The Tagesschau is a news program of the ARD (abbreviation for "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland"), which is produced by ARD-aktuell in Hamburg and broadcast several times a day. ARD-aktuell has been the central television news department of ARD since 1977, which in turn is a broadcasting association consisting of the state broadcasting corporations and Deutsche Welle.
Current news and media articles are available in JSON format on via the API documented here.
ATTENTION: : The use of the content for private, non-commercial use is permitted, but publication is not - with the exception of content that is explicitly under the CC license ( It is not permitted to make more than 60 requests per hour.
Selected news and breaking news that are shown on the homepage of the Tagesschau app.
Current news that can be filtered via GET parameters:
Parameter: regions
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
State: 1=Baden-Württemberg, 2=Bavaria, 3=Berlin, 4=Brandenburg, 5=Bremen, 6=Hamburg, 7=Hesse, 8=Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 9=Lower Saxony, 10=North Rhine-Westphalia, 11= Rhineland-Palatinate, 12=Saarland, 13=Saxony, 14=Saxony-Anhalt, 15=Schleswig-Holstein, 16=Thuringia. Multiple comma-separated specifications possible (e.g. regions=1,2).
Parameters: ressort
- inland
- ausland
- wirtschaft
- sport
- video
- investigativ
- wissen
Department/subject area
Current channels (im Livestream: tagesschau24, tagesschau in 100 Sekunden, tagesschau, tagesschau 20 Uhr, tagesthemen, nachtmagazin, Bericht aus Berlin, tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, tagesschau mit Gebärdensprache)
Parameter: searchText
search text
Parameter: resultPage
Parameter: pageSize
Search results per page (1-30)
tagesschau=$(curl -m 60