal program on your Mac (command line). It is recommended to change your directory using the cd
command to a location where you want to serve and work on your project. i.e. cd ~/Desktop
before running the command below.
$ git clone
3. Install this template system
Next, move into the directory you just cloned, and run the command below to install all of the dependencies. This only installs them within this folder.
$ cd web-template
$ npm install
Now, you're ready to work on the project. Open the folder in Sublime.
It's easiest to install Grunt globally, so that you can use simple grunt tasks. I've added a couple of scripts in case you wish not to install globally.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
If you don't want to install Grunt globally, to run the two grunt commands I've setup use npm run
$ npm run grunt
Open your web browser to the url given and work on the project!