UNSTABLE! use @ your own risk
docker docker-compose
Move config.example.py to config.py and edit to match your environment.
run docker-compose up
to start
- words in Cube names start with are capital letter or can be capitalized
- you have enabled TM1s REST api (HTTPPortNumber=xxxx),
- make sure you have configured your firewall to allow xxxx
- you have a user that is allowed to read all relevant objects on the tm1 instance
- you don't dynamically write to multiple cubes from the same process. eg. you don't do "CellputN(vCubeName, ..." where vCubename is NOT a constant.
- you assign cube names to constants in the prolog of load processes
It is MIT so steal it, tune it, break it and make it better.
- Make sure cache clearing actually works ...
- Migrate ALL THE THINGS to tm1py
Stop docker from writing shit as root into local folder
fix name of flatfile objects - currently backslashes from windows fs don't show
make dimensions a valid target for processes to write to (parse for dimensionelementinsert, dimensionelementcomponentadd, attrputs, attrputn)
create sample instance
- steal and ammend example from big blue? Which one is good?
- run automated integration tests on this instance
improve test coverage (up from 0)
use some odata library to query tm1
create objects smarter via some json magic
comply with Pythons PEP8 (formatting) and PEP257 (docstring)
Rank time complexity for subgraphs
create multiple views on the output (via python cmd interface ?)
- Create output for D3.js (example: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4339083) [Edward Stuart]
get object sizes (including feeders ...)
- on disk
- in ram
Scheduling and parallel execution of processes
- via "packages" as independent components of the dataflow graph
- via knapsack-like optimizer
- general case is NP hard
- in this case greedy should work brilliantly
- add estimated runtime
- maybe create input file for cubewises hustle (https://hustle.codeplex.com/) needs c#/.net :(
logfile parser
- integrate into class objects?
Add Source Code Control system via git & REST
- also use it as a form of CI
- maybe simple cmd line script to push process from filesystem to server via rest api?
perform various model checks
- unused
- dimensions
- cubes
- processes
- groups
- high feeder:data ratio
- automated "overfeeding"-cubes (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/financial_management/analytics/page620.html #5)
- cube and dimension filesizes
- dimension: one element consolidations
- dimension: hierarchy checks
- dimension: elements without data and rule calculations (feeder flags)
- unused element ratio = elements with data / all elements
- cube: dimension order and sparsity checks
- load time analysis
- cubes
- feeders (rules)
- empty subsets
- unused
create possibility for processes to have multiple targets
get ignore_tech_objecs to work
make the output graph pretty (dimensions clutter it up)
Check whether MultiDIGraph makes sense -> nope!
Dimension and Dimension -> Cube mapping
REST Connection
- description of REST API: http://swagger-ui.cubeac.com/#/
- alternative, easy tool written in PERL by some smart person: http://www.bihints.com/graphing_tm1_data_flow
- usefull regex playground: https://regex101.com/