An open-source website designed to display CTM-STATS.
This website is built with the following tools:
- Node.js: Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
- React: The frontend code is developed with React and TypeScript.
- Ant Design (Antd): An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library with a set of high-quality React components—considered one of the best React UI libraries for enterprises.
- CSS Modules: This project uses CSS modules and SCSS.
- Supabase: All CSV data is stored in an SQL database.
- Docker: Docker is required to run the Supabase environment.
To run this project, you need to install Docker Desktop and Node.js version 18 or higher.
Once you have installed these tools, you can execute the following commands:
npm i # Install dependencies
npx supabase start # Create the Supabase environment
Once your Supabase containers are running, if you want to include all the information, you need to go to this repository and execute a few commands explained here. (I have plans to integrate everything into one repository 😅)
After importing all the information, you need to create a .env
file like this with your environment variables.
# These values appear after you run the `npx supabase start` command
Then, you only need to run ``npm run dev`, and you will have the development environment.
There's also the npm run test command to run the unit tests. We are using vitest and react-testing-library.