Very simple script to ping a remote IP address and inform user via PushBullet when it is down. I use this to monitor my fully featured monitoring system (Usually Nagios) and inform me if that is down.
Should work on /most/ Linux distributions with Python installed.
You will need a PushBullet account and your API key:
Replace the following in the script with your key: [PUT YOUR PUSHBULLET TOKEN HERE]
The script is set up to be "fire and forget" as it will generate a thread and continue if the user leaves the session after setting up.
==To Run==
Use: python
(Replacing with the actual address you would like to monitor)
- The script will currently check every 5 minutes, when it is down it will check every hour and notify the user by PushBullet.
--This needs to be variable and changable, the user should be able to acknowledge the alert.
- A way to kill the script without having to kill the process. (Daemon?)