I am a Deaf, post-doctoral, experimental particle physicist involved with the ATLAS collaboration at CERN looking for signs of new physics Beyond the Standard Model. I care about boosted object reconstruction, hadronic final states, jet substructure, pile-up mitigation techniques, the intersection of particle physics & machine learning, and more!
🔭 As this is GitHub, you're probably wondering about my software know-how, so let's code-switch (get it?). In general, I'm familiar with quite a few common languages used in academia, however my most familiar ones are C/C++, Python, Haskell, Bash, LaTeX, as well as the web languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). I currently do a lot of work as a core developer for pyhf
and contributor to the Scikit-HEP ecosystem.
✨ I'm passionate about testable code, Continuous Integration, and reproducible physics. Check my personal website for my CV and ways to get in touch with me.
😄 Pronouns: he/him/his